(14 August 2012, 10:15)Barneyboy Wrote: you dont think they no about this dude really pal how do you think firearms are gettting in
not via that avenue, sure there will be a few, but of the more technically minded.
your average chav, or gang type simply doesnt have the intelligence or time to piss around setting it all up, im sure there are a few doing so, but fuck all
and im not saying its hard to get firearms by any means, it isnt, just in my opinion that a very very very small minority use that tor site
mostly it'll be, alright mate, i know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy

and the main guy might use the tor site to get it in the first place (but its mostly simple smuggling operations), but the end buyer wont....anyway you get the weapons in pieces, most chavs wont have the patience or intelligence to put a gun together bit by bit
just my opinion on the matter though, who knows might be wrong and chavs may have more than 2 brain cells, and if thats the case, be worried o.O