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How to protect what you have ?
26 June 2012, 20:12,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
(26 June 2012, 17:08)Tibbs735 Wrote: One idea I had was to make a loud bang somehow before placing animal feed down in a safe place, so that animals would run into cover at the sound of gunfire, expecting food. I'm not sure how / if it would work though

I don't understand what you mean by that.

Do you mean put food down in a clearing in a wood and then make a lot of noise so they ran there for feeding. The theory being when one was shot the others would run to this safe place?

Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
26 June 2012, 23:08,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
underground shelter / bunkers must be sited away from a dwelling the way i see things, detatched dwellings will be prime targets, which leads in to venting air intakes etc these will act as a marshall amp,blast valves with secondary mufflers would do it i think. location is paramount with at least one elevation self protecting (no access to the flank) and both side elevations. Sump and wc are all in my plan, along with main door with two bolt exits , i am looking into timber construction because this way would be the fastest way and flexable in terms of ground movement and could be premade . Concrete founds and roof with integral stauntions shuttered into panels . When i get started i will film it in real time for those interested,anyone with ideas feel free i am here to learn and hopefully teach something

27 June 2012, 06:32,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
ok so heres my take, first off the Sh!t has already hit the fan a fair while ago, right now we're all marching straight towards TEOTWAWKI, ive also noticed a big increase in preppers and survivalists in the last few months and years, not to mention all the economic disasters and all that, but thats another conversation.

back to the main discussion, i happen to know alot of bunker locations as well as various military locations, both in and out of use, not the mention various wilderness's and places that will be easy to survive and thrive with the right knowledge. so i'd either grab my BOB and head straight for a bunker, hope fully i'dve stocked up about 3 months+ food, ideally about a years supply, anymore is a bonus, of course if a bunker is out of the question i also know locations of various disused and relatively stable mines all around the uk, some with steel doors (again i know how to open those) some even have underground lakes which would provide me a decent no hassle watersupply, not to mention it would block off any other access from other places the mine system may lead. essentially the main idea behind this is to hide either underground or far enough away to not attract any attention from anywhere, yet not impede my ability to thrive by having fires or anything, and also allowing me to establish a more permanent and therefore cosier place to live, as opposed to just having a temporary tent or something.

of course if it came down to a confrontation i'd first try to avoid it, either by bartering, being generally suave and using the gift of the gab, or if it ultimately came down to it, using brute force, be it by knife, rifle or even my bare fists...

...i'd also look to set up various caches around, both with weapons, food and other essentials, i'd also cache my main long term supplies underground, including over 80 varieties of seeds exceeding about 10lbs in weight, everything from tobacco plants that are versatile enough to grow even in our english climate to chillis, grain, salads, tomatoes, and alot of other things. for short term things i'd stock up on MRE'S especially for camping and the way to my BOL so i can avoid the attention of hunting as well as the effort as well as having the option for a flameless hot meal! not to mention alot of other great things about them Smile....having caches with all these things will ensure that even if a confrontation goes badly and im left wounded and without food or equipment, ill ensure that i've always got thing hidden around just in case, all my caches will be buried in vacuum sealed containers that will be perfectly moisture and air tight to ensure little to no spoilage of anything inside.

at any rate the best bet to protect what you got is to adopt the grey man principle, blend in, be the man that walks down the road and everyone forgets within a minute, be inconspicuous, dont flaunt what you have, be secretive, cautious, and when your away from everyone hide your main camp, whether that be covering your tent with branches and leaves or hiding the entrance of your bunker or cave. and finally remember, YOUR NOT RAMBO. running around with a back full of guns and a bloody huge knife is not going to do you any favours, blending in and being prepared will do.
27 June 2012, 10:59,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
trouble with being a grey man is that "raiders" or looters may see you as just another sheeple to be fleeced as and when they feel like it, in my case i have a problem blending in because of my size and shape...think ZZ TopBig Grin however a few of the neighbours have had "the rough edge of my tongue" so they know to step lightly around meTongue there could be a case for being known as "not an easy touch" in which case they will go and try their luck elsewhere!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 June 2012, 11:10,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
(27 June 2012, 10:59)bigpaul Wrote: trouble with being a grey man is that "raiders" or looters may see you as just another sheeple to be fleeced as and when they feel like it, in my case i have a problem blending in because of my size and shape...think ZZ TopBig Grin however a few of the neighbours have had "the rough edge of my tongue" so they know to step lightly around meTongue there could be a case for being known as "not an easy touch" in which case they will go and try their luck elsewhere!

well being a grey man doesnt necessarily mean looking poncey Tongue just innocuous, alot of young veterans look pretty inconspicuous, mind you when it gets to the point where raiders and looters are running riot, grey man or not its not going to make much of a difference, simple existing will be too conspicuous Tongue...

..hang on when you say zz top you dont mean the big beardy dudes do you? (if so i vote you braid your beard and carry a battle axe, i mean no one is gonna f"ck with a viking for gods sake!)

at any rate exuding an aura of im a hard bastard is a very useful trait, i guess its all about the look really, i mean im not that big but even people who dont know my reputation always avoid conflicts with me Tongue...ive only been in 2 fights for gods sake! (admittedly neither of them went well for the other guys, both were 1 punch from me and it was over) its all how you hold yourself and the way you stare at people!
27 June 2012, 11:23,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
ZZTop "Big beardy blokes" yep thats me, but NR thinks i look more like Hagrid out of Harry Potter so i suppose you take your choice!! i was in Wincanton some time ago just walking down the road with the wife and some woman tried to throw herself through a shop window(i kid you not) just to get away from me...i had said nothing, not even opened my gob, so that might give you an ideaBig Grin like i say "grey man" i aint!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 June 2012, 11:29,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
damn you sound like you should be leading those raiders xD...big ass harley, sounds pretty cool actually accidental hagrid reference lol

hell if you look that mean i dont think you need to be sneaky xD....your the guy people sneak around!

i must admit i'd have a hard time of being a grey man myself, ive never met anyone that looks remotely like me, when my hairs down its like a big hairy signpost xD...and when its down im still pretty distinctive xD.....actually put it this way, put a top hat on me and i become slash xD
27 June 2012, 11:36,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
i've spent most of my life..well the last 30+ years of it anyway getting used to people staring at trying to stay inconspicuous around sheeple is almost an impossible job. which is why come SHTF we are going for total isolation, bugging in to start with but OH has already said if TSHTF she dosent want to stay here, she dosent think it will be safe, so we will be bugging out to a BOL we have already scouted out.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 June 2012, 12:07,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
thats what im betting on, remote location, im considering some old mines right now as well as breaking into some abandoned bunkers, the less people about the better hiding is infinitely more preferable to confrontation, even if you can handle it, although as horrible as it is i consider my parents to be a liability, although my dad is clever and knowledgeable, hes fat and unfit, so's my mum Tongue.....if TSHTF i hope you guys make it to your BOL, its good that you've scouted it already, have you considered long term shelter?...ive got some good material on log cabin construction if you want it, ill have to download a few pdf's but shouldnt be too much of a hassle Smile....its all freely available on the net, if i cant find a decent bunker or a decent cave im gonna be making a log cabin (albeit a subterranean one).....with good opsec and planning im sure you guys will be A-Ok Smile
27 June 2012, 13:28,
RE: How to protect what you have ?
our principal BOL( i've scouted about 7 so far) is an abandoned cottage, been empty for about 6 years since the old lady who lived there either went into a home or died, its been empty and abandoned since then, i say empty it has got a few bits of furniture in it and its got a huge walk in larder.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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