25 January 2012, 11:14,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Library weekend?
(25 January 2012, 10:40)preservefreak Wrote: is this still happening on the 31st of March?
Date is the same. Venue is to be finalised.
26 January 2012, 23:51,
Vir of Telum
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RE: Library weekend?
31 January 2012, 14:21,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Library weekend?
OK. Venue is sorted out. Thanks for the help for those that offered.
The venue is a Pub with all day food, free parking, next to a train station and easy to get to. They are going to reserve part of a room for us to talk and have our meet. From anytime after 0900 to closing time.
Can those that are coming drop me a PM and I will supply the address. I'm keeping the address quiet at this stage for OPSEC reasons.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
7 February 2012, 00:36,
Vir of Telum
Posts: 965
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RE: Library weekend?
I & 1 other min will be attending.
7 February 2012, 10:15,
Vita Navitas
Posts: 6,038
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RE: Library weekend?
Skean Dhude,
I don't need to say it, but myself and AlyBear will be coming.
I'm going to stop off at my parents make it a long visit, followed by a visit to the Trafford Centre.
9 February 2012, 14:47,
Joe Poncho
Posts: 48
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RE: Library weekend?
Due to unforeseen circumstances I will not be able to make this one.
9 February 2012, 14:48,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Library weekend?
Not a problem. If it all goes OK then we will arrange others.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
10 February 2012, 15:25,
prepper operator
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RE: Library weekend?
Hurrmph, best laid plans of mice and men, I was planning on reading an extract from one particular damn good book and encourage folks to buy it, but I've hit difficulties with the author so I'm scrapping that idea (another lesson learned). So I'm struggling to find anything else that I feel would fit the occasion so to play safe and not to rattle any more cages I'll just list the books I currently keep on my bookshelf, its not a complete list by any means, but I get the feeling life will be easier if I let people find books for themselves.
Book list, factual and fictional.
Northern Raider
One set for reference and planning, the other set for mental preparation of how to handle likely scenarios.
AfterLight Alex Scarrow
Aftermath, Charles Sheffield (Very Good)
After Doomsday, Poul Anderson
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand (Hard to grasp )
Alas Babylon, Pat Frank (Truly a superb classic)
Amerikan sunset, Jennifer Ladewig (Drivel)
A Wrinkle in the skin, John Christopher (A character essay )
Black Sun, Robert Leininger Very good
Blood Crazy, Simon Clark
Crabs, Guy Smith
Comet, (The) Robert Charles Very Good
Damnation Alley, Roger Zelazny Better than the movie
Day after Tomorrow, (The) Whitley Strieber
Day by Day Armageddon J L Bourne (SUPERB BOOK )
Day By Day Armageddon Beyond Exile J L Bourne ( 2nd in series)
Day of the Triffids, John Wyndham
Death of Grass, John Christopher
Deathlands, Jack Adrian
Deluge, Fowler Wright
Deluge, Richard Doyle
Drought ,(The) JG Ballard thought provoking
Drowned world, (The) JG Ballard interesting
Down to a sunless sea, (either version) David Graham (Truly great, another classic)
Earth Abides, George R Stewart 2nd only to Alas Babylon
Earth Winter, Richard Moran
Eternity Road, Jack Mc Devitt Interesting future shock
Empire of Ice, Richard Moran
Empty World John Christopher
Famine, Graham Masterson
Flood, Richard Doyle
Freeman, (The) Jerry Ahern
Heavy Weather, Bruce Sterling
Ice, Arnold Federbush depressing
Icefire, Judith & Garfield Reeth Stevens entertaining
Ice Quake, John R Spencer
Kraken Wakes, (The) John Wyndham
Last Light Alex Scarrow
Last Ranger, (The) Craig Sargeant ( Rambo wannabe crap)
Living is Forever J Edwin Carter
Lucifer's Hammer, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle. (Becoming a classic)
Long voyage back, Luke Rhineheart (In the top ten of all time )
Long Loud Silence, ( The) Wilson Tucker
Last ship, (The) William Brinkley
Malevil, Robert Merle
Moonfall, Jack Mc Devitt
Night of the Triffids, Simon Clark (Good follow on from Day of the Triffids)
New Madrid Run, (The) Micheal Reisig
On the beach, Neville Shute
One Second After William R. Forstchen (will become a classic)
Out of the Ashes, ( Ashes series) William W Johnstone
Plague 99, Jean Ure
Plague of the dead (Morning Star Saga) Z A Recht
Patriots, James Wesley Rawles (A Brilliant piece of work)
Postman, (The) David Brin
Resurrection Day Brendan Dubois
Rift, (The) Walter J Williams
Savage Dawn, Robert Cole
Shiva Descending, Gregory Benford
Some will not die, Algis Budrys
Stand, (The) Stephen King
Survivors Terry Nation ( British Classic)
Survivalist, (The) series Jerry Ahern
There Falls No Shadow David Crossley
Third Pandemic, ( The) Pierre Ouellette
This is the way the world ends, James Morrow
Thunder & Ashes (Morning Star Saga) Z A Recht
Virus, Japanese Author ( lost from my collection)
When the City stopped, Joan Phipson
Wild Shore ( The) Kim Stanley Robinson Deep stuff
World in Winter ( The) John Christopher
Year of the quiet sun, Wilson Tucker Surprisingly Good
48, James Herbert
8.4, Peter Hernon good read
28 Days Later, Alex Garland
All good stuff for making your mind more accessible to the possibilities and permutations. Most of these books are very thought provoking and make you think about some concepts you otherwise mare have overlooked.
My Favourites are ALAS BABYLON and Patriots, and Day By Day Armageddon, but One Second After is gaining in my esteem.
10 February 2012, 16:43,
(This post was last modified: 10 February 2012, 16:58 by NorthernRaider.)
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RE: Library weekend?
Y'know what bugger him, I'm going to read an extract from his book if my back lets me get to the event, and if I can create a demand for his book the bugger will have to get more printed 
I've spoken to and been told off by David Crossley author of TFNS  , He is hoping to continue the trilogy via Kindle and further paper versions if the situation permits. I hope he does I hate unfinished trilogies. Best I can suggest is interested peoples E mail him and ask him to keep their details for notification of new publications.
30 March 2012, 21:25,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Library weekend?
Stupid panic buying!!!!!!!!!!
Due to the retardation of the sheeple, I've been advised that Warrington is pretty much out of petrol and it would be unwise for me to come up this weekend.
Stupid F**KING SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry everyone. For the first and only time, I've got to let you guys down.
Massive apologies to everyone!!!
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