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Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
8 April 2012, 21:32, (This post was last modified: 8 April 2012, 21:32 by Scythe13.)
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
(8 April 2012, 18:35)mikebratcher69 Wrote: I've had a fight with two coked up individuals and as you say scythe, they just keep coming.
If you need a bit of time to gather yourself or pull a weapon break a nose or two like I did, gives you valuable seconds to get yourself together AND remove your top if you can before the fight as people grab hold of you with it. Most fights degenerate into close grappling I've found so the less they have to hold onto you with the better...

That's very true, which is why even though I do MMA, it's all about the BJJ for me (plus people don't know how to react to a big guy that specialises in BJJ haha).

The problem with coke, and also with speed, is that people that are on it are not the kind of people to take everything they have all at once. People with coke will normally have more than 1 night's supply (well, the people I know anyway), and the same goes for speed (the poor man's coke).

There are mountains of coke available, and I genuinely think that many people have been away from the current street drug scene for just long enough to not see the recent changes. People are making their own stuff. Loads of people are not growing some things, mixing others, cutting some stuff, cooking something different. They are all doing these things on easily obtainable camping style stoves. Some of the larger labs friends have told me about are using big blue bottle gas cookers!

Food could run out in 1 week (3 days food in the average house, 3 days of food in the shopping system), drugs will be available for over 2 weeks. Many people I've heard about (not friends of mine......honest) have over a month's supply for a main deal. What do you think that means? It's more like a month's supply for about 20 people!!!

Drugs will be more readily available than tins of food, for most people.
And as Mike said, they just keep coming.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
9 April 2012, 00:20,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
to keep you safe i think you really need a good group of people
an old building or something to fort up and a most is people from the forces
to keep a building with 4 corners covered 24hrs a day for ever = 36 personal
working 2 hrs on over 12hrs then 12 hrs off
you need a 8 personal scout party 2x4 teams to check the surounding area
you need a 16 personal raiding party 4x4 teams to get things the group needs
total needed 60 personal
and to this doctors, A&E doctors, nurses, pharmisits, dentist, machanical and electrical engineers, farmers, cooks + their loved ones .

there is a lot of people out there that are very good at things outside the law but stuggle at the moment but after an event things will be different
to win the war, you must be willing to die
9 April 2012, 01:23,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
Maybe a small town would be more appropriateBig Grin

Whats that bit about " a most is people from the forces" ? Please clarify? Ta, TL.
9 April 2012, 01:28,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
getting late should be (must) not most
i think i should be thinking about bed lol
to win the war, you must be willing to die
9 April 2012, 09:01,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
i think we are getting too concerned about the druggies, i have been around people like this when i lived in the city, thankfully i got out some 13 years ago, but even here in a small rural town a huge dump of needles was found in bushes near the kiddies play park, mainly around here its a bit of blow but i suppose its a case of what they can get. however i still think this is predominantly a city problem and i really dont think we are going to see a huge wave of coke and smack heads walking out into the countryside, maybe around the larger cities and industrial towns this may happen but in a county with only 2 cities 30 and 40 miles away i really dont see this being a major problem. i see more of a problem with the local breeders"i've got kids-i've got to have, brigade".
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
9 April 2012, 12:19,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
Maybe there will be loads of drugs. I like the sound of that because those people will be fighting all the others they know who are involved in that scene and leave us alone until at least the drgs have run out. We have staggered groups which are easier to handle and we only see the druggies when they are withdrawing.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
9 April 2012, 12:26,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
(9 April 2012, 12:19)Skean Dhude Wrote: Maybe there will be loads of drugs. I like the sound of that because those people will be fighting all the others they know who are involved in that scene and leave us alone until at least the drgs have run out. We have staggered groups which are easier to handle and we only see the druggies when they are withdrawing.

thats my way of thinking too SD.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 April 2012, 09:13, (This post was last modified: 10 April 2012, 09:14 by 00111001.)
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
Hey, some of us like a bit of coke an some puff at the weekends. We're not all bad you know...
(10 April 2012, 09:13)00111001 Wrote: Hey, some of us like a bit of coke an some puff at the weekends. We're not all bad you know...

Plus in WW2 in the med packs you got a cocaine solution, for wounds. Splash some in the wound, then drink the rest, get up an keep going!

10 April 2012, 12:15,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
(9 April 2012, 00:20)grumpy old man Wrote: there is a lot of people out there that are very good at things outside the law but stuggle at the moment but after an event things will be different

Count me in on that group! haha.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 April 2012, 16:42,
RE: Safe Haven - if there is such a thing
(10 April 2012, 12:15)Scythe13 Wrote:
(9 April 2012, 00:20)grumpy old man Wrote: there is a lot of people out there that are very good at things outside the law but stuggle at the moment but after an event things will be different

Count me in on that group! haha.
i think i'm "borderline" when it comes to legality, i help myself to stuff which is obviously not wanted, legally it belongs to someone else, but if i can use it i "acquire it"Tongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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