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Inflation and Benefits
20 November 2011, 18:27, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2011, 18:35 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(20 November 2011, 17:45)Jemcat Wrote: It's not just people on welfare it will affect Working Tax Credit that people on low incomes are entitled to.

And that phrase sums up the problem perfectly, " Entitled" millions are entitled to claim this and that but few have or are paying into it. Its the true degenersative side of the socialist system.

More and more people who claim they are entitled, It is just simply WRONG.
(20 November 2011, 18:06)Jemcat Wrote: Sometimes things happen that you can't avoid like suddenly becoming guardian to three children when you are living frugally on a part time single wage Im glad of working tax credit as my wage doesnt even cover the school uniform

Well with the greatest of respect if your role as parent to three kids came from berievement then yes the state should support you until the insurance money comes through, if you did not have any insurance then sorry but TOUGH I personally dont see why my taxes should pay for other peoples kids.
And if your other half divorced or left you its still his or her sole responsibility to pay for the welfare of the children, again its not the job of the rest of society.

To many people think that they can just walk away from their obligations and expect the rest of us to pay for them, and people who have kids but dont take out life insurance on themselves to ensure the kids future is secure if the parent dies should not expect the tax payer to support them.
(20 November 2011, 18:10)bigpaul Wrote: i think 4% increase was mentioned, and the only people who pay it are the govt, anyone working pays into general taxation( as i've already said). i think the single persons weekly benefit is about £65 so do the sums the increase will be about £2-60pw it wont even buy a jar of coffee-well just about. what we need to stop is the people on benefits breeding, having more kids and getting extra benefit that way. also we need to stop young girls getting pregnant so they get a council flat, well stop the council flat bit anyway if they get pregnant thats their problem, nothing to do with the state.

I like the old adage of if you cant feed em then dont breed em. But the main problem is people just wont take responsibility for their own actions.

20 November 2011, 18:36,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
so if your income suddenly drops to £100 a week and you have kids to look after you WOULDN'T claim Tax Credits?

20 November 2011, 18:39,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
Quote:i think 4% increase was mentioned, and the only people who pay it are the govt

Where does the government get its money from ?
20 November 2011, 18:50, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2011, 18:50 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(20 November 2011, 18:36)Jemcat Wrote: so if your income suddenly drops to £100 a week and you have kids to look after you WOULDN'T claim Tax Credits?

Yes because I have paid in thousands of pounds in taxes and NI for over 40 years. Millions of people in the UK have had child after child after child often just to get a council house and benefits, or have walked away from a relationship and think the state should keep them, They should not get a penny, especially as the money most of those scroungers take is money that if I had not paid so much tax would give MY children the quality of life they deserve.

Tax credits should only be available to those who have paid into the system for years, same with Council tax relief and all other benefits, and they should only be payable for a limited period.
(20 November 2011, 18:39)JD1 Wrote:
Quote:i think 4% increase was mentioned, and the only people who pay it are the govt

Where does the government get its money from ?

Mugs like us.

20 November 2011, 18:52,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
my grandchildren were orphaned and no there's no insurance as my son-in-law didnt think he needed it.
20 November 2011, 19:01, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2011, 19:04 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(20 November 2011, 18:52)Jemcat Wrote: my grandchildren were orphaned and no there's no insurance as my son-in-law didnt think he needed it.

How bloody awful, my heart genuinly goes out to your grand kids, and my respect to you for being willing and able to take on the kids.

BTW I was not trying to pry into your private life y'know, my posts are generalisations nothing more.

Your son in law " Thought he did not need it" and so you and your precious grand children are left struggling, that is just so bloody unfair, AND it makes me start to think that it should be a law that if people start a family they should have insurance by law. If parents were obliged to have insurance such sadness and hardships could be aleviated greatly. Its not easy either way, about 7 years ago we were so skint I had to sell my model railway and many of my power tools just to pay the house insurances.

I know no amount of money can replace good parents, but a cheque for the insurance can at least off some comfort and support to the kids and remaining carers.

Can I ask how old the kids are, my spilt brat has just turned 13.
My missus just read the thread and said that person is very strong and very loving because if we died your bloody mother ( NR's mum ) would not look after her grand kids.

Same story with our sister in laws mum, their toddler was taken ill but she would help out because she thought going bird watching was more important !!!!

20 November 2011, 19:17,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
(20 November 2011, 19:01)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(20 November 2011, 18:52)Jemcat Wrote: my grandchildren were orphaned and no there's no insurance as my son-in-law didnt think he needed it.

How bloody awful, my heart genuinly goes out to your grand kids, and my respect to you for being willing and able to take on the kids.

BTW I was not trying to pry into your private life y'know, my posts are generalisations nothing more.

Your son in law " Thought he did not need it" and so you and your precious grand children are left struggling, that is just so bloody unfair, AND it makes me start to think that it should be a law that if people start a family they should have insurance by law. If parents were obliged to have insurance such sadness and hardships could be aleviated greatly. Its not easy either way, about 7 years ago we were so skint I had to sell my model railway and many of my power tools just to pay the house insurances.

I know no amount of money can replace good parents, but a cheque for the insurance can at least off some comfort and support to the kids and remaining carers.

Can I ask how old the kids are, my spilt brat has just turned 13.
My missus just read the thread and said that person is very strong and very loving because if we died your bloody mother ( NR's mum ) would not look after her grand kids.

Same story with our sister in laws mum, their toddler was taken ill but she would help out because she thought going bird watching was more important !!!!

They are 11,8,3
20 November 2011, 19:27,
RE: Inflation and Benefits
God what a handfull Smile Mine was nicest at 3, interesting at 8 and a swine by 11 but I wouldnt swap him, Never wanted kids originally though, we were married over 20 years before he turned up, loads of folks think we are his grand parents !!! Sad

Betcha dont get five minutes to yourself at the moment ?

20 November 2011, 19:29,
RE: Inflation and Benefits

The system is broke. It's falling apart and it is rapidly approaching it's end. In my view the social system is not the issue at this point. It's intent was different from what it is now and it has been screwed up by politicians as a way to buy votes and make themselves look benevolent. It and the NHS fall into the same catagory.

It's replacement will be much different.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 November 2011, 19:30, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2011, 19:32 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Inflation and Benefits
Wife is just harping on about two neighbouring families she deals with, going mad that one family gets alsorts including free holidays off children in need and help with other things, they have 4 kids but earn over £30 K a year, but the neighbour a lady on her own with two kids gets nothing because the system deems she earns to much !!!. What a crap system.
So one of your supporters of the welfare system tell me how this person is struggling with 3 grandkids , but a recent family of Romas with 11 kids are getting a 6 bedroom house in London and over £38 K a year in benefits !!! The system does not work, I rest my case


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