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The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
15 November 2011, 00:06, (This post was last modified: 15 November 2011, 20:44 by Skvez.)
The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Hi all,

New member here

I believe the main threat facing us is a long slow deterioration in living standards which at some point will hit a tipping point - mass disobedience, strikes, water/food/fuel shortages, breakdown in law and order and so on.

Not as sexy as asteroid strike, nuclear war, pandemic etc.

Looking at current events, this is happening (for all manner of reasons) in the middle east and on the peripheries of Europe. I do not see the situation improving.

I may be wrong (and would dearly love to be proven so). My guesstimate is for a tipping point to be reached in a couple of years.
15 November 2011, 01:48,
RE: The threat is.....
Bald Carl, I am pleased to see that you have joined us. This is certainly something to consider. I am wondering what will happen in that situation. Will our Government allow us to take over or will they do what is happening in Syria and what happened in Libya? Will they go quietly or use the steel fist and shoot us down. Kenneth Eames.
15 November 2011, 11:43,
RE: The threat is.....
were given power. Look at "occupy wallstreet", sure the present system has corruption and even if it wasn't; isn't as fair as it could be but their alternative is anarchy!

Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
15 November 2011, 12:51, (This post was last modified: 15 November 2011, 12:55 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: The threat is.....
Nup your not wrong, A societal collapse is for many of us the most lilkely secenario, Its something that has ben covered in depth for many years by many preppers, Skean has commented on in on this forum, and I have done the same on PUK. But it is how we respond to a collapse of society and the associated anarchy that follows that rocks most UK preppers boats.

I may be wrong and am willing to accept being corrected but I think the majority of the preppers on forums I use choose to plan to survive with their own nuclear family groups or groups of known other preppers with whom they have mutual support agreements. But on some forums the socialist mentality appears to be popular with members on those forums talking about sharing their stocks and supplies with their neighbours and communities including those who have never embraced or considered prepping as worthwhile.

I'll gladly help other preppers who I know, but stuff the sheeple.

(15 November 2011, 00:06)Bald Carl Wrote: Hi all,

New member here

I believe the main threat facing us is a long slow deterioration in living standards which at some point will hit a tipping point - mass disobedience, strikes, water/food/fuel shortages, breakdown in law and order and so on.

Not as sexy as asteroid strike, nuclear war, pandemic etc.

Looking at current events, this is happening (for all manner of reasons) in the middle east and on the peripheries of Europe. I do not see the situation improving.

I may be wrong (and would dearly love to be proven so). My guesstimate is for a tipping point to be reached in a couple of years.

(15 November 2011, 01:48)Kenneth Eames Wrote: Bald Carl, I am pleased to see that you have joined us. This is certainly something to consider. I am wondering what will happen in that situation. Will our Government allow us to take over or will they do what is happening in Syria and what happened in Libya? Will they go quietly or use the steel fist and shoot us down. Kenneth Eames.

Kenneth what do you think all the gun control laws applied every couple of years since 1968 are about? certainly not crime fighting as the governments own figures show that legally held guns were only ever used in less than 1% of reported gun crimes, and most of those were suicides. The govt has been disarming us gradually for decades primasrily to ensure they stay in control.

What good is democracy with the three main parties have identical policies and are run by the same ruling elite old boys?

15 November 2011, 13:03,
RE: The threat is.....
Bad Carl,

This is the no 1 threat imo. We are all trying to cover it in our preps.

The issue when it does hit tipping point is will the army, poorly paid and mistreated, fire on UK families. Especially as their families are still here. I think many will, not all, but not forever. They don't have crimes to face so won't be fighting till the bitter end like in Libya.

They will then face their crimes and sadly for them at that stage the penalties will be limited.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
15 November 2011, 20:28,
RE: The threat is.....
The problems in the PIIGS countries do not appear to be getting better. Greece, the worst offender now has a new government. This will get them the final tranche of their current bailout and probably an agreement to get a further bailout next year. Similar deals will be done Ireland and Portugal.
Italy and Spain are yet to go down that route but are close to it. It is widely accepted that a repayment rate of 7% on government debt is unsustainable and ultimately cause that country to go cap in hand to the IMF / EU and beg for a cheap loan. Italy have hit that point. Current consensus is that there is simply not enough money to bail Italy out. If this happens, Italy will default on its debts. The institutions which lent money to Italy (bond holders) would lose some of their money and take a haircut.
These institutions would be banks, pension companies all over the world. Interestingly, there is a lot of exposure to PIIGS debt in France. The uk has quite a high level of exposure to Irish debt.
The whole system is like a line of dominos stood in a line. A number of the dominos are wobbling. Will one fall?
15 November 2011, 20:44,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Updated thread title to make it meaningful
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
15 November 2011, 23:45,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
As an ex soldier, I can assure you most soldiers will rapidly do one and go home to their loved ones taking their weapons with them.
Any way we were generaly only trusted with a few magazines of ammo in case we wasted it....
I think the average somali pirate is equipped better than the average uk soldier.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
16 November 2011, 10:26, (This post was last modified: 16 November 2011, 10:41 by mikebratcher69.)
RE: The threat is.....
(15 November 2011, 11:43)Skvez Wrote: were given power. Look at "occupy wallstreet", sure the present system has corruption and even if it wasn't; isn't as fair as it could be but their alternative is anarchy!

occupy wall street isnt power, to them its like watching an insignificant insect buid something, then they watch for a while, interested, then we annoy them, then they crush and remove like they have done.
If you think you have a right to see the pm or free speech go to number 10 and demand to and get in or the the houses of parliament and have your say, watch how fast you get nicked..
Dont get me wrong though, Id rather have been born here than say boliva, or some such place,England is peaceful no civil wars (yet) etc and theres some beautiful places to see, but the only difference between our country and a dictatorship is that ours is covert about it, look at how many cameras are about, speed and cctv, yes to a certain extent they can help reduce crime but, we are the most heavily surveiled population in the world after china and some other place, is that free? I think not. You cant build on your own land without permission, try not paying your taxes for a while or your poll tax, see where you end up. As S.D. said you cant even live in a commune doing no harm to anybody without them wanting to poke their nose could be making beer or cigs... theyd want their cut see. look at demonstrations recently, the police hid their faces and took off identify numbers so you didnt know who they were, whilst all the time they removed demonstrators masks and videod them, but if you tried to video or photograph them, they confiscated your camera. FREE I THINK NOT.
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
16 November 2011, 11:23,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]

We are surveiled much more than China. It is a Stalinist nightmare come true. Executions, imprisoned without trial, illegal fines, taxes.

But, lets get off the politics. Suffice to say the UK can't continue the way it is and socialism always leads to mass deaths.

Keep prepping.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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