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RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
In the world of prepping some people are only interested in one aspect, one situation, or one application, which they study and promote with a vigorous passion.
They need to be with the other believers of their faith to gain reinforcement of their beliefs and verification of their worth and they can not tolerate the presence or lack of interest from unbelievers.
Strange weather patterns, freak storms, cooling and/or warming of the planet have in the past been attributed to some supernatural power. I believe Noah was the first "doomsday prophet of climate change". Possibly preceded by Atra-hasis or one of the other Mesopotamian characters. At any rate almost every culture has a "flood myth" where man screws up, humanity is wiped out and only a select few true believers have permission to start over.
It appears that fears of the end of the world due to climate change is a theme as old as humanity.
But with the demise of traditional religion and the rise of secular humanism as the general belief, then the cause and control of the changes and patterns around us automatically fall under the control of the new "higher power" MAN. Since there is no longer a supernatural power to blame it must be US!
"We have met the enemy and he is us!"
SOS, just new doctrine, new priests, new followers, certain that their version and interpretation of the reports, records, and analysis has to be correct, disinterest is not allowed and unbelievers can not be tolerated.
In the American south, seeped with culture retained from the past, we would call a move of this kind "looking for a new church".
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
here is a couple questions i have asked myself, is a GSM possible? the answer has to be yes because we all know that they do happen, the next question i ask myself is, is it happening now or going to happen soon or soon enough that i should do something about getting ready for it by boosting a few preps that may help me if it is the case, i answer that one with a i aint got a clue however there is some strange stuff going on around the world that could hint it might be and there does seem to be a whole lot of people including scientists who think it might be related to a possible GSM so boost the preps i will. If it dosnt happen it just means ive got myself a whole lot of new prep items and toys so win win in my eyes.
RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
MB absolutely nailed it. Government policy to control population is the new religion. Limited nuclear war to reduce world population and to eliminate threats from crazy people, like the California congressman who suggested that tactical nuclear weapons could be used to eliminate the threat from gun owning, bible thumping fly-over states who refuse to give up their guns.
I wonder where the urban survivors intend to get food from after they have poisoned the farmland of middle America?
I will willing become a contrarian true believer of GSM so that I may write to my politicos in DC that we must not waste another penny in mitgating against "climate change and "sea level rise" because the new ice age is coming and we must prepare for that!
If I bring this arguement up in public meeting I am positive it will go over about as well as depositing a wrapped condom in the collection plate on Sunday morning.
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RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
(25 November 2018, 19:50)Mortblanc Wrote: In the world of prepping some people are only interested in one aspect, one situation, or one application, which they study and promote with a vigorous passion.
They need to be with the other believers of their faith to gain reinforcement of their beliefs and verification of their worth and they can not tolerate the presence or lack of interest from unbelievers.
Strange weather patterns, freak storms, cooling and/or warming of the planet have in the past been attributed to some supernatural power. I believe Noah was the first "doomsday prophet of climate change". Possibly preceded by Atra-hasis or one of the other Mesopotamian characters. At any rate almost every culture has a "flood myth" where man screws up, humanity is wiped out and only a select few true believers have permission to start over.
It appears that fears of the end of the world due to climate change is a theme as old as humanity.
But with the demise of traditional religion and the rise of secular humanism as the general belief, then the cause and control of the changes and patterns around us automatically fall under the control of the new "higher power" MAN. Since there is no longer a supernatural power to blame it must be US!
"We have met the enemy and he is us!"
SOS, just new doctrine, new priests, new followers, certain that their version and interpretation of the reports, records, and analysis has to be correct, disinterest is not allowed and unbelievers can not be tolerated.
In the American south, seeped with culture retained from the past, we would call a move of this kind "looking for a new church".
I don't really understand what you're trying to say here tbh as it's all fairly incoherent. Nobody has said it's man that is the problem, and all I have done is pass on information on a PREPPER forum in the THREATS & RISK section of impending extreme weather events - which are in their beginnings RIGHT NOW as we speak.
FYI, I seek no verification or acceptance from anyone - it's literally a matter of having nothing better to do than research and post this info on forums HOPING to save some people serious problems down the line. Nobody forces you to read what I write or even respond to it.
My analysis of you is that, you're constant claims of fear and worry in others is a projection. I honestly think you're the one who's fearful and worried - hence the constant denial of reality. It started with attempts at trying to undermine messengers of this information - "he's got no published scientific papers". Then it moved on to claiming that the weather extremes we are experiencing are the norm - even though Newspaper after Newspaper and NASA are reporting worldwide "records" of cold and snow. Also report after report of falling crop output inline with Solar output reduction.
