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Memory Maps
16 February 2021, 00:42,
RE: Memory Maps
Thats exactly what I do Mort, I use Memory Maps a lot when I am cycling.
The OS 1:50 Topo is good enough for me as I don't need the detail of the OS 1:25. I do however combine this with the Tom Tom satellite view which gives me far more resolution and detail however the down side is the Tom Tom requires the phone network to be active. In the past Memory Maps gave you the option of buying offline satellite view but I don't see it now.
I do take on board the comments about paper maps and a compass and I have done a few training days in the Highlands walking around a forest in the pitch black with a plastic map and a compass but it's very hard to beat modern systems. If I go on the hills I also carry a Garmin Foretrex, this is my most reliable trackback option.
16 February 2021, 05:23,
RE: Memory Maps
I did enough map and compass work running patrols and calling in artillery and air strikes to last me a lifetime before I had turned 24. That was 50+ years ago.

It was not a skill, it was a requirement (just like computer skills are today), and getting lost or fumbling around with your navigation was one of the sure ways of losing the respect of your men instantly.

Since I live where everyone else wants to "bug out" too I have no need for map and compass of the area around my place. I have lived here for a decade and walked and hunted game over most of it several times over for several miles around the front door. But the days of hoofing it are now over.

I am actually using the Gaia for trail running on my Jeep and my dual sport motorcycles. My feet are ruined and I can no longer hike and after three back surgeries and a couple of heart attacks my bicycle has also been retired.

The nice thing about Gaia is that once you load it into the computer it is there until it updates on the next visit. When you load it on your phone it is not dependent on cell service, it is sat based, like Tom Tom or Garmin, just more detailed, and it works even when you are out of cell tower range.

That is my choice because all of my favorite mapping is on that platform. In the UK there might be a better offering.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
29 May 2021, 22:16,
RE: Memory Maps
No phone for me as they are all tracked.
I did use to use moon but it has seemed off recently. Even the very good Inuit cousins are finding the very same. There are big things happening these years and most won't even notice. Strange times.
30 May 2021, 09:38,
RE: Memory Maps
I only use a phone for emergencies, stays in my pocket when I'm out, not a smart phone and its non registered what the Americans call a "burn" phone.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 June 2021, 20:17,
RE: Memory Maps
Reliance on technology is a route to potential catastrophe. One of the bigger threats (it is said) are EMP's that will render most if not all modern technology straight to the dustbin.

In a preppers world you should always go for the lowest technological solution and plain old maps can't be beat.

There is (or was - I can't seem to find them now) - a portable mapping system that was based on a very detailed, high resolution map printed on a business card that was placed in a simple lens viewer that rendered it fully readable. Wish I could recall what it was and wonder whether such a system is still available?

A selection of maps could be created(?) for your own area of interest and kept in a wallet.

Even with ordinary maps it's wise to make your own notations on it, highlighting places of interest/usefulness including sources of water, shelter, foods etc.

Another useful item I've come across is 'indestructible paper'. Well, it's not really indestructible but withstands rain, rot and many chemicals and I have two A5 notepads full of notes, hand drawn maps, hints'n'tips etc that would last.

Your mobile phone will either (a) not work, (2) have a flat battery or © give your location away. In a post war world there will likely as not be zero GPS coverage. Most systems are military-based and if not shot down might well be deliberately switched off to prevent unauthorised use. yes, there are 'public' GPS systems but for how long? and under what circumstances might they be switched off?

Stick with the basics first of all. Get the right map(s), notate them as much as you can, keep them safe, THEN switch your phones on......
15 June 2021, 20:54,
RE: Memory Maps
I have some OS maps amongst others , and as you say notations of places of interest pencilled and highlighted for quick reference ......good sound advice from NR ....years back but as relevant as ever it was ....welcome to the forum KE .
15 June 2021, 23:18,
RE: Memory Maps
Quote:welcome to the forum KE .

Thanks! I've yet to drop into the intro section but will get around to it sooner or later. I was recommended this site by someone on a DIY forum where they were running a thread on the parlous state of the country and I suggested we created a 'preppers' section on that forum!

Happy to be here. I reckon it could get busy!
15 June 2021, 23:21,
RE: Memory Maps
As to notations on maps - I keep my notations down to numbers/letters and the actual descriptions in a separate book (the indestructible paper book I mention in another thread). No point in giving valuable information away should you lose the map or have it stolen.
16 June 2021, 10:17,
RE: Memory Maps
Kelly not every event is going to involve an EMP event, in fact short of a nuclear event I doubt you will have any issues. Memory-Map can be loaded to your phone so it’s a proper off line mapping system. Even without gps you still have the maps and the phones compass.
16 June 2021, 10:31,
RE: Memory Maps
if its an EMP I doubt anyone will be able to recharge a mobile phone so a phone with a flat battery is no good to anyone.I quite often pick up cheap paper maps in car boot sales or sunday markets.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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