9 April 2018, 20:16,
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RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
There is not a great deal of similarity between the French and British Police. The set up is different and they answer to different Departments of the Government, depending upon which branch of the Police force they belong to. The main difference you would notice (as a tourist) is that the French Police are armed and are prepared to use force if necessary.
With regard to the position on stop and search in France - there is a lot of ethnic profiling. The French are quite racist (no matter what Macron and his little cronies say), and Arabs in particular do not incur much sympathy. Probably a lot to do with Algeria.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
10 April 2018, 08:47,
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RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
if a crime is committed by a black person you don't stop and search all the whites, stands to reason.
if a crime is committed by an under 18 year old you don't stop over 25 year olds.
its common sense, but when has anyone had common sense in 21st century Britain?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 April 2018, 11:37,
RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
Its pretty much a big part of what MB said the other day , we end up with loss of more freedoms and give it away freely without much of a fight....thinking its being done with our best interests....common sense ? not got that much to do with it.... loosing rights and freedoms is easier to explain....stupidity .....just like allowing the free movements of people within the EU with no boarders ...now ...that is both STUPID and COMMON NONE SENSE.
10 April 2018, 22:41,
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RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
(9 April 2018, 19:23)Mortblanc Wrote: BTW anyone remember this from last week?
6 April 2018, 15:32, #6
Mortblanc Online
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RE: What's going on over by you all?
I do not think you are seeing the "Big Picture" being laid out in front of you.
There are probably no more stabbing and shootings than in the past and they have been listed as "accidental incidents" rather than crimes so the reputation of the nonviolent Englishman would prevail.
When crime statistics suddenly and dramatically increase there will always be a push to control that crime by limiting the rights of the citizens. That always sounds good as long as it is the other guys' rights that are being stripped. You have to control "those people".
What new intrusive laws do they wish to pass, encouraged and allowed by the public to ensure their own "safety".
Chances are that within two weeks new laws will be proposed against knives and firearms, and they will not just affect London, but every citizen on every lane in GB.
Yes, but I would be interested to hear what you might propose doing instead?
11 April 2018, 01:31,
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RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
(10 April 2018, 22:41)LAC Wrote: (9 April 2018, 19:23)Mortblanc Wrote: BTW anyone remember this from last week?
6 April 2018, 15:32, #6
Mortblanc Online
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RE: What's going on over by you all?
I do not think you are seeing the "Big Picture" being laid out in front of you.
There are probably no more stabbing and shootings than in the past and they have been listed as "accidental incidents" rather than crimes so the reputation of the nonviolent Englishman would prevail.
When crime statistics suddenly and dramatically increase there will always be a push to control that crime by limiting the rights of the citizens. That always sounds good as long as it is the other guys' rights that are being stripped. You have to control "those people".
What new intrusive laws do they wish to pass, encouraged and allowed by the public to ensure their own "safety".
Chances are that within two weeks new laws will be proposed against knives and firearms, and they will not just affect London, but every citizen on every lane in GB.
Yes, but I would be interested to hear what you might propose doing instead?
Well, remember that you asked my opinion, so here it is.
If more laws are the answer I have a resounding solution. If someone is killed outside a pup, which seems to be where a lot of these killings happen, close the pub! If the Pub had not been there it would not have happened, correct?
If people are killed at a buss stop shut down the buss service. That will take care of that problem.
The knife is the problem, so everyone that has a knife is the problem, and since every kitchen in every house is a repository of criminal devices then EVERYONE is already a criminal just looking for someone to kill. Off with their heads!
Yes those are ridiculous responses, but so is treating people carrying their SAK discretely in their pocket as being criminals, with the knife being prima facia evidence of evil intent.
I especially noted that morons comment that "there is no good reason to carry a knife". That was rich, and the exact wording of our anti-gun activists over here.
I would propose a very simple response that would include no more draconian laws that will only be followed by the law abiding citizens and have no effect on the criminals. You are dealing with a different nation now, wake up and realize that.
Criminals break the law! That is their job, just like going to work is yours!
