25 April 2015, 10:58,
City Slicker
Posts: 872
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Joined: Oct 2012
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Steve is right. They're desperate for cash & by any means possible. I was in utter disbelief when I was once asked by a copper "why should you expect to be able to see a police officer when you walk into a police station to report an incident without an appointment?" I asked her if she was serious & to just think about the question she had just asked. I told her I expect to see a copper because that's what our taxes go towards & if she asked 10 people in the street, I bet every one of them would expect it aswell.
It turns out because of budget cuts, they're severely understaffed. Fiddling the figures & stealth cuts is rife allegedly. Though I got that info from a different (trusted) source.
Sunna, dvla charge "approved" companies about £2 for your info. That's all you're worth. I read a few years back the dvla earned more through selling details to parking firms than they did through official funding.
25 April 2015, 11:01,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Wife used to be a council car park attendant in North Devon, we have heard ALL the excuses, "I'm only.....", obey the rules or get a ticket, its as simple as that, if you do nothing wrong then they cant give you a ticket.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 April 2015, 11:11,
City Slicker
Posts: 872
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Joined: Oct 2012
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
I agree to a certain extent BP. The grace period will be a good thing & also at hospitals, if you are in for any treatment, you shouldn't have to pay. My wife had to take me to the local hospital on Tuesday morning about 4am. We had to make a detour 1st to the cashpoint as they charge for parking & the cashpoint located at the hospital charges you £1.50 for every £10 OF YOUR OWN MONEY YOU WITHDRAW. They shaft you both ways. Also they've developed a new trick at the hospital, you have to guess how long you'll be ill for. It's £1.10 per hour, or £4 for 24hrs. But if you don't pay the £4, you have to keep feeding £1.10 in every hour. They're obviously counting on people just putting in £4 every time to avoid a parking fine. It's a bloody joke.
Apologies as my rants here are not prepping related. Mods, feel free to delete if you feel it's appropriate.
25 April 2015, 11:19,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Rob, I keep a small bag of coins in the car for parking purposes, and I overpay!! if we go somewhere and we think we will be up to an hour I pay for 2 hours "just in case" I figure its cheaper to pay for an extra hour than go over time and get a parking ticket....but I don't see anybody else doing the same, many people get to a car park and then say "but I've got no change"...they KNOW they are going to a car park but don't have change for parking? people are stupid.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 April 2015, 11:22,
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Your right SD we / I did not STAND UP which may well be the problem in general ...people steer to a path of least resistance ...submit rather than fight ...and put themselves through a lot of action...this being the norm rather than the exception , which the powers that be....any powers that be that is manipulate to the full, the maintenance of control yea heavy stuff but true , pretending to be fair and upright and the illusion of honesty is defended with vigour by the establishment ...by soldiers of the same to enforce their will including a full time job and no time limit to carry out the enforcement or remodel to accommodate any resistance ....plus a nice pension thrown in , if enough fight...vote....it might just change the status quo for ordinary folk...but don,t hold your breath.
25 April 2015, 11:30,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
maybe its more about following the rules, which are there for everyone not just the few. if we don't park in the wrong place, if we don't drive in bus lane's, at excessive speed, if we put enough in the parking meter to cover the time away from our vehicles, then maybe we wont get a ticket. its about "covering our backs" and NOT giving "them" the chance to fine us or whatever it is. I guess people...especially British people just like to moan...its sort of a national obsession, but if we don't give them the opportunity then we make life easier for ourselves. people these days "don't see the consequences of their actions", maybe its time they did.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 April 2015, 11:43,
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Could not agree more BP rules and laws are for everyone and quite rightly so and should be...and seen to be, if you break the law YOU should pay the prescribed penalty or loss of your liberty.....now just explain WHY NO bankers have not gone to jail for fraud and deception or is it acceptable for them to pay a fine....oh there,s that discount again! or WHY sorry by any member of parliament exonerates them for fiddling expenses ? i could go on but enough for to be going on with aye.
25 April 2015, 11:51,
Posts: 15,257
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
I guess fraud and deception is harder to prove than say speeding or parking offences? do you see how long it takes to get someone into court...months and months. anyway enough of this, lets get back to prepping and survival shall we?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 April 2015, 12:05,
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
A payment of a fine....any fine....is to admit liability of guilt... off over the workshop for big tidy up....i may be gone some time.