Some of the wall has always been a fence. It is chain link, 20 feet tall and topped with barbed wire with motion sensors and cameras and patrolled by men, dogs and drones. No one here ever expected the "wall" to be a brick and mortar structure.
It will probably also not be a solid unit, but sections covering the easiest access points and channeling smugglers and border crashers to points where successful crossing is impossible.
As for the health care, it is not like your NHS in any shape or form and is a bit difficult to comprehend.
The Obamacare that will remain is the provision for covering preexisting illness, which is part of most good insurance plans over here, and the provision for adult children to remain on the parents plan until age 24 if they are still in school, which is also part of most good plans.
This is backpedaling to what we had before Obamacare.
The really objectionable part of Obamacare is not just the horrid insurance but the forced purchase of insurance at whatever price the provider declares. The government has forced most of the providers out of the market by not paying the promised subsidies, so many people have only one provider to choose from. This year most of the rates from those limited providers went up by %400. I have friends that have insurance premiums that are more than their incomes, and they are not "poor" people. This is for a 80/20 plan with $10k deductible, which is actually no insurance.
They face a government fine for not having the insurance, which means that Obama does not care if you have insurance, or anything about your health care, as long as the government can collect its fines, which are the only alternative when insurance is more than income.
Since these fines are collected by the IRS, our tax agency, this makes Obamacare the largest tax scam in history.
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