RE: Site access problems
Guys, Appreciate the offer. It is time not money that is the issue. I need to look at what is going on and pull together the data. An easy fix is just to upgrade the server but I have been through this before and last time I was in the same situation a few weeks later. It needs to be done right. I have three things that are taking up my time that I am doing before I look at this. They will be finished by the 8-Aug according to my plans. At which point I will look at what is required to fix the site issues and resolve this as my next task.
Just to help understand what it is. The main site runs on Wordpress. The woke script kiddies who are managing it now have put in place 'fixes' that I don't like and so I stopped upgrading. To move it needs an upgrade which will break many of the functions on here which obviously will require fixing themselves. The easiest, and quickest, is to get my ISP simply to upgrade the server but then I will have to sign up to that for a minimum of 2 years even if it doesn't work. I would like to split the forum and main site to offset the load. There are other options but I need to have the time to look at them, implement them and more importantly fix any issues generated.
Apologies for the delay and the issues. It is just priorities.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin