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Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
29 May 2017, 16:23,
Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
29 May 2017, 18:04,
RE: Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
Have a respectful memorial day. I was going to say happy, but perhaps that's not the best word to use.
In the UK we have Rememberance Day, which falls on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (November) as that was the time and date of the Armistice during the First World War.
29 May 2017, 20:37,
RE: Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
We celebrate 11 Nov. much as you do in UK. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation on June 1, 1954 designating it as a day to honor American veterans of all wars, which we now call Veteran's Day.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
29 May 2017, 20:38,
RE: Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
We celebrate your "Remembrance Day" as our Veteran's Day to remember all troops and their service whether dead or alive.

Our Memorial Day is specifically to honor the fallen.

Many of the older folks still refer to the holiday as Decoration Day and make trips to leave flowers at the graves of loved ones.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
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29 May 2017, 21:10,
RE: Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
Yes I do recall that now. It's honourable that you have one specifically for the fallen.
30 May 2017, 14:48,
RE: Memorial Day (US) aka Decoration Day
I missed this yesterday,I hope the day went well for everybody.
It's always good to remember those who gave their lives for the good of their country.

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