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The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
18 November 2011, 11:42,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Why is it always when The Labour Party gets into govt. they make such an almighty cockup of running the country that we are all paying the price for years to come after they get voted out?? i'm not saying the Conservatives are any better, but generally speaking they seem to have more business sense than Labour but because the finances are in such a mess then it takes them years to sort it all out, it was the same when Maggie got into power.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 November 2011, 16:15,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
The big problem is this, the economy etc., is sorted out and then the voters re-elect the socialists again, and the roundabout starts its cycle again. This is understandable if you happen to be one of those people who have never had a job in their life and certainly don't indend ever to have one. Unfortunately, there are many people who have worked many years who are now unemployed. These people are unfortunate because of the lazy ones who vote labour through fear of having to work. Kenneth Eames.
18 November 2011, 16:29,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(18 November 2011, 16:15)Kenneth Eames Wrote: The big problem is this, the economy etc., is sorted out and then the voters re-elect the socialists again, and the roundabout starts its cycle again. This is understandable if you happen to be one of those people who have never had a job in their life and certainly don't indend ever to have one. Unfortunately, there are many people who have worked many years who are now unemployed. These people are unfortunate because of the lazy ones who vote labour through fear of having to work. Kenneth Eames.
I dont think i totally agree Kenneth, but with a 2 party system( Lib Dems havent got a cat in hells chance of forming a govt on their own) it will ALWAYS be one party, then the other and back to the first one again, nothing changes, nothing gets better, because they're only in for 4 or 5 years its status quo, nothing ever gets fixed.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 November 2011, 16:48,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Our politicians should only be allowed to serve a maximum of two terms in office before having to step aside, that would ensure only those really wanting to serve would come forward wanting to go to PARLIAMENT, and would stop the career failed politicians we have blighting us today.

18 November 2011, 18:05,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
We already have term limits NR, they're called elections.
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
18 November 2011, 18:41,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(18 November 2011, 18:05)Skvez Wrote: We already have term limits NR, they're called elections.

I think what NR means is, they can only be an MP for a max of 10 years and then they've got to get a real job!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 November 2011, 14:03,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
They're all in it for the money anyway just like footballer if you ask me, cut their money down to real world levels, remove their fantastic pensions, second home allowances, and watch them run for it, mp's that is not footballers, they're just attention seeking muppets.
I find it funny that most of the aristocrats in this country made their money hundreds of years ago on slavery, or rubber plantions etc and they have the brass bal*s to try and tell us right from wrong, they say crimes wrong but how many of them are criminals, faking allowances etc, mind you I think they follow the old school way of thinking..."DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO"
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
11 August 2014, 14:32,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
the first post is now 3 yrs old , is it comming true are we slowly going downhill.

3yrs later.
nhs better...?
unemployment better...?
do you feel better or worse.
Survive the jive (youtube )
11 August 2014, 14:39,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
things are getting worse, just look at the state of the NHS, the roads, most people (at least here) are on minimum wage, new Waitrose is being built 13 miles away and they say "ah but it will bring 100 jobs to the town" what they don't say is they are all part time jobs so their wages will still be topped up by benefits, just sounds good.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
11 August 2014, 18:18,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
i drove back from manchester on sat , almost all the m5/m6 was having some sort of work done, large parts of worcesters ring road the same when i drove through manchester lots of roadworks their to.
to me this shows that the torys have saved/printed cash to spend months before the gen election ie things are getting better.

are the roads being repaired/done up in your part of the uk...?
or other goverment work , new school , ect ect.

what will happen when this cash is all spent.
Survive the jive (youtube )

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