Nobody has claimed that it is the end of the world - it's all just Solar cycles making their rounds. Our ancestors have been through hundreds of previous cycles and we're still here. Although my prediction is, this one is going to be a Son of a B!tch which will require some extreme preperation (I could be wrong though!).
Nobody should take anything anyone says on a forum at face value, and I don't expect anyone to listen to me, but I'm hoping there's enough switched on people who can learn about what's happening themselves and prep enough to prep for the future no matter how bad this may be. I try and tell as many people who will listen about this as I can.
Sept. 27, 2018: The sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018, and the sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply dropped. New research shows that Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding.
“We see a cooling trend,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
Look at the attachment - we haven't even entered the proper minima yet and we're seeing records being broken on a daily basis. We'll have some good summers in the 2020's and then it all falls of a cliff. Again, the Mathmetician and Astrophysicist who put this graph together has a 97% success rate with her predictions.
“Writing in Real Clear Markets, Aaron Brown looked at the official NASA global temperature data and noticed something surprising,” says IBD. From February 2016 to February 2018, “global average temperatures dropped by 0.56 degrees Celsius.” That, he notes, is the biggest two-year drop in the past century.”
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RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
Tbh the channels you recommend ....I have viewed on a regular basis and yes there is lots of information ....which I have addressed and responded to within my preps , thing is tadx you have bombarded us with a lot of links many! To take in ,in one hit have over done a subject which you are passionate about no question ,but you leave out what You intend doing about it which may well help us understand better , I am not criticizing your reasons which I am certain are most genuine .....just the rendition and how you have presented it.
If you present a argument /information you believe most strongly about ,it will hold true to evidence and argue your corner I would not expect less by the same token expect challenge to be dished right back at you, that's life mate ! Democracy can be a right hazard ! I am not slighting you just a observation that I hope you will take well. SS.
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RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
Thank you for the information and input tadx, it seems you are now the gsm expert. You have so much information have you thought about collating it all into a pdf file and maybe asking the mods to add it to the files section? As you say you have plenty of time and it would make it much easier for members to follow it all in one neat place.
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RE: The Grand Solar Minimum - A Mini Ice Age 2020-2055
(26 November 2018, 00:29)Straight Shooter Wrote: Tbh the channels you recommend ....I have viewed on a regular basis and yes there is lots of information ....which I have addressed and responded to within my preps , thing is tadx you have bombarded us with a lot of links many! To take in ,in one hit have over done a subject which you are passionate about no question ,but you leave out what You intend doing about it which may well help us understand better , I am not criticizing your reasons which I am certain are most genuine .....just the rendition and how you have presented it.
If you present a argument /information you believe most strongly about ,it will hold true to evidence and argue your corner I would not expect less by the same token expect challenge to be dished right back at you, that's life mate ! Democracy can be a right hazard ! I am not slighting you just a observation that I hope you will take well. SS.
I am so certain that what I have reported in this thread is coming and coming hard, I am going to be selling my house next year before the UK housing market collapses and buying some land with the intent of building some strawbale structures (cheap and fast to erect). The reason for strawbale is, if they fall down, they are trivial to fix and they are extremely well insulated.
Last year I went on a commercial aquaponics course, so my plan is to build some Geothermal greenhouses large enough to house 2 x 9000 liter tanks which will hold 600-800 fish per tank. I will pump warm air in from under the earth which will keep the ambient internal temperature at approximately 13 degrees C, which is actually the perfect temperature for Trout to grow. I will drip feed the crops that I grow inside of the greenhouses rather than recirculate the water - this lowers the complexity of the rig. I plan on creating my own fish feed via a Cricket farm and high nutrient fast growing crops (not decide what that is yet - maybe kale/cabage??).
Also I plan on getting New Zealand white rabbits and plenty of chickens to breed - all for meet and sales. I will build them a small geothermal greenhouse/strawbale to live in.
At the end of the day guys - rather than seeing what's coming as doom and gloom we can seriously profit from it. Just imagine how expensive food, wool, clothing, tools etc etc will be within the next 10 years. Even just owning a snow plough or something will be a money earner. Think on your feet as 99% of hte population don't have a clue about what's coming. Bulk buy stuff from China now whilst it's still cheap and sit on it and watch the prices go up and sell. Buy wood burners/clothes/heaters for example.
Check out Alibaba and other such websites. Also buy from Army Surplus shops all your cold weather gear as it'll be double/triple the price within 2 years.
I plan on bulk buying my prep food from Alibaba - kidney beans, rice and the rest. I will try and get the best quality I can and research the companies so I'm not getting GMO trash.