5 October 2022, 08:46,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
how do you pay taxes if the banks have shut down and the entire system has collapsed?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 October 2022, 21:08,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
The depths of your inability to comprehend the slightest fragment of logical, historical simplicity continually makes me rejoice that I no longer make my living by trying to impart knowledge to people that have forgotten how to use their one last brain cell.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
7 October 2022, 01:58,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
The Sheriff of Nottingham will come by with his thugs to take your cow and dig up your potatoes giving them away to feed the illegal immigrants who agree to vote Labour in exchange for getting your free stuff.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
7 October 2022, 08:09,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
I'm retired, I dont pay income tax, we get a rebate on council tax and we only pay VAT if we buy something, if TSHTF all that goes by the board, the system collapses and everything else with it.
and voting along with everything else will stop.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 October 2022, 14:23,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
That can all change with a knock at the door.
And income tax is only a small part of the taxes you pay. That 20% VAT is a sizable chunk of even the retiree's budget. So are the council fees, excises and duties hidden from you that you pay daily. They are taxing the crap out of you!
In your case they are taking it from someone else, giving it to you, then taxing you for using it.
Part of that you pay as protection fees to keep the predators of society off your backs. The government is very serious about protecting the people they steal from. No theft, blackmail or tribute allowed from nongovernment sources.
After all, in the complete collapse scenerio you still cling too there will be no one to protect you from the next strong man that steps up. "Pay up or we set the thatch on your hut on fire!"
You don't believe it? Just wait until you smell the smoke!
All "collapse" means is that you trade one tax collector for another.
BTW, banks are a fairly recent economic evolution. All those "hordes" of treasure your archeologists dig up are former stashes of wealth hidden for safe keeping. No banks as we know them until the crusades.
Even then the average person would not step inside a bank for his whole life.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
7 October 2022, 14:52,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
I dont know about where you live MB, but in England everything stops with the first winter storms, post collapse it will be the same but 100 times so.
any kind of "alternative govt" is going to be small beer and will control a very small area, if they control anything at all.
the South West of England is very remote even in normal times and post collapse will be remoter still, in fact it wont take much to cut us off from the rest of the country, that has happened before and it will again.
we tend to look after ourselves down here, we have to, central govt dosent even know where we are half of the time, they think the SW ends at Bristol. must think anyone south of Bristol is a tribal primative, maybe we are!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 October 2022, 17:30,
River Song
Sine Qua Non
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
The Fat Lady is Clearing her throat
8 October 2022, 20:28,
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
RS good to see you back. Hope all is well with you and that you have adequate stock of Harvey's for the winter.
73 de KE4SKY
In "Almost Heaven" West Virginia
9 October 2022, 11:19,
Posts: 337
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
It’s always handy to have cash on hand but be aware of moving large amounts. If you move around £2000 in one transaction it will flag to Inland Revenue and if you move larger amounts over 10k it gets flagged to the Police.
Always move cash in sums under £500.
(Disclaimer- these numbers are from a while back, it’s probably higher now)
9 October 2022, 13:14,
Posts: 15,264
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RE: The internet may be shut down Banks close doors
current limits seem to be anything over £6,500 would raise suspicions, anything under £5,000 is suggested to be fine.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.