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Walther CP99
10 September 2012, 18:03,
RE: Walther CP99
i know its totally legal, but it would be interpreted as threatening behavior, or even attempted bodily harm or some such in this bloody country, although i agree that your right to not care about it, i dont, every time i hear a noise in the house i go downstairs with a 20inch long really thick screwdriver that can do some serious damage (or a nice big knife, always got 2 knives within 1m of me at home lol) and i practised throwing it, so i could impale people from 10m away Big Grin

im sure you wont have such an experience, but we are indeed declining as a society so now is the time to prepare for such scenarios...i think it'd be stupid not to be able to intimidate and defend your home Big aspect of american society i like!

heh dense rubber balls would be ideal i think, but thats why slingshots are in some ways better, a nice big weighty metal ball would do some serious damage, and anyone would be stupid not to be intimidated by a fully drawn slingshot in their face! so i think personally i'd stick with your slingshot, after all its legal, and if shot in the head with enough power and a weighty projectile you could kill, but theres plenty of other alternatives here so its upto you to see what suits you best Big Grin

anyway good luck on your home defence and i hope you never in a situation where it becomes necessary, but im glad you'll be ready Big Grin
10 September 2012, 18:17,
RE: Walther CP99
What are the legal issues with having a slingshot/catapult in your bedside table, and a decorative jar full of stones/pebbles, would the plod do anything if you disturbed an intruder by firing a few pebbles at them?
10 September 2012, 18:22,
RE: Walther CP99
(10 September 2012, 18:17)Jan Wrote: What are the legal issues with having a slingshot/catapult in your bedside table, and a decorative jar full of stones/pebbles, would the plod do anything if you disturbed an intruder by firing a few pebbles at them?

" No officer I keep the catapult to fire stones at the blasted cats that insist on mating on my back fence most nights, its used to scare them away"

10 September 2012, 18:24,
RE: Walther CP99
(10 September 2012, 18:17)Jan Wrote: What are the legal issues with having a slingshot/catapult in your bedside table, and a decorative jar full of stones/pebbles, would the plod do anything if you disturbed an intruder by firing a few pebbles at them?

hmmm hard to say, after a bit of research i found this on yahoo answers

"Are slingshots/catapults illegal in the UK?
I've been hearing both yes and no and would like to clear things up."


Catapults are not illegal in Britain but if used or carried as a weapon they become illegal. You don't have to justify why you are carrying one but in town a police officer is likely to be suspicious. In the countryside it's going to be rather different, even in a public access wood or moorland area, as using one for target practice or even hunting is legal.

On private property, your own or anyone elses, you are perfectly OK.

Hope that cleared things up."

so it sounds like it should be ok to use it as a self defence weapon, but as with any method of self defence its not so much whats used to do so, but the degree of damage you do to a would invader, even if you simply beat the crap out of someone with your bare hands chances are plod would take you up on that and arrest you! i'd say it should be fine, just try not to do any permanent damage lol
10 September 2012, 18:52,
RE: Walther CP99
(10 September 2012, 18:24)Hrusai Wrote: so it sounds like it should be ok to use it as a self defence weapon
It's perfectly legal to have in your home.
Using it on an intruder is a different matter.
If you can adequately prove it was self defence (and you were genuinly scared for your life) you should be OK.
If the intruder can adequately prove you used it to "punish" them then you're in trouble.

Shooting them in the back as they run away will likely get you legal problems.
And although we don't prep anything illegal, any action against an intruder will probably reslt in a search of your house which will get (mis-)reported in the local news.
Pop goes your OPSEC
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
11 September 2012, 09:06,
RE: Walther CP99
If you cut down the barrel of an air rifle, you could fill the barrel with the metal BBs, with a little plug of tissue in the end to keep 'em in place Wink

I used to do this when messing around with the sawn off air rifle we had - gives a nice spread, and stings like buggery (not that I know how buggery stings) from a fair distance. Certainly in a house it'd make an intruder stop in their tracks.
11 September 2012, 17:11,
RE: Walther CP99
if you smoke and have a .22 rifle me an a mate discovered that an extra slim ciggarette filter will fit into the barrel Smile...useed them in his break barrel air rifle to shoot eachother lol, stings a little bit, and if the kid you shoot in the face is a pansy it'll bruise them lol

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