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Don't Mess With Texas
28 February 2018, 18:32,
Don't Mess With Texas
The Denton County Sheriff in Texas issued a public memo Tuesday telling his deputies to think twice before running from danger. Sheriff Tracy Murphree told his deputies he expects them to engage with and put down an active shooter should such an incident arise, he wrote in a memo.

“We do not stage and wait for SWAT, we do not take cover in a parking lot, and we do not wait for another agency. We go in and do our duty. We go in to engage and stop the shooter and save lives,” Murphree wrote...

(At least one Texas school district that posts that school staff are armed is located in Denton County, which is just north of Fort Worth and just northwest of Dallas.)

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
28 February 2018, 21:38,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
This memo by Sheriff Murphree looks a little like PA.

Having never been in a life or death situation i am not qualified to comment on the behaviour of any law enforcement personnel.

Ordinary officers would not have the training or equipment to deal with such a dangerous situation, perhaps if all police vehicles carried body armour just in case it would be a good idea.

I write this as my thoughts on the terrible shooting, not to criticise or cause offence to anyone in the US.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
1 March 2018, 04:08,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
Pete, over here all police officers go through a 6 month training course, conducted by their state and not the local entity, and much like military boot camp. Many of them also have prior military service. Many departments will only hire former military personnel since they are greatly pre-trained and usually in better physical condition than the average guy off the street.

Our police are thoroughly trained in active shooter situations, and they are all armed.

There is almost no such thing as an "ordinary Police officer" in the U.S., meaning one that is not armed. Every patrol officer is issued a handgun and most officers carry long guns in their patrol cars. Unlike over there, we would be insulted if a police officer arrived at our call to handle any and every possible situation and he had no firearm. A gun in a policeman's belt is not considered a threat. It is a difference in culture.

The presence or absence of body armor is not relevant to the situation at hand because only the very top rated body armor with ceramic plates will stop high powered rife bullets. And most departments do furnish body armor for each officer, most require that it be worn while on duty.

And when the county police arrived on scene at the Florida shooting, and they were not SWAT officers, they did not hesitate to enter the building while the local police cowered outside.

Perhaps if our FBI were not so busy acting as a private secret police force advocating a one party political system they could have prevented this without any bloodshed at all. They had reports on this shooter, had his name and address along with his problematic record, and were simply to busy trying to railroad our president to check this shooter out and take him off the street. It is sort of like they wanted it to happen.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
1 March 2018, 12:25,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
Sort of like they wanted it to happen...

Not sure if any of our US members have read about this. I was totally struck by the seeming 'coincidence' of talk about training and arming teachers post the tragic events in Florida, and then a teacher armed with a gun starts freaking out. Sort of like they don't want (teachers to be armed) it to happen.
1 March 2018, 12:28,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
(1 March 2018, 12:25)LAC Wrote: Sort of like they wanted it to happen...

Not sure if any of our US members have read about this. I was totally struck by the seeming 'coincidence' of talk about training and arming teachers post the tragic events in Florida, and then a teacher armed with a gun starts freaking out. Sort of like they don't want (teachers to be armed) it to happen.
7 March 2018, 12:34,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
Much to be discovered on this but I now doubt many things I read in the media especially when it comes to things like guns and schools.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
7 March 2018, 16:55,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas

...After the latest mass shooting, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., last month, President Trump amplified calls to train and arm educators, roiling the teaching profession and infuriating gun control advocates who see yet another inappropriate — and potentially disastrous — duty being heaped on teachers.

For all the outcry, though, hundreds of school districts across the country, most of them small and rural, already have. Officials not a political statement, but as a practical response to a potent threat.

At least 10 states allow staff members to possess or have access to a firearm on school grounds, according to an analysis by the Education Commission of the States...local districts have varied their approach to arming educators — in Ohio, guns are kept in safes; in Texas, they can be worn in holsters or kept in safes within immediate reach.

A Florida state legislative committee approved a $67 million “school marshal” program this week to train and arm teachers — over the vocal opposition of Parkland residents.

In Texas, some public school systems have been quietly arming teachers and administrators for more than a decade. Teachers and other school personnel who volunteer to undergo specialized training receive approval to either carry a concealed firearm in school or have one within reach.

... Uniformed, armed officers cost $200,000 a year, and an insurance policy of $100,000 a year includes coverage for its staff with access to firearms. Those are negligible costs for a school district with a $36 million budget, the superintendent said.
Nicki New, the parent of three students in Sidney schools, supports the security measures taken by the district...

