27 November 2021, 07:52,
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Not Getting Caught Again
I see the inevitable cloud of lockdown once more upon us. Over there and over here too. Some of our urban hospitals are already packed with infected unvaxed covid victims. Since TPTB over here consider the entire country an urban center they will try to shut down the whole thing and not just the cesspools they call cities. Last time we were several weeks into the lockdown before my county even had a single infection and we did not have a death until the 6 month mark. A 90 year old who might have actually died from over excitement during a TV game show.
While I have always considered myself adequately prepared for most any emergency up to and including another Redcoat invasion I have to admit that I was not happy with my situation when the 2020 lockdown was imposed. I was caught without things I ever dreamed I really needed.
With the situation again on the horizon indicating another possible shut down I do not intend to be caught deficient a second time.
There is a stockpile of masks and gloves on hand but today I took more measures to insure I had not been lax in my quarantine preps.
All paper goods were topped up to 3 month supply. Bog roll, kitchen roll, facial tissues.
I bought a big jug of hand sanitizer, 2L.
Topped off the petrol. Also put back 2 gallons of paraffin. Tomorrow I will top off all the empty propane tanks.
I also ordered a "white gas" double mantle lantern directly from Coleman. I know from vast experience that they will burn for 6 hours on 500ml of petrol. They put out a ton of BTU also, so they serve as secondary heat when in use.
I also have a adapter that allows topping off the small propane bottles from a big tank if needed. They only fill about 80% but that is not relevant when you have 15-20 bottles 80% full to work around.
A couple of weeks back I topped off my long term food supply, so that is OK. Back in the spring I bought a new deep freezer and it is stuffed to the brim, so I am good for food. Not really concerned with shortages but during the last lockdown I had to leave the house or expose myself more than I was comfortable doing just for normal resupply. I will not be forced out by the restrictions of a small fridge type freezer now.
I am much better organized to completely isolate this go around. Living rurally I was able to get outside and get fresh air without concern last quarantine, which included some fairly long motorbike rides to break the routine and stave off boredom. I even did some fishing and a bit of hunting last time, so I hope that if they put new restrictions on I will have the same opps this go.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 November 2021, 09:29,
RE: Not Getting Caught Again
I am of the same opinion MB ! ....to the letter ......those mantle lamps are brilliant and I have one ....spare mantles and washer kit , as I have pointed out in resent posts ....uplifting of preps on all fronts at a steady rate over the past weeks in particular.....and not stopping .
I think we all would have learnt lessons over the past two years and identified weaknesses and will address them.
The way I see it .....this latest variant will be the one that collapses the global monetary system to allow the reset to take place ( digital system ) ......time to revisit some chickens and rabbits my friend ! .
27 November 2021, 09:56,
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
I keep most things topped up on a permanent basis not just in pandemics, living in the countryside where supermarkets arent located, my big shop is a 40 mile round trip and takes most of a morning to do, not that our supermarkets here in the shires could be called "big" by any stretch of the imagination, most urban types would say they are no more than corner shops, so I have this philosophy "its better on my shelves than theirs!", during the lock downs we never ran out of anything, used it yes but never actually ran out of anything.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 November 2021, 10:38,
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
I did increase stocks over a month ago as I expected the media/gov to come up with another plan to scary the slaves that had started to rebel lol. To be perfectly honest I have gave up believing their nonsense as the timing of this is so suspect. And seriously who made up that really weird scary name (Omin**)
However the masses will probably fall for the nonsense and the gov will impose their vaccinations (cough) on everyone.
Stock levels are ok,we still haven’t been to a shop for nearly 2 years as the wife is a wizard at securing supermarket delivery slots even when the systems are maxed out.
27 November 2021, 12:19,
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
we only do food (supermarket) shopping in person, we cant get onto a delivery slot and the websites only stock rubbish stuff not the stuff we want so big shop once every 4 weeks.
everything else including meat-we dont eat supermarket meat- is delivered to the front door.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 November 2021, 20:52,
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
Its that one "big shop" every 4 weeks that will get you!
That is the one I am trying to avoid.
You carefully isolate and sanitize for an entire month, you keep everyone out and you stay in, you have the tiger by the tail! Then you get into your vehicle and go to one of the most filthy viral breeding grounds in the world. Then you go home and wash your hands and think you took care of that problem.
Now another two week wait to see if you are infected from whatever was spewed your direction in your dash.
Someone sneezing out the window of the car next to you at the pickup line at the supermarket will do the job fine. And God forbid that any of the clerks handled the veggies.
And the meats! I worked in the meat dept of a grocery while in school, You don't want to get me started! And that was without the flu.
I'm with SS. Time to stock it deep and forget the outside world exists for the next few months, and a once a month "big shop" is not in the plans for this go around.
Unlike some of you I am not adverse to taking a vaccine. They can fill me up with nanobots if they want to, as long as the vaccine is effective. My goal is making it through the lag time between identifying the new mutation and developing the vaccine.
What is a vaccine going to do, cause dementia? Cause early aging? Make me infertile? I am already an old man and I might already have dementia and not know it, they say you never do.
What was your name again? My memory is not what it once was!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 November 2021, 22:05,
Pete Grey
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
Our own preps are higher now than ever, food, coal, propane, first aid, meds, solar, masks etc and of course bog roll.
All vehicles are topped up to brim and all jerrycans are full, even if we won’t be going far.
If you buy a little extra each week you soon build up stocks without noticing the extra expense.
From the first lockdown we also found some good internet suppliers for some things difficult to get locally.
Even our local hardware shop will deliver our propane, they also stock roofing felt and some timber if we need any more
If we do end up with a new lockdown with our previous experience we should all do very well.
28 November 2021, 09:25,
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
(27 November 2021, 20:52)Mortblanc Wrote: Its that one "big shop" every 4 weeks that will get you!
That is the one I am trying to avoid.
You carefully isolate and sanitize for an entire month, you keep everyone out and you stay in, you have the tiger by the tail! Then you get into your vehicle and go to one of the most filthy viral breeding grounds in the world. Then you go home and wash your hands and think you took care of that problem.
Now another two week wait to see if you are infected from whatever was spewed your direction in your dash.
Someone sneezing out the window of the car next to you at the pickup line at the supermarket will do the job fine. And God forbid that any of the clerks handled the veggies.
And the meats! I worked in the meat dept of a grocery while in school, You don't want to get me started! And that was without the flu.
I'm with SS. Time to stock it deep and forget the outside world exists for the next few months, and a once a month "big shop" is not in the plans for this go around.
Unlike some of you I am not adverse to taking a vaccine. They can fill me up with nanobots if they want to, as long as the vaccine is effective. My goal is making it through the lag time between identifying the new mutation and developing the vaccine.
What is a vaccine going to do, cause dementia? Cause early aging? Make me infertile? I am already an old man and I might already have dementia and not know it, they say you never do.
What was your name again? My memory is not what it once was!
I live out in the shires MB, middle of nowhere someone called it, our supermarkets are small and when we go we go early-this time of year its still dark when we leave, very few people in the store when we go and we can easily avoid any contact with them, we continue to wear masks in shops its now again mandatory to wear one, we use hand gel when out and soap and water when we get home.
this is rural England not the US, populations are low even in the larger towns.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
28 November 2021, 10:20,
RE: Not Getting Caught Again
How safe is safe ? ......my one brother even sprays any parcel of letter dropping on his Matt ......even food deliveries .....then will ware a plaster on his finger before keying the credit card reader.....then turn up for his appointment at the local hospital ? .........how far do YOU want to take it ? To think you are safe ? ....even if we all live like hermits for a year eventually we will have to venture out .....just to take a piss .....karboom and the bastards got you .....we are not fighting any pandemic ......only the fear of it and the control that others gain from it .
28 November 2021, 10:30,
Posts: 15,264
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RE: Not Getting Caught Again
we reckon there will be another lock down if not by Christmas then soon after, so any supermarket visits will be out if that happens.
wife reckons they've all been micro chipped, we think they will all be given badges to wear just like they did to the Jews in WW2 just before they shipped them all off to the gas chambers.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.