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Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
20 November 2011, 10:33,
RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
where i live now is very much like what you say NR, i think we've got a couple of ethnic families around the corner but they keep themselves to themselves, most immigrants seem to settle in the cities, thats where any work or money is too be found, living in a rural farming area its very quiet, virtually no crime-i notice some little twerp has knocked the head off the statue in the square, again, but thats about it, the most recent crime we had was back about a year ago when the local ATM was robbed but that was a gang from Birmingham not locals, that was the talk of the town for weeks.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 November 2011, 10:51,
RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
My area is pretty much the same. I've a visitor from London who laughed at the headlines one week 'Man kicked in savage assault' and said they had a robberies andmuggings daily, a stabbing most days and regular shootings that didn't even make page one.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 November 2011, 11:08, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2011, 11:12 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
Last year the village news letter had the shock horror headlines of " Community Center Fencing Vandalised" Smile We get minor vandalism and stupidity, we have had two burglaries in 5 years in the village, we get lots of townies speeding through our village, but we dont have gangs of knife or gun weilding thugs of whatever ethnicity, worst we tend to get is when the coaches taking Newcastle and Sunderland fans picking up at the same time. Our ethnic community consists of the chinese family who run a take away and they are more civilised and Anglisised than I am.

Last year our High school had the chance of taking 170 of our kids for a weeks exchange with a school in London, Not one of our families would let their kids go to London where at the time kids were getting stabbed to death daily often for the crime of walking past the wrong tower block.

I've said it before Cities are just Necropolis in waiting, they are termite colonies for worker drones, and call it what you like white flight or more aptly middle class flight is a growing trends as the thinkings start to realise the writing is on the wall. BMW and Chelsea or Westminster postcodes are no longer the " must haves" but a rural semi self reliant home and a 4x4 is a much better investment.
London has about 39,000 active police officers IRRC and yet they could not stop 200 kids from totalling Tottenham, so what you reckon the net end result of a big power outage or failure by the govt to pay out the welfare money on time would result in ?
As Mike pointed out ( I think twas Mike) imagine a scenario like Tottenham but affecting many more boroughs at the same time and just one bunch of socialist thugs started lobbing molitovs around ?

21 November 2011, 11:06,
RE: Ground to air missiles at the olympics...
Hey, you wanna watch them chinese...
Theres a battalion of chinese soldiers in every chinese take aways basement....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."

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