2 November 2020, 16:20,
Posts: 1,402
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RE: Second wave
Wow! SS. Someone actually saw an upright Police Officer? I thought they were all practising kneeling techniques.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
2 November 2020, 16:37,
Skean Dhude
Posts: 5,367
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RE: Second wave
People are just plain stupid here.
Honesty is the best policy, unless you are guilty. In which case honesty doesn't help.
You can travel in the UK but and lets be sensible here you can't tell plod the truth. They have proved time after time they are not on your side. They are enforcers of the state will and are not your friend.
The whole thing is a farce with knee jerk politicians just throwing their power around. I ignore it all as much as i can.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
2 November 2020, 17:23,
RE: Second wave
Hiding techniques would fit the bill Mary ! And yes SD honesty of a 68 year old lady did not get her anywhere at all just £900.00 pay out for being honest and could Ill afford .....no one can ignore that or any other examples designed for maximum effect buzzing around social media no doubts .
When you consider that police officers are in short supply , that’s why the game ( now you see me now you don’t ) continues on ....on a shoe string , and let’s face it this is the welsh valleys ....not London ! .....even Cardiff you would struggle to see a copper .
2 November 2020, 19:44,
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RE: Second wave
Or policing naughty people on Twitter.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
19 November 2020, 17:30,
Posts: 3,493
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RE: Second wave
I just read on Sky news that the place where infection is most common is the supermarket.
Imagine that!!!
The only place left where one is legally allowed to go and obtain the necessities of life!!!
If you eliminate the possibility of human contact, except for one spot, of course that one spot is going to have the highest number of infections! How stupid can a group of people be.
Reminds me of life on the Serengeti. You know the predators are watching the waterhole, but you must have water to survive.
And leave it to some animal rights advocate to decide to eliminate this problem by fencing off the waterhole so the animals can't go there!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
19 November 2020, 21:31,
RE: Second wave
We are using click n collect (Asda) for fresh foods , once a week ! ...... not that it’s a big order ....but the run keeps the engine management warning light off , and the battery charged up.
Shelves of disappearing stock is becoming more regular I am hearing ? Some friends are staying in touch on the dog n bone only ! .......there are lots of Corvid 19 cases around here ! My one grandson is now self isolating for fourteen days from yesterday ..........no symptoms showing yet ! .....he is ten years old.....how? .......football ! .
It’s most worrying .
19 December 2020, 13:20,
RE: Second wave
Well it’s going from bad to worse here in South Wales .....covid cases are raising with every day passing and as a result more deaths , we are noticing the roads are going quieter ....but this maybe the schools are now closed ? .
It looks like another lockdown is coming for the whole of the UK and not just Wales , it’s hard to tell given all the mixed messaging being churned out ! , everyone I speak to are to scared to venture out ....even to shop for food and are relying on home deliveries ( if they can get one ) or click n collect if they have to , our hospitals are close to being overwhelmed with more covid cases and staff shortages because of the pressures of a job that has been full on for the past seven months with next to no rest bite , and the annual uptick of normal stuff that winter brings.
Even worse is the job losses and home repossessions that are going to step up a few gears in the coming months , no vaccine is going to prevent that from happening ! And on such a scale worldwide ! ....if anyone is expecting things to go back to NORMAL sometime soon ..........I have bad news......it will not ! ....those days are long gone, it will be a very different set of new rules ! ......small family businesses are folding left n right , pubs and restaurants also dropping like flies .......ready for the big boys to step in and cleanup .....they can ride out the storm especially with help from tptb .........the only thing that seems to be doing really well is Food Banks ! ....and that is not me being funny , it’s a cold hard fact ! .....that’s right now here in the UK ....and the USA is on the same road , at least it’s what I am reading !.........becoming more self sufficient is no longer some kind of hobby or fad ....it will become a way for your very survival ! .....there is no time left for faffing about , if you think things can’t get any worse ....it most definitely will in 2021 and beyond .....digital money / credits is a coming down the track , no more cash ! .....the main reason Covid 19 was made for......Global reset of all financial markets .......we are about to loose and come last ! Again folks.
I do hope I’ve cheered you up and lifted your spirits with my little chat ......never despair ! Never give up ! Always prepare .
19 December 2020, 20:23,
Skean Dhude
Posts: 5,367
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RE: Second wave
Yet, deaths are still down now. Testing is finding people with Covid, those that have had it and those that don't. They all add to the numbers to keep the sheep under control. Deaths are now down significantly, and we are now in a normal flue period anyway.
Isn't it strange that people are still catching the ordinary flu and colds. The isolation for Black Death Pt 2 should protect them but it isn't because they are not really isolating, just playing at it. If BD2 was spread as far as they say we would all have it now and if it was as bad as they say them most of us would be dead.
The whole thing is a farce. I go out regularly and the number of people not wearing masks or wearing them around their necks so they can quickly deploy them in a fine avoidance mode gives me hope.
We really, really, want a new set of politicians, ones with some common sense would be a good start. But we all know common sense isn't that common.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 December 2020, 00:14,
RE: Second wave
The whole thing is a farce ? Ok SD no arguments from me ! But it’s not about the virus at all is it .....that is just the vehicle used to deliver the means to a end ......to see a real farce look no further than lack of PPE at the start of this lot (after a dummy run of a pandemic which highlighted the shortages and suggested shortfall ) plus the test and trace shambles .....the mixed messages ......following the science bullshit ....it go's on and on ! ......these actions are not actions of stupid people as they would have us all believe ( because that would make sense for us to follow and swallow after all politicians are stupid and never held down a real job ) WE on the other hand see all this stupid behaviour and it’s obvious to us ....yet not to them ? ......they just follow the script as handed down to them .....if proof is required as to the scripts existence just look at any other country's actions .....you will find similarities .......so what is the plan ? ....the world plan that is ....why would anyone want to collapse the financial markets what is the agenda .....who will gain the most out of all this shit ? .......something for you to ponder on ...or just let it all run straight over the top of your head ! .....in any event .....things are not as they appear....perceptions and insights anyone can get wrong ? It’s up to you .
20 December 2020, 09:47,
Posts: 15,264
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RE: Second wave
second wave? I think we are into the third wave at least.
London and the South East have gone into tier 4, lock down conditions, because that is where the infections are rising and where this new variant strain is to be found, not surprising when you see all the idiots there not obeying the rules and having protest gatherings putting everyone else at risk.
I saw the pictures of all the sheeple trying to leave London before the new rules came into force, crass stupidity.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.