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Vaccination - Yes or No
17 September 2020, 19:24,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
I'm with MB 100%. I will be 72 in October. So far have avoided heart attack, but I take oral meds to keep the BP in check and a weekly Trulicity jab for the Type 2, which is well controlled. I walk my dirt road out to the mailbox at the state maintained road and back to the house daily, a 3km round trip, work in the yard, avoid crowds and don't go into town unless absolutely necessary. I can hunt and fish within walking distance of home and shoot pistols at steel targets in the yard. No neighbors near enough to complain about the sounds of freedom.

My flight instructor in primary at NAS Pensacola told me in 1970, "never fly the A model of anything, if at all possible." So I will probably continue to self-isolate and maintain precautions until the effectiveness and safety of the new COVID jab is established. I expect by that time it will be combined into the annual influenza cocktail and it will be no big deal. Ordinary soap and warm water seems to be effective in washing my N95 masks and with repeated washing they become softer in texture and less itchy! I have taken to wearing an N95 when shooting my revolvers, as in testing one experimentally it tested positive for lead residue afterwards. Better on the mask than in my lungs, so it is proven multi-purpose as PPE!

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
17 September 2020, 21:15,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
Hey Charles i’m coming 77 and am also on BP meds, no other problems except for the usual aches and pains due to age. Most mornings we’re out walking for an hour and a half, then after a light lunch if not shopping we’re in the garden tidying up and doing basic maintenance about the house or the vehicles.

For a couple of oldies we are quite healthy and intend to stay that way, we too avoid crowds, shop mainly by email but occasionally we have to visit local small shops, NEVER the supermarket. We are not now self isolating but are extra careful.

We have N95/FFP3 masks not the so called surgical ones, after we use them the are left (hung up in the porch) for any trace of virus to disappear, we have plenty.

As for the vaccine we’re not rushing to get it, we believe in the normal flu jab and have it every year, we are prepared to wait until the covid jab is fully tested and proved to be safe. I agree about the A model Smile
18 September 2020, 00:09,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
At this point, 6 months into the "pandemic", I have my first personal acquaintance fall victim to Covid.

Not a death, just a positive case, two in fact, the friend and his son. They live together and the son works at a major hospital. The boy brought it home from work.

To me that makes it all the more surprising since it has taken 6 months for someone that is exposed daily to fall ill to a "pandemic" disease!

They are both presently in the "recovery" stages. Fever is gone but still coughing and sore, dead tired and sleeping constantly.

At any rate, the old geezer has damaged heart valves, high BP, a damaged liver and is working with 1/2 of one kidney and he seems to have come through it.

With the "second wave", which here is simply the continuation of the first wave on a steady upward curve, I am back into pretty close self isolation.

Avoiding the shops, avoiding nonessential trips for grocery and wearing my mask.

The mask is a point of irritation with me. I don't mind wearing them and do feel they are a wise preventive measure and their use is "mandatory" in my state. So why is half the population not wearing them and half the ones that are wear them under their chin?

The mask is not as effective at keeping things out as it is keeping them in. So while I am trying to protect the other guy, the other guy does not give a crap if he kills me! Makes me want to slap the $h!& out of the dumb-ar$e$.

That is a condition I deal with more and more each day. The slapping part I mean.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
18 September 2020, 13:14,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
Yes I see that here to MB ....and I would like to slap them about also think this lot will take over the baton ? God help us all.
4 December 2020, 15:48,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
SO,anyone in the UK rushing out to get their Pfizer jab next Tuesday?
personally I am very suspicious, not only has it been rushed through but we are not allowed to sue the manufactures if there are any serious and long lasting side effects.
I will NOT be a guinea pig for the medical profession, with my lifestyle I dont need to be, I will adopt a sit back, watch and wait attitude.
what about y'all??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
5 December 2020, 16:28,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
Don't worry Paul, they will not give you the vaccine yet anyway, you are not a priority case.

First in line are the politicians, then the military, then every health care worker in the nation, then every public service worker, after that every resident of a long term aged care facility.

By the time they would allow you to have the vaccine it will be well tested.

Any long term side effects I am sure would be worse than death. Let's see, side effects---death, what will it be?

Besides, you don't have to take it, they are not going to force you, you can die if you want too.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
6 December 2020, 11:33,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
good morning Mort.
the thing with these vaccines is they arent like the old vaccines we used to have in the past, they are a new type and work differently and the side effects could be long lasting and life changing.
I have no intention of being a guinea pig for something that has not been tested on large populations and who's side effects are unknown.
we have been told we cannot sue the manufactures if we suffer serious side effects so that makes me doubly suspicious.
given my reclusive lifestyle I'm not desperate enough to have to take their poison chalice.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 December 2020, 17:33,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
I am still undecided to be honest MB I also have had heart surgery and type 2 diabetic plus hitting 68 within weeks been said already at this age what is there to loose long have we left anyway ? That’s a question I think of a lot these days , and hit home of late loosing five friends over the past weeks ....three covid !

So Choices are very limited the older one becomes especially if you have underlying health problems the point of really none ....well just one ! Die in the company of strangers or with wild child at our home ! So I will probably take the vaccine , on balance ! ....I just play at being a renegade these days.
7 December 2020, 06:32,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
Paul you are linking to a wako website that is referencing a second wako website!

And as I said, by the time you could get the vaccine it will have been administered to thousands and their reactions will be developing.

As for the side effects, well that depends on what they are. If I grow my hair back and lose 10 kilos I could stand that. If I grow feathers and start trying to fly south that might be inconvenient.

And I do have plenty of side effects. I have heart disease that is a side effect of a lifetime of smoking. and that type 2 diabetes that is a side effect of my genetics since it runs in the family. And the bad back that is a side effect of trying to make a living for an x-wife that never appreciated any of it or cared about the pain she caused.

And that reminds me, I have all of the side effects of a lifetime of bad decisions.

So how do I know what is caused by the vaccine and what was self induced due to some compulsion I had back in '76?

I don't go out unless I have too either, now, but I really would like to be able to go to the supermarket without worrying about dying when I come home.

And I really would like to go on a bike tour with my son next spring when the weather breaks. Eat in restaurants along the way and stay in nice hotels without fear of Covid.

But if you don't want the vaccine then skip it. no one is arguing with your decision.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
7 December 2020, 10:01,
RE: Vaccination - Yes or No
who says its a wacko website Mort? you, just you?
we just have not been told enough about this vaccine to trust it 100%, it all sounds like "Frankenstein" science to me, there is no way I am going to become a G.M. human being!
back in the day, we would have trusted the doctors or scientists without hesitation but not these days.
we wont be offered the vaccine out here in the sticks until the new year and probably a lot longer than that, I'm going to watch the side effects start to appear in all those people that rushed out to get a jab, probably all the over 80s and care home residents, some people even think its a way of getting rid of all those non productive people, could be, could be.
whatever happens I am going to adopt a cautious and careful attitude.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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