1. Enforce the laws that are already on the books. The criminals are already breaking the laws that exist now and should prevent their actions. They are ignoring those laws. Why would they care what laws a few terrified people pass.
2. Reinstate the 20,000 law enforcement officer positions that were cut in the past decade because they offended the sensibilities of the liberal elite, or were instituted by campaign donations from organized crime to make their life easier. That way you will have someone there to enforce the laws you already have.
3. Arm and properly train you police. If the ones you have are not trainable get others that are. The old days, when the police were social workers, are gone. You are dealing with drug lords using juvenile gangs as their private armies and international terrorists now. Unarmed police are a joke to them.
4. Reinstate the death penalty for murder and/or heinous crimes, then use it. Apply it in force to all involved in any criminal conspiracy or terrorist plot that results in a death. An act by one member implicates all members of a cell or gang equally.
Lac, I can turn out a usable machete in 15 minutes. I can make a good knife in a half hour and a shiv in 5 minutes from household materials. So can anyone else that wants too, even if they do not have an extensive workshop.
I have seen people killed using toothbrushes, ink pens and melted Styrofoam cups. Yes I have seen it with my own eyes. At the start of my career I taught in a prison educational unit. It reshaped my thought processes for life.
Knives, screwdrivers, pencils, ink pens, toothbrushes, Styrofoam cups...where does it end?
You can not regulate out of existence the edged tools that have been the base of human survival from day to day for 2 million years.
Bet now you wish you had not asked.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
11 April 2018, 03:26,
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RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
(11 April 2018, 01:31)Mortblanc Wrote: (10 April 2018, 22:41)LAC Wrote: (9 April 2018, 19:23)Mortblanc Wrote: BTW anyone remember this from last week?
6 April 2018, 15:32, #6
Mortblanc Online
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RE: What's going on over by you all?
I do not think you are seeing the "Big Picture" being laid out in front of you.
There are probably no more stabbing and shootings than in the past and they have been listed as "accidental incidents" rather than crimes so the reputation of the nonviolent Englishman would prevail.
When crime statistics suddenly and dramatically increase there will always be a push to control that crime by limiting the rights of the citizens. That always sounds good as long as it is the other guys' rights that are being stripped. You have to control "those people".
What new intrusive laws do they wish to pass, encouraged and allowed by the public to ensure their own "safety".
Chances are that within two weeks new laws will be proposed against knives and firearms, and they will not just affect London, but every citizen on every lane in GB.
Yes, but I would be interested to hear what you might propose doing instead?
Well, remember that you asked my opinion, so here it is.
If more laws are the answer I have a resounding solution. If someone is killed outside a pup, which seems to be where a lot of these killings happen, close the pub! If the Pub had not been there it would not have happened, correct?
If people are killed at a buss stop shut down the buss service. That will take care of that problem.
The knife is the problem, so everyone that has a knife is the problem, and since every kitchen in every house is a repository of criminal devices then EVERYONE is already a criminal just looking for someone to kill. Off with their heads!
Yes those are ridiculous responses, but so is treating people carrying their SAK discretely in their pocket as being criminals, with the knife being prima facia evidence of evil intent.
I especially noted that morons comment that "there is no good reason to carry a knife". That was rich, and the exact wording of our anti-gun activists over here.
I would propose a very simple response that would include no more draconian laws that will only be followed by the law abiding citizens and have no effect on the criminals. You are dealing with a different nation now, wake up and realize that.
Criminals break the law! That is their job, just like going to work is yours!
1. Enforce the laws that are already on the books. The criminals are already breaking the laws that exist now and should prevent their actions. They are ignoring those laws. Why would they care what laws a few terrified people pass.
2. Reinstate the 20,000 law enforcement officer positions that were cut in the past decade because they offended the sensibilities of the liberal elite, or were instituted by campaign donations from organized crime to make their life easier. That way you will have someone there to enforce the laws you already have.
3. Arm and properly train you police. If the ones you have are not trainable get others that are. The old days, when the police were social workers, are gone. You are dealing with drug lords using juvenile gangs as their private armies and international terrorists now. Unarmed police are a joke to them.
