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13 April 2012, 19:47,
i know we all prep, but we all (i presume ) sit in comfortable surronundings, i know sythe has been off camping but how many acctually go to your bol or do practice runs and test your gear that you have purchased for this reason its no good in the packet does it work
i have done black out nights at home ended up playing cards by candle light and talking (not much of that happens with the telly on)
cooking open fife fire pit
our next one will be be a day with out running water
and intend to do a lot more camping this year

13 April 2012, 20:08,
RE: skills
This is exactly what TL and WnC are pitching towards as well.

TL is modifying his kit to become more moveable and agile to provide a better range and speed. WnC is pushing for people to practice the actual living skills with the challenges.

As more of us feel everything is getting closer to hitting the fan, we are pushing to practice and things like that. We are developing the different skills that we need. Personally I'm really developing my outdoor sleeping and fire skills. But I live in an opportunity filled world. My boss is happy for me to sleep in the woods or to hang out on a cliff edge, or something like that (It saves the company money haha. Oh, and I think he's a little worried about me carrying a chunky knife in my laptop bag).

Personally, because a Bristol team is not yet established, my plan is to remain mobile. So I'm practicing along those lines.

Maybe loads of people plan on bugging in hehe, I'm kidding. I think people don't have as many opportunities to practice as I do, but if they did, no doubt they'd all do much better jobs than me.

Next up I'm trying out an emergency shelter! That'll be a fun one.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
13 April 2012, 20:42,
RE: skills
I'm getting kit together now to prepare for my first practice run bugging out, 2 weeks and I will ne doing my night time ninja run out in the sticks :-)
“Subtle and insubstantial, the expert leaves no trace; divinely mysterious, he is inaudible. Thus he is master of his enemy's fate.” Sun Tzu
14 April 2012, 14:10,
RE: skills
Because I have a family and family things to do most of the time, one of my boys in school and ones in college and my little girls to young to involve much yet, me and the boys check out our bol's during the holidays practicing fire lighting etc. Tromping around the moors and such in all weathers.
We go no matter if is raining or snowing whatever the weather, no point practicing lighting fires or patrolling in just sunny weather...
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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