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Mobile Phones
15 September 2021, 08:25,
RE: Mobile Phones
It's a question of personal choice, MB. Yes, of course we know about landlines. The stuff I chat about with my sister is probably a real security risk (Not!), so I have no particular concerns about that. I simply have no wish to trundle around carrying a mobile phone everywhere I go, and judging by the number of idiots who end up walking into the road without looking when they are engaged on one, this is probably wise! I can't say my browsing history on the internet is going to cause too many people much difficulty either. Yes, I know that my browsing history might well dictate what adverts try to sneak in, but I have a computer programme to stop that as well. So you see, I do understand the tech, but have no particular interest in it. Yep, heard of the Amish, have visited several of the areas they proliferate in. Very interesting sect, but absolutely none of my business what they do or do not accept. I guess it is just what folk feel personally comfortable with, and if it was all taken away tomorrow I would shrug and just carry on.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
15 September 2021, 08:28,
RE: Mobile Phones
I wish we had Amish in the UK, I think we preppers could learn a lot from them especially how to live when the power grid collapses which wont be long now.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 September 2021, 12:19,
RE: Mobile Phones
Having worked with under cover Gov agencies which you have probably never heard off (technical capacity) I would like to assure most people that they have no interest in Joe public. As one investigator told me many years ago they struggle to deal with the real criminals far less the public.
However there is other threat and that’s big tech who are harvesting your data at an industrial capacity. Are you concerned? Well if you’re not consider going for your next job interview and the guy sitting across the table knows everything you have done online in the last year. He could even know any political interests you have, and let’s not forget your medical history etc etc.
Your data is important and it could be available for a price in the future.
But don’t worry you’re safe with all the government GDPR and privacy protections...or are you.

Plus I suspect you’re phone will also be your new wallet pretty soon, cash is being frozen out.

However there is a plus point, keep that smart phone with you and when you need to go invisible just switch to the burner dumb phone.
16 September 2021, 13:30,
RE: Mobile Phones
what happens in the here and now dosent concern me that much, I'm just a little minnow in the large river of humanity, what I do dosent affect anyone else in the slightest.
I have found out recently that most car parks are now going cash less, our town one is one of the last and is the cheapest one anywhere in the UK. cashless car parks will stop me going to the few places I still do.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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