22 March 2012, 20:07,
Posts: 24
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Two problems I need help with.
1 defence
What happens when a hungry group try and get into your house. If they get in the big trouble. If they don't what's to stop them burning us out. I know to get your head down but could be difficult.
2 water
I thought about using water from the central heating system but this would need distilled. How do u make a easy still.
22 March 2012, 20:39,
prepper operator
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RE: Defence
Working backwards
2 Forget Ch water, apart from the fact most CH systems have toxic rust and corrosion inhibieters fitted, CH water become very acidic in time, but if you insist to distil water you have to take the water in a sealed vessel, heat it up into steam , then condense it into another vessel.
1 The choice is entirely your fight or flee.
22 March 2012, 21:03,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: Defence
Fighting scenario.. to make enemy flee the scene, outragous amounts of fire have to be directed at them i.e. machine gun or multiple crossbow bolts like the old medievil archers in battle... OR selective fire against enemy leaders and or instigators, loud mouth's i.e. people in charge of the gang, making it not worth their while to attack. This can however backfire as it can have the ability of just pissing large groups off who may come back with reinforcements if you do not make your defence/attack very agressive in the extreme...
This does however give you a fleeing oportunity.
There is very little protection against fire bombing apart from extinguishers or fire buckets and good luck i.e. are you going outside with the mob that just petrol bombed your house to put a fire out?
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
23 March 2012, 12:09,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Defence
Fight, it's all dependant on what you're expecting. If you're in the home, a determined group will get in, no matter what. Unless you kill each member of the group, you'll not have a chance to stop them. Think of it this way, if your kids were starving, when would you stop trying?
The best thing for security/protection/defence is a good load of neighbours that look out for each other. You can always discourage people by using things like thorny bushes, a Beware of Rotweillers sign, and stuff like that. After that, last line of defence would be yourselves and weaponry.
Water.....just get a waterbutt and stick it at the bottom of a gutter or something, round the back of the house. It rains frequently enough in the UK, so that's not a huge problem. After that, it's a simple job of boiling and maybe chem treating. A couple of drops of bleach, and job's a good'en. One word to think of, observability. Are the waterbutts observable from the front of the house? How easy would it be to get water from them without being seen?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
23 March 2012, 12:45,
Posts: 24
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RE: Defence
Water is a good idea. Could put the bucket under a neighbours house.
Not to hopeful about defence.
23 March 2012, 12:50,
Qua Est Mike
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RE: Defence
Dont give up!!! preppers NEVER give up, no matter what.
Have a long hard think about it, imagine you were going to raid your house, where would yo attack where would your climb the fence etc... keep doing this then when you identify a weekness fix it best you can, you just need to have them detered from coming for you and moving on to the next house. You definatly need a bug out location to go to in case things go all fire bomby, if they're burning or destroying all the houses you need a safe house or a safe location for you and yours thats an absolute must AND a way to get there.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
23 March 2012, 14:57,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Defence
Each situation is different. You need to gather information which will help you decide to fight of flee. That is one reason you shouldn't put all your preps in the loft in case you have to flee.
If you decide that you can take the invaders then you need to persecute them to the end. Dispose of the bodies away from your home. If attacking just to flee then do so and then scarper leaving traps.
You should consider many options for your house.
1 invader.
2 invaders and so on up to a mob. What can you do to make your house uninviting. What traps can you set inside and out. What is your team capable of. Can you kill someone? Theory is great but the details will not be know until that day comes,
For example 1 intruder. Kill him and take his body away.
50 intruders. Attack then to clear a way to an exit. One you have prepared. Set traps to stop them following and GOOD.
For the first you need to plan how you will do that. Knife him, strip him for anything he has, put him in a body bag and take him a few miles away and dump the body.
The second you need a way out or hidey hole. Booby trap the route and key points.. On the day use overwhelming force on a section of the enemy and make them scarper. Make a run for it. Activate the traps on the way. and hide or keep going depending on locations available.
None of these is perfect for all situations. You may have a defensible situation and be out in the country in which case setting kill zones and booby traps for 100 people may be viable without running.
It depends on your situations. Have a think about all of them.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
23 March 2012, 15:58,
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RE: Defence
as far as doors and windows are concerned, you could always put in a secondary METAL door behind the original-i think some drug gangs do this, you can beef up the window locks but they'll break the glass anyway, unlike burglars looters dont mind how much noise they make, i suppose you could fit metal bars but would that make your neighbours suspicious? there is always thorny bushes and the like but a serious invader would probably just ignore the scratches and thorns. the best thing you can have is a BOL- better still have 4, 1 at all points of the compass just incase your way is barred to your principal one. map and walk the route to your BOL so you can get there anytime day or night.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 March 2012, 17:03,
Vita Navitas
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RE: Defence
You could always have some real fun with defence!!!
Personally, I'm planning a roof mounted site. I have a flat roof, so I want to Mylar line a little area I could hide in. The idea is to make thermal camoflauge, as well as regular visual camo. Who checks the roof? Hardly anyone will be checking me out up there.
Also, with it being concrete roofing, it'll be safe, even if there's a fire below! It'll be a fun little project to play around with.
Defense/Defence (I really don't know how it's spelt) comes in many different kinds and forms.
You have mental deterents; things that stop people wanting to try their luck. Like a "Beware of Dog" sign.
You have actual force: Weapons and the alike. Most preppers focus on this.
You have Escape: Think how a lizard sheds it's tail and runs away. That's awesome defence. But I wouldn't recommend sacrificing someone to any raiders.
You have Disguise 1: Disguise 1 is where people believe you are something you're not. Like corn snakes and immitators. If people think it's a military home, they're less likely to come in and say hi. Maybe put up a few archery targets for people to just notice. They'll be uninclided to get an arrow in the stomach.
You have Disguise 2: Disguise 2 is where you have people believe where you are is something different. That would be like smashing your own windows, charcoaling the windows and stuff to make people think it's been looted already.
You have Escape 1: Escape 1 is where you have a hidden place inside the home. Maybe an underground area, a cellar or something that you can hide in and make look like it's not there. Something like a trap door where you can pull up the carpet, then when you close it, the carpet goes back to how it was.
You have Escape 2: Escape 2 is where you have an exit route off the property. I have 3 escape 2's. Front door. Back door, then anywhere off the roof area. I love rock climbing, so would carabina a rope, on the harness, clip the end of the rope on itself, then belay myself down. It's a dodgy abseil, but better than being chopped up.
Mainly, you have Delayers: These are like thorny bushes, barbed wire or razor wire, small traps, and those kinds of things. This is simply to buy yourself time to get out of where you are. The thing is, if you end up having to resort to this kind of thing, you've reacted WAY TOO SLOWLY!!!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
23 March 2012, 17:30,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Defence
(23 March 2012, 17:03)Scythe13 Wrote: You have Escape: Think how a lizard sheds it's tail and runs away. That's awesome defence. But I wouldn't recommend sacrificing someone to any raiders.
Sometime this is the only option. So try and keep a politician somewhere so you can feed them a sacrifice as a distraction.
The issue with general stuff like this is it is dangerous. If I saw a house that was well defended and had archery stuff around I wouldn't attack it directly. I would put it under surveillance for a while and plan an attack. You are more likely to enter a house that appears empty whilst out exploring.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin