23 April 2022, 19:50,
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Wood Supply - Logs
I don't know how many of you folk have a logburner/open fire at home. We have just got a load of cut logs in for winter heating. It will all go into one of our barns to store and dry out, but...... the price has nearly doubled from last year! We do have a lot of our own logs anyway and this was a top up, but the energy crisis is evidently getting to all sectors. From what the supplier was saying the demand is increasing year on year anyway, but this year it is very high already. Get stocked up now, chaps!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
23 April 2022, 22:20,
RE: Wood Supply - Logs
We are on top of it Mary , just logging up then splitting ....it’s well seasoned already , it’s enough for the two wood burners for next winter ....mine and the sil ......we are constantly harvesting from around the ground , there are three more trees down ( ash) we will log them into six foots and dry them for 2024 .....and yes there are more people buying wood stoves around here , just a few years ago tree surgeons would leave the logs at the sides of roads ....anyone could collect it , but that’s long gone ! Even our local council have a purpose built truck with a grapple boom attached to collect logs upto ten / twelve foot long ! Nothing go’s to waste .....and you have guys making a living selling it as firewood including the tree surgeons filling their trucks and selling it on ....can’t say I blame them ! They are filling a need for loads of people these days ....and it will get worse As time moves on ...everyone will want to cook and heat their homes ....with effort and work wood fires / stoves is the easiest way for most within their direct control .
24 April 2022, 03:46,
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RE: Wood Supply - Logs
Here in West Virginia the power company does yearly removal of standing dead trees and prunes limbs overhanging the power lines. They cut logs down and limbs are left in place. They can be collected freely from the right of way by anyone. I arrange with a local logger to collect, cut, split and stack 5-6 cords of stove wood reduced into 16- inch lengths, for current price of $150 per cord, delivered and stacked.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
24 April 2022, 07:56,
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RE: Wood Supply - Logs
I just store scrap wood, there is loads about if you know where to look and I havent had to pay for any so far.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 April 2022, 08:18,
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RE: Wood Supply - Logs
old round fence posts make great logs.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 April 2022, 08:40,
RE: Wood Supply - Logs
If I was to take a walk along a local pathway , within 15 mins I could collect enough firewood for a day's fuel for the stove ....just laying on the path ....may have to saw it to length , but it’s well seasoned enough to throw straight in the stove ....yes that’s one of the reasons I moved here to start with .....it’s not luck ! And best of all it’s free ! Although there are many people buying wood burners it’s more a fad or fashion statement ! They are willing to pay for firewood ....the accessory that makes it work ! There is no work involved for them ...other than lighting the bloody thing up and carrying logs in to feed the thing .....it soon falls cold and lifeless after a few months ! People are not ready or willing for the none stop upkeep and work for free heat and cooking , the trailer they bought full of good intentions are propped up against the wall in the yard for months eventually being sold on ...all because they are not prepared to do a bit of work ....seen it many times .......it becomes a ornament and conversation piece .
26 April 2022, 09:34,
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RE: Wood Supply - Logs
for most people a Log Burner is just the latest fashion, its not about survival, its more about been seen to be trendy.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 April 2022, 10:25,
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RE: Wood Supply - Logs
I agree, BP, we have a lot of new incomers here and the first thing they bleat about is their logburner. I think it is just a nice trendy thing in their lounges, but we use ours to heat the rooms we live in. Considering the massive increase in the price of oil recently, I suspect our burner will be even more vital this coming winter.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
27 April 2022, 21:22,
Pete Grey
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RE: Wood Supply - Logs
Our woodburner is a multifuel stove and will burn more or less everything, logs, smokeless coal, anthracite etc. While we keep enough smokeless coal to last a long hard winter on a chilly spring evening we often burn wood, we have a friend who brings a couple of pallets each week for free.
4 May 2022, 09:16,
RE: Wood Supply - Logs
We took five trailer fulls of ash and oak off our ground this last week , there is that much again to come off , about 6 - 7 foot long .....ready to log up and split .....and dead stuff ! We will not be cold next winter or the next winter , one thing I have learnt ....you have to be in front by at least one year or two , then there’s next to no pressure ...it’s easy for us here there’s plenty of wood to be had , but that’s what it takes if you own and rely on a wood burner......I have noticed more ( car boots being filled lately ) .....a sign of things to come ? .