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interaction with others
3 December 2011, 21:14,
interaction with others
just been reading the little tiff we have had on our site
it points something out to us just how easy we can fall out with people
me an jd1 had a view on canablism not so long a go that differed his veiw and mine were miles apart
but i would not want him to stop posting or picking falt with my post if he writes something i don't agree with i will replay doesn't mean i think hes having a go at me or me having a go at him
because at the end of the day if we still feel are views are right we keep to them
we as preppers think differently to most people and or morals differ as well we are all at different stages in prepping and that includes are mind set
some people think taking wood is theift others think its recycling it only matters what the police officer thinks when he's asking you what you doing
you can run your diesel car on heating oil but i think every one knows your cheating the vat man out of duty that's why it's cheaper but if it's all up in the air that wouldn't matter would it as long as you got where you needed to be
what we should focus on is all pulling together each person has many things to offer and help each other on this site and if tshtf i would sooner have jd1 with me and his different views than everyone else in my village
some times familes fight with each other but should still pull together i would like to think we have become a little family on this site and everyone is the same because if we can't keep together and rise above off days with each other then we should remove the thread rebuilding sociatey because it shows we are just all animals at the end of the day
to win the war, you must be willing to die
3 December 2011, 21:25,
RE: interaction with others
Good post grumpy and I totally agree with you. I often post things that in retrospect could have been worded better, I tend to say what I mean but when I look at the post later it can appear a bit harsh or unpleasant which isn't what was intended (most of the time Smile ).

At the end of the day we are all here for the same general reasons and is probably why meeting up at RV's is a good idea. Once you talk to people face to face you get a better idea of where they are coming from and what they are like.
4 December 2011, 00:13,
RE: interaction with others
Grumpy, Agreed but this was more to do with the tone (if you can have tone in text) I just think we need to be careful with the way we say things.

We are all grown up though so we can put it in the past. I'm running full time to keep going and I don't want too many more like that. Everyone involved is a valued member and all have something to share with us all.

It happens. No big deal imo. It happens to me all the time in RL. Smile

Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
4 December 2011, 10:40,
RE: interaction with others
Wots RL ?

4 December 2011, 10:47,
RE: interaction with others
Real Life??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 December 2011, 10:53,
RE: interaction with others
(4 December 2011, 10:47)bigpaul Wrote: Real Life??

Danke Mein Herr

4 December 2011, 12:09,
RE: interaction with others
Sorry about that. BP is right.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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