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Thoughts on homegrown militia?
18 April 2013, 19:31,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
(18 April 2013, 19:21)Jack Wrote: We are going a bit off topic here but I do see why because of your own situation why your opinions are as such.
But for those of us that choose to stay for what ever reason it's an issue that if not addressed imposes risks.
Plans can change and people find they have to be fluid in adapting to these changes which is why I have a back up bug out plan with several redundancies allowing me to make fluid changes to fit as wide a list of scenarios as possible, some of us that plan to leave may find they cannot, or its less safe to do so... If I where a bandit I would set up outside of a city and identify any roads on or off Tarmac that people fleeing may take as they are the ones most likely to have the greater amount of stores and so more attractive targets.
A militia may well be what helps these people to leave by policing these rogues.
that is why i am nowhere near a city and havent been for 14 years, i may stay here(small market town) or i may bug out (plan B), if the latter i have several routes and several BOL's in ALL directions, none of which entail going by ROAD either in a vehicle or on foot. anyone in a city would be advised to leave BEFORE shtf or find a safe place to hide within the city if they cannot leave, once TSHTF the roads will be blocked by refugees-going nowhere fast.
watch any WW2 newsreels for documentaries on refugees-they arent going anywhere they're just leaving.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 April 2013, 22:46,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
Having an area patrolled by a militia could be useful but its not going to work in my favour. Only 2people I am interested in "saving" post collapse are a nurse and a ship captain. Recently got talking to a ex army survival trainer/expert. Talked for awhile and british doomsday preppers was mentioned, he told me what he would do if tshf and it was the complete opposite of what I would do. Glad I kept him talking as i could of ruined my opspec if I thought he was worth befreinding
19 April 2013, 08:52, (This post was last modified: 19 April 2013, 09:01 by bigpaul.)
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
"Militia's" sound too much like a private army, who makes the rules and how do you enforce them? what do you do if people disobey? say someone gets murdered or raped=are you willing to take LETHAL punishment? if so have you got a hangman or a firing squad ready?? i would run a hundred miles away from this kind of setup, and i think most people of sound mind would do the same.

its one thing protecting your home or village but i think you mean in a larger more general context, a bit like our county Police Force or even Army?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 April 2013, 09:02,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
(19 April 2013, 08:52)bigpaul Wrote: "Militia's" sound too much like a private army, who makes the rules and how do you enforce them? what do you do if people disobey? say someone gets murdered or raped=are you willing to take LETHAL punishment? if so have you got a hangman or a firing squad ready?? i would run a hundred miles away from this kind of setup, and i think most people of sound mind would do the same.

didnt think of that mate good point ,they would be the total law ,so any type of voting would soon fall apart
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
19 April 2013, 09:08,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
After a few months (When the human wave has died off) there will probably be lots of little "militias" under a warlord, controlling little fiefdoms.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
19 April 2013, 09:19,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
(19 April 2013, 09:08)Tibbs735 Wrote: After a few months (When the human wave has died off) there will probably be lots of little "militias" under a warlord, controlling little fiefdoms.

depends how many of the chavs, scum and street gang members survived and may be something that will happen with the survivors in the cities, i cant see many country people putting up with this sort of thing, any mention of militia and your liable to get your head blown off with a shot gun at short range! if we have a large die off(i think 90% was mentioned) i dont think this will be a problem anyway, people will be too spread out to be a nuisance, even 50% is only a HALF survival rate and was the most the Black Death achieved.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 April 2013, 09:25,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
The black death did have global transport, motorways, trains and planes and people didn't travel any major distance to work

I have wondered what something like the black death i.e. killer disease with no known cure would do in todays modern global society. Just thinking say if me and the OH where carriers just look at the jobs we do and where we work we could infect a minimum of 3 towns/cities and potentially many more if such a thing happened
19 April 2013, 09:44,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
(19 April 2013, 09:25)I-K-E Wrote: The black death didnt have global transport, motorways, trains and planes and people didn't travel any major distance to work.

yes, your right of course, any pandemic would spread widely due to peoples long commutes and travel in general, in that case a nearer the 90% death rate COULD be achievable, in which case i think this subject is probably a non starter as people will be more widely spread, and with only a 10% survival rate we wont have the numbers to cause problems in the first place .
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 April 2013, 11:03,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
A lot is based around ifs and buts as is the nature of such a variety of preps, 'if' social and or economic collapse is the catalyst then yes many will die but would like to see where the 90% world or uk dead comes from?
In any case there will still be around 7 million people left on this island as the remaining ten percent.
The original 63 million inhabitants will likely have the same idea... "Let's get to the country as out of the way as possible" and make their way first to small villages on the maps and dispersing from there into the country spreading the entire journey with them diseas and pestilence as sanitation becomes an issue and lack there of. Until finally you begin to get bodies piling up in the once picturesque market towns and rolling hillsides, people become more desperate and disponadant of their situation, the death rate climbs faster due to disintary cholera and lots of other nasties due to contaminated water, they turn on other groups and actively seek them in those once thought safe havens in the country looking for smoke, evidence of vehicles, wood collection so on etc etc until found, killed pillaged and rested ready to move on to the next.
The quickest way to fall victim to groups is to go it alone, there will always be an exception to the rules like BP who may never leave a trace and outwit or outmatch any potential pirate in the countryside.
The entire history of the human race can be used to show that groups are key to survival.
I understand the stance some people take that they do not care about the human race and some may not even wish its continuation (I felt this way after they cancelled firefly but got over it) but a militia, already described as a small trained unit of men and not a national army, to protect crops and the women and children we wish not to be raped or killed by people outside or inside the group is, again, key to survival. Laws and governance become that of a marshal law, no courts and no jury would be feasible as no due process could be achieved.
Of course there will be militia that are corrupt and make it up as they go but they will inevitably disband or be imalgimated into a democratic militia. Due process of the law can start to be inacted courts and correctional facilities manned as well as utilities and sanitation, in no small part and I would say more or less completely down to having a structured, trained militia from the start who in turn help to found a new government.
Of course I shal be the leader and make every town and street name begin with Jack and reinstitute old laws allowing me to get first dibs on newly weds first nights.
First born sons shal be named Jack and our new national religion shal be Jedi.
It is my belief that to be prepared information must be deseminated and distributed as quickly as possible to those that have the ability to teach and deliver those lessons they learn
Those that can not teach must be taught to act that can not act must be protected that would mock ignore and harm be addressed.
19 April 2013, 11:40,
RE: Thoughts on homegrown militia?
i think any militias will be a long way down the line, maybe even measured in years, immediately post SHTF people will just be trying to find food and water and stay alive, it will probably be "kill or be killed" unless you can get into an area with a low population in the first place...which is my plan..(.IF i have to leave here), stay hidden, keep quiet, no cook fires during the day and show no lights at night.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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