Windows and doors are numbered in the district’s schools, and visitors have to be buzzed in. Each school has a panic button and security camera system that feeds to the sheriff’s office. Every school has a uniformed, armed guard, mostly retired sheriff’s deputies, every day from bell to bell. The high school has a specially trained officer and a bulletproof window between the secretary and visitors.

And if all else fails, there’s a secret group of 40 educators — teachers, principals, custodians, secretaries — called a “first responder team” that can retrieve firearms in under a minute.

The team was vetted by Mr. Scheu and Sheriff Lenhart, and completed a 16-hour training course that includes firearm safety, unarmed defensive tactics and basic gunshot first aid. Its members are required to attend a concealed weapons course, as well as additional monthly trainings at either the firing range where they practice marksmanship and in school-based simulations where they practice in the hallways, identifying threats and eliminating them with air guns.

Since the team was created, it has responded to one incident, this past August when a student brought a gun to school in his backpack. It did not require a member to retrieve a gun.

The measures here met some opposition at first, from the town’s teachers union and police chief, who were concerned about gun safety.

But Rick Cron, the armed guard at Sidney Middle School, said he would put members of his team up against any law enforcement officer in Ohio. The state only requires that officers fire 25 shots a year; his team members shoot at least 600.

“It’s the teacher’s responsibility to protect the kids, no matter what, and they do it already,” Mr. Cron said, “but without the tools...”

Nicki New, the parent of three students in Sidney City Schools, said she felt safer dropping off her children knowing there were staff members equipped to respond to a parent’s worst nightmare.

“God forbid, if something would happen, knowing that not only a law enforcement officer is there, but there are teachers in that building who can give my child a fighting chance, is even more reassuring,” Ms. New said.

Erica L. Green reported from Sidney, Ohio, and Manny Fernandez from Houston.

A version of this article appears in print on March 2, 2018, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Trump’s Call to Arm Teachers Resonates at Schools That Do.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
7 March 2018, 17:29,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
Lately I have been remembering my school experiences more and more and wondering about the present methods of teacher selection.

My Second grade teacher was a very efficient woman that had been in the Army WW2.

The 7th grade teacher was a retired Navy CPO that had gone into education on retirement.

In secondary school I remember sitting in Ed Lowe's English class. Mr Lowe had been with Patton's 3rd Army as armored cavalry platoon leader.

Across the hall was a guy named Mr. Modrel, he had been a Marine in Korea.

Our headmaster had been a battalion commander in the 1st Division at Normandy.

It was like that all up and down the school hallway.

Even when I began teaching every teacher in my wing of the school was prior service in some branch of combat arms.

We did not have shootings in our school. We did not even have back talk in our school.

All this started when the entire educational system fell under control of the draft dodging hippies of the Viet Namn era, and schools became the most wuzzy places on earth.

Today our teacher selection process is not based on prior experience, veterans status, and it is not based on performance in college. Selection is based on having the proper letters of recommendation from the proper politicians before one can even obtain an interview for a position. Most of the veterans belong to the "wrong political party" to make what the system considers competent teachers. They are too conservative due to their life experiences.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
7 March 2018, 18:30,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
After the war most male teachers had been in the military, here as well as in the US. So to us kids discipline was the norm, with this discipline came respect for all teachers.

With this discipline we knew what was expected of our behaviour and the academic work required. We respected our teachers, they were fair rewarding good work and punishing bad behaviour without favour.

As new young teachers came along with more “liberal” ideas, discipline crumbled and then respect was lost.

With the current state of intolerance by university students who seem to be hard line socialists from Corbins loony left, what kind of teachers will they make?, and what will happen to the kids then?.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
8 March 2018, 00:11,
RE: Don't Mess With Texas
When i went in to have my Angiogram bed down was chatting "where about's you from " i told him brother used to teach there ....what's his name i ask.....Ivor ..... his said ....bloody hell ....the most inspirational teacher i had...i say is he ? ....well he's just won best onion at ... show.....i am not at all surprised Norman, back in the day he took maths , gardening and sports....he is 85 years old now ....he still does not drink tea or coffee ....only water ..... i remember Ivor well 6' 6" and as lean as a gypsies dog upright and shoulders back one fucked with Ivor in fact no one tried ..... he commanded respect and respect was freely given by grandfather shared some gardening secrets with Ivor....."how is that grandson of mine doing Ivor "......well Will lets just say he's a work in progress...." you straighten him up Ivor!".........give me a 1000 Ivors and i will sort out the whole of the UK in one year.....without fear of contradiction.....Teachers are the most important rock of the civilised world all they need is to be released from the shackles that hold them back.....Governments .

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