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another threat to keep a eye on
1 December 2018, 00:19,
RE: another threat to keep a eye on
(30 November 2018, 19:22)Mortblanc Wrote: My God, you have hurt me to the bone and it will take weeks of extensive therapy to mend my injured self esteem and bring my self image back to its former condition!

And all I did was point out that your premise was flawed, your "facts" were a pile of conjecture and your assumptions and conclusions irrational.

And it has been a long road building such, with numerous discussions of things great and small, on the homestead or small holding as well as effects of things world wide. I have been here a long time gentlemen, and have seen the comings and goings of mentors, maniacs and morons.

But then some of them simply change their screen names and return time and time again to dwell on the same topics of speculation, stir the fears of the masses (as if we had masses) and preach the doctrine.

Being an adult, rather than a child, does not mean one agrees with everything everyone else thinks or says. And remaining silent in the face of absurdity is not necessarily the best course when discussing proper placement of resources and efforts for life or death situations, or simply the maintenance of comfort in the face of adversity.

So, if accusing me of not being a "prepper" due to my connection to reality and rejection of the irrational, impossible, and incomprehensible, I shall just have to endure the barbs and cling to sanity.

But there is one outside commentary that must be adhered too when discussing all "prepper" related discussions. He is the originator of the philosophy and the awakening voice in a cold dark wilderness.

The irrationality of what we talk about is your worthless opinion. We've supplied endless scientific papers and even scientists outright saying "the Ice Age is happening now". Even newspaper articles of endless record breaking weather conditions. Yet somehow, it's "irrational" and "impossible". Ironically WhiteDeath, you are the irrational one. You have even admitted that it's coming and that "it happens all the time", yet it's still impossible to you. THAT is pure unadulterated irrationality.

Small antagonising scurmishes against Russia have been happening for over a decade now by the US, if you had any clue regarding geopolitics..For example, the downing of Russian military helicopters and proxy wars via Syria, Georga et al. So a war with Russia is definitely on the cards in the long term. Russia even purposefully leaked plans for a 100 knot, nuclear, cobalt-59 tipped submarine/torpedo which was a hint to the US what's gunna happen if they carry on. It would cause multi-thousand meter waves and the tsunami would go in land approximately 8-12km. The water that would go in land would be highly radioactive and render the majority of the US's coastline unusable for at least 100 years.

"Status 6 itself appears to be a gigantic torpedo-shaped robotic mini-submarine – in other words an underwater drone – that can travel at speeds of 100 knots (115mph) and is so perfectly cloaked by stealth technology it would be invisible to acoustic tracking devices.

The notes on the torpedo diagram give it a range of up to 6,200 miles (10,000km), and a dive depth of 3,300 feet (1,000m) – far beyond that of most manned submarines."

The problem is, the US is prone on both sides by water and therefore is extremely vulnerable to these types of attack. Russia has battle planned all this and leaked these plans on purpose. If one of these goes off on a US coast line, tens of millions of Americans would lose their life within minutes.

I study geopolitics buddy, and trust I know far more than you give me credit for. Nothing I talk about is moronic conspiracy crap, it's literal things that are happening and backed by scientific opinion. I don't always claim to be 100% correct as that's literally impossible, but everything I talk about is backed by something.
1 December 2018, 00:25,
RE: another threat to keep a eye on
Hey WhiteDeath,

You better hope Russia doesn't drop Cumbre Vieja or La Palma with a small nuclear strike. Your entire coastline would be underwater within 3 hours.

In fact, you better hope the coming volcanic increase by Cosmic Rays doesn't kick all this off.
1 December 2018, 00:55,
RE: another threat to keep a eye on
roddas tadx you need to lighten up, can’t you take a bit of banter without getting so vindictive.

Shelter, security, water, food, cooking, heating, lighting, first aid, medication, communication, power, transport.
1 December 2018, 11:55,
RE: another threat to keep a eye on
Sorry chaps I have no more to add here.

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