12 September 2012, 18:24,
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How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
Obviously it will depend entirely on what the SHTF scenario is, but how do you think 3rd world countries would fare compared to us in a situation like a global economic collapse?
It would be an interesting shift of balance as we're talking about countries that are used to managing with very little, but often already have extremely high crime rates and questionable governments.
Personally I'd expect a pretty big die off and power changing hands regularly with a spate of revolutions. But that being said, there are a number of third world countries with huge supplies of oil and other resources. If a global economic crash led to a decrease in the interconnectivity between nations, could we see some of those third world countries taking control of their resources and emerging among the leading powers of the world?
12 September 2012, 18:32,
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
If we go tits up so will they due to all the money we give them.
12 September 2012, 18:43,
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
It might work the other way, those who have got sod all to begin with like many in the 3rd world wont miss so much if everything goes to shit. It's the ones like us who have plenty and who end up with nothing that it would hit the hardest, i would have thought.
You have the right to hold any beliefs you want. You do not have the right to have those beliefs automatically respected
12 September 2012, 18:55,
(This post was last modified: 12 September 2012, 18:57 by NorthernRaider.)
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
Depends many poor countries people have much lower standards of living than us BUT are far more self suifficient than we are. From eastern europe, Poland, Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Romanania, Hungary Albania etc nearly every rurual family be they peasants or not tend to have veg plots, chickens, pigs, goats etc, and most cook off wood or coal. Same story in much of South America and parts of southern Africa. Many ordinary foreigners prolly would only notice a reduction in state healthcare, schooling, policing etc
After all in even very poor European nationms most of them have gardens, plots or allotments that we could only dream about, Whilst we bought PS3s, Ford Mondeos and holidayed in FLA they used their more meagre feree money to build up better home grown food supplies.
Now who is laughing at whom? , TBH if I could I would piss off to Serbia or some place like that tomorrow cos my pension if i ever get one will go much further out there than it will here.
BTW anyone else rtead about that colony of expat Brits and Yanks in the foothills in mexico on the Pacific coast side. They live almost totally self suffienct and a weeks groceries excluding meat works out at £12 !!!
We are the fools think X boxes, wide screen TVs, fancy cars etc are the essential to have.
Just remember that if you lose your job, pension, savings etc the council will still want your council tax or else, they will still charge you extortionate amounts for fuel and energy, but Olag, Csrl, Ivan, Johann, Pedro, Pietro etc will be able to continue cooking on the wood burner.
12 September 2012, 19:56,
Recon By Fire
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
The way i see it, if it all goes tits up the US and some other nations will go marching onto foreign soil to occupy the country for the oil, the war machine doesn't run on empty
12 September 2012, 20:24,
Skean Dhude
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
The European third world countries, the UK, Spain, France, etc. will be hit bad. The original third world countries will mainly be unaffected. The money we send goes into bank accounts and little gets through. They will survive as they have always done.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
13 September 2012, 11:24,
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
maybe some of the European population can survive with very little, as you say SD they have always been good at self sufficiency, but not so the African countries..they have had droughts for years and have large families so live from year to year on international aid, if that stops i think they've had it and will just starve and die.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 September 2012, 11:48,
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
The north Africans are likely to end up in a mess cos they are higly dependant on Aide and imported grain.
14 September 2012, 22:01,
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
Sorry to say but I'd guess that the REAL third world countries would fare a lot better than us.
After all they are used to no dosh, food, clean water.
Us here in the UK?
Food and fuel will stop within a few days.
After that, it'll get bad.
14 September 2012, 22:03,
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RE: How bad will 3rd world countries be affected?
I caught the end of a show called Nomads Land last night, about a group of people 'from one of the coldest inhabited places in the world'. I think these type of people will be the least affected if we are talking a financial collapse, electrical blackout etc. They live off the land and always have and unlike us they wouldn't have to adapt to anything different.