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28 July 2012, 21:12, (This post was last modified: 28 July 2012, 21:21 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Defence
Heck after all the time I've been trying to be a survivalist I reckon there is about a maximum of ten I trust enough to cooperate fully with. Part of the issue is that most survivalists and preppers are strong willed, already focused and well developed in their plans, and those plans often are totally unlike those of their neighbouring preppers.
I must admit though that I am more than happy with the current status of my preps regarding my closer group and family members, Those ten families will just have to do even if they are spread far and wide.
I no longer feel the need to try and develop any further the mutual support agreements with anyone else as that concept has not worked out as I expected. I've got no unattached young people to contend with and no retired types, definately no armchairs or wannabes and I've given up trying to build closer ties with three other families who just take, take take info, kit, help etc and give nowt back.
I think that at the end of the day we just have to work with the hand of cards we are issued with.

28 July 2012, 23:38,
RE: Defence
My ethos is adaptability. I have no preset strategies for group or otherwise interaction. I envisage different hypothetical scenarios and develop suitable theories/kit to suit. I will under real event conditions choose the best possible course I can at the time and will constantly re-evaluate as I go along. I will draw upon all previous knowledge of scenarios, my own theories and historical models and I will try to best fit the solution to the dilemma encountered at any time. That is why I believe skill sets are more valuable than caches at BOL's. Understanding of human nature in times of stress and group /pack mentality is also worthy of study. IMO, regards, TL.
29 July 2012, 00:31,
RE: Defence
good points TL no matter our preparation kit wise and people wise, we can never plan for every eventuality, adaptability is the single most important aspect of survival.

my favourite take on that is, you can lose equipment, but you cant lose your knowledge Smile
29 July 2012, 02:08,
RE: Defence
All good points.

As a small aside regarding home security-

Put yourself in a raiders position - what would you look for in a target ?

#1. - Has to be - ease of entry.
#2. - Abandoned or lived in ?
#3. - Location - Urban or rural ?
Urban has lots of possibilities for rat-runs , mouseholes , sewer/drain tunnels.
Rural has a greater chance of potential of guard dogs / firearms involved.
#4. - Is the risk worth the potential gains ?

If your building looks tatty , already raided , abandoned , then you might find that most of the trouble will avoid you.
If your building looks sealed , well looked after , and more importantly - has the potential to be someone elses strongpoint then you may see more than the average amount of attention.

Strong doors are all well and good ,but all it takes is the removal of a few slates / tiles and the breaking of a few bits of wood and you are in through the roof , done with a lot less effort than trying to batter down a reinforced door.

Think like the raider - how would you get into your house if it was secured and you had lost your keys ?
Trying very hard not to be paranoid.....and it aint getting easier.

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