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sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
23 September 2017, 21:33,
RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
To be honest MB .....anyone wanting to sexually assault a infant or child obviously has mental problems (in the eyes of a normal thinking person ) i can only imagine (they) feel empowerment and enjoyment in equal the singular sense ....then we have (the pack or group sense) "Paedophilia" grooming,hunting and photographic sharing along with group child sharing.....what does the Law say on such matters ....does it match MY thinking view seems extreme ....tptb would like to bang them up in prison for some totally inappropriate stretch of time ....with the value added ...let out early for good behaviour and be stuck on some bloody list where they are forced to report to the local police station....until they commit the same crime again......our police are under staffed ,under funded and have better things to do (like catching the bastards and being more preemptive ).... .......does the penalty fit the crime.....NO .....we are living in times when funding of our prisons is tight with staffing even tighter....keeping scum like these incarcerated costs big bucks ....we could save shit loads of money......lastly i could care less what The Law really interprets what the rule of law should be ....what use is it ,if the law is not fully implemented....even when our police do the job ....only to witness some of these bastards walk wonder moral is low ! i hope this answers you MB and makes MY VIEW a bit clearer .....if not i can only offer my apologies.... i will leave it there before i really get started on the other stuff that gets me.
24 September 2017, 17:02,
RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
SS your passion is overwhelming, which is exactly what law makers desire from the public. Blind passion that allows passage and enforcement of arbitrary laws.

The issues that concern me are not the punishments dealt to serious repeat offenders in real situations of criminal acts against infants, but the misuse of the laws that get passed by knee jerk reaction so someone can claim their passion to "save the children".

I have lived long enough, and worked with teens and young adults long enough to see the system and its laws intended to "save the children" fully exploited and abused. Consider the association with "age of consent" and "child sexual abuse". They are very closely linked although neither of them is a steadfast age or well defined action.

I have seen 19 year old men sent to prison charged with Sex Trafficking for taking their 17 year old girl friend across state lines to a rock concert.

I have also seen an 18 year old woman sent to prison because she was pregnant with her 16 year old boyfriend's baby. The pregnancy was prima facia evidence of statutory rape. The age of consent in that location was 18 and any contact with a "minor" was rape according to the law.

In the U.S. the "possession" of child porn is a severe crime. Possession of "inappropriate" pictures of anyone under 18 is considered child porn. It is up to the court to define each individual picture and its nature, so pictures of the local secondary school swim team can be defined as child pornography with the local news announcing there were 5,000 "indecent pictures" on the swim team coaches school computer going back for 20 years. Even if it gets thrown out of court he is ruined.

Crimes against infants are one thing, but most of the "sex offense" actions brought to court are parents operating against boyfriends/girlfriends they do not like, consorting at an age that would be considered "age of consent" in many areas, or at ages when they would have been married just a century ago.

Even Europe can not agree on a uniform "age of consent" and the U.S. laws are just as sparotic.

And some nations have decided that their laws follow the citizen to other nations. 16 is age of consent in most of the EU. Germany is still 14. No state in the U.S. has age of consent below 17. By present law an 18 year old man could have an affair in Germany with a 15 Year old woman, return to the U.S. and be charged with rape even if the woman or her family had no objection to the relationship.

What each nation does with clearly defined and deviant predators is up to those nations, but I feel that the laws should be written precisely and clearly to avoid misuse and arbitrary application.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
24 September 2017, 18:35,
RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
I see and appreciate your view MB and i very much agree with all of it ....and indeed the main thrust of LAW and how that is dished out and the interpretation there of ....does a good lawyer mean Laws can be manipulated by the use of reasonable doubt (either way) of course you very eloquently point out ...because the laws are not well defined laws they leave room for certain abuse on both sides ....that real does frustrate me even more...and like you i have lived long enough to see ....things are getting worse not better the point that WE need to except the mess as the new normal ...except that these bastards need our help and understanding, it needs more discussion on what we can DO for THEM they are more deserving than ordinary descent folk....well you know where i stand !
24 September 2017, 18:55,
RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
Let's get this in context. The Rotherham pedos preyed on vulnerable girls (often below IQ or kids in care). Age of consent does not have anything to do with this. It does not apply to rape, sadism, manipulation by administration of drugs or alcohol. The human trash that carried out those crimes, in my personal opinion, should be dog food!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
24 September 2017, 18:56,
RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
Actually, strike that, I wouldn't want to contaminate an innocent dog!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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