4. Reinstate the death penalty for murder and/or heinous crimes, then use it. Apply it in force to all involved in any criminal conspiracy or terrorist plot that results in a death. An act by one member implicates all members of a cell or gang equally.
Lac, I can turn out a usable machete in 15 minutes. I can make a good knife in a half hour and a shiv in 5 minutes from household materials. So can anyone else that wants too, even if they do not have an extensive workshop.
I have seen people killed using toothbrushes, ink pens and melted Styrofoam cups. Yes I have seen it with my own eyes. At the start of my career I taught in a prison educational unit. It reshaped my thought processes for life.
Knives, screwdrivers, pencils, ink pens, toothbrushes, Styrofoam cups...where does it end?
You can not regulate out of existence the edged tools that have been the base of human survival from day to day for 2 million years.
Bet now you wish you had not asked.
No I don't wish I had not asked. I asked for exactly that reason, to hear your opinion.
I also agree with much of what you say. I also believe every Law Abiding Citizen (that's what LAC in my user name stands for) should be allowed to carry a knife or a gun. The object only does what it is commanded to do by the person carrying it.
As I've also said in a previous post on another thread - they need to ENFORCE laws. And also have very tough sentences for the criminal use of weapons not used for self defence - the trouble is UK law as it currently stands does not allow the public carrying of a weapon for the purpose of self defence, it is simply classified as an offensive weapon and deemed illegal.
The amount of resources being directed to police social media for so called hate speech is very telling of a government terrified that people are becoming so fed up with decent people being treated as criminals (and speaking up about it), and a blind eye turned to real criminals, that tax payers money is being spent protecting the political system that proliferates the problem and doesn't give a dam about the innocent law abiding victims.
So what would I propose if I ruled the UK?
1) Start at the educational level - Teach at school:
Critical thinking (The Trivium - Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric. Or in more modern terms, Input, Process, Output), as the basis for all further education.
Good citizenry, the history of the great men and women of our nation, to inspire and instill a sense of national pride and values.
Emphasise service to others and ones community and nation as one of the highest forms of morality.
Bring back class essemblies and compulsory physical education.
Steer and guide students to their strengths, and emphasis finding their unique purpose and place in the world as one of their highest goals in life.
2) In further/higher education, I would conduct a nationwide skills assessment, and in areas where skills need to be met, offer all courses that meet those needs free of charge for British Nationals but paid for by foreign nationals. All courses which have very little demand in the economy, such as a degree in David Beckham (I kid you not) would be charged at a rate proportionate to help in offsetting the cost of the free courses.
3) In areas of crime, bring back proper hands on physical presence policing, and enforce laws. In other words crime prevention rather than policing the crime after it has taken place. Tough sentences that are completely served, not half on licence. Also get prisoners working, not kept in cells for 23 hours a day. Could even get prisoners to help build more prisons if they are needed (how poetic would that be?)
Just a few examples of my ideas if I ruled Britannia lol.
11 April 2018, 09:21,
RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
Well .....you got MY vote LAC...yep i might change my mind and VOTE.....MB ....run for congress !....Trump look out !....hold on boys ! .....to f...ing sensible......tone it down a bit first(or after you get in ) ...no need to bollocks things up for everyone (in power).
11 April 2018, 14:10,
Pete Grey
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RE: Is this for semi-automatic "assault-knives"?
MB and LAC have hit the nail on the head.
When will TBTB realise that knives don’t kill people, people kill people, same with guns, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.
WE have sufficient laws so enforce them rigorously. Increase the police and train them for today’s problems, increase the number of armed police always ready to deal with terrorism and organised crime, police should be on the streets not on computers in a nice warm office, we do not yet need all police to be armed while on duty but all police should be weapon trained, so if TSHTF they can be armed to control the sheeple, (then we can get on with OUR survival plans).
Bring back the death penalty for terrorism and murder, also for accessories to these crimes.
By education make people realise that laws MUST be obeyed or you suffer the consequences, if necessary make people to frightened to break the law.
The trouble is no government has the guts to go this way.