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Wales and Scotland
8 October 2012, 15:14,
Wales and Scotland
Okay everyone,

As I always harp on about going out and about and upping the fitness and health aspect. Let's have some fun shall we.


Something has just happened. You don't know what, but you know there are riots, or some other event in the area that is forcing you to leave home. That's correct, life's a bitch, but this is what we prepare for.

It must have been a solar flare, or high powered EMP, because the cars are not working. There are riots in the streets, on the wait....the TV isn't even turning on now. WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!?!?

Time to bug out.

You pick up your bag and get ready to leave.

Assuming you are at home, how far a walk from your home is your BOL?

Many people say about going to Wales (Mid-Wales) or Scotland.

If you are going to Mid-Wales, or to Scotland, how long, with your BOB on your back, will it take you to travel, by foot, to your BOL? Also, what will you do when you get to mid-Wales? Will you set up a tent, then start building a house? Do you have a ready built home? Or what do you do?

I'm asking because I'm curious what people will say and what they plan to do. Many people say about Scotland, but come winter, 90% of people, without heating and the alike, will die. So what do people plan to do in mid-Wales?

Will you build your own home? Take up residence in an already existing building? Will you evict some weaker family and take their home? Or have you already got caches available in a set location? If so, how long would it take you to get there while carrying your BOB?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 October 2012, 15:18,
RE: Wales and Scotland
I live in my BOL ??? but if i did have to bug out i would not go to the Celtic states during a time of high political tension as underlying racism will soon flourish and the celts would soon start targetting those Angl'ish Bastards. I know 90% of the Taffs and Jocks are normal decent folk but thats still over 10% who will turn their anger and fruistrations onto Poles, Asians, Blacks and English.

8 October 2012, 15:21,
RE: Wales and Scotland
Other than living at your BOL, if you were to go to Wales, like so many say they will, what would you do?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 October 2012, 15:22, (This post was last modified: 8 October 2012, 15:24 by bigpaul.)
RE: Wales and Scotland
BOL is 8 miles away, its an EMPTY unlocked house, i reckon even in bad weather and taking lots of rests we can walk/cycle there in 24 hours. anyone who reckons they can survive outdoors will be dead in the first bad weather of the first winter. i wont bug out unless its inevitable, say if TPTB want to evacuate everyone to the "rescue centres" (concentration camps!) then we will leave early morning, under cover of darkness/ just as its getting light, not so much sunrise as dawn time.
(8 October 2012, 15:21)Scythe13 Wrote: Other than living at your BOL, if you were to go to Wales, like so many say they will, what would you do?

we wouldnt go to wales, too far too walk, too many unfriendly people, not safe, no way Jose!!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 October 2012, 15:30, (This post was last modified: 8 October 2012, 15:35 by Lightspeed.)
RE: Wales and Scotland
OK, good Scenario

Of course nbeing LS I'd have to first fire up SW radio gear which is housed in a permanent manpack/faraday cage. That will allow me to gauge what's going on.

BOL is appox 2.5 hours travel.

Approx 1hr by bike, then pushing / carrying them another 1.5 hr uphill to the BOL, replenishing water from aquafer sorce stream just befe reaching BOL

Bikes already good to go.
BOB's already good to go
PV gear already good to go
Biggest time consumer packing as much foodstuff as we can onto the STEEL racks. (Variable amounts possible and must be balanced to weather conditions and ground conditions)

Using bikes, we'll be able to carry max 40kg each, but will have to emergency cache at least half of weight before ascent, then come back and collect on a second or third run. Load already suitably divided and cache locations identified.

Tested three times so far and multiple alternate routes in plece. Alternate routes will be quieter but less flat, thus adding to travel time.

(8 October 2012, 15:22)bigpaul Wrote: BOL is 8 miles away, its an EMPTY unlocked house, i reckon even in bad weather and taking lots of rests we can walk/cycle there in 24 hours. anyone who reckons they can survive outdoors will be dead in the first bad weather of the first winter. i wont bug out unless its inevitable, say if TPTB want to evacuate everyone to the "rescue centres" (concentration camps!) then we will leave early morning, under cover of darkness/ just as its getting light, not so much sunrise as dawn time.
(8 October 2012, 15:21)Scythe13 Wrote: Other than living at your BOL, if you were to go to Wales, like so many say they will, what would you do?

we wouldnt go to wales, too far too walk, too many unfriendly people, not safe, no way Jose!!Big Grin

Good point Paul and probably realistic time frame to reach BOL if you are carrying a lot of weight.

I was assuming thatthe need was to abandon home in an emrgency. We plan to buk out in the wild before appropriating one of several candidate cottages in the area... this way we will be able to assess if the rightful owners are about to arrive unexpectedly.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
8 October 2012, 15:45,
RE: Wales and Scotland
Shen you say bikes, LS, do you mean motor or pedal?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 October 2012, 15:58,
RE: Wales and Scotland
I have a few locations, but none are really great. The first is a 10 minute walk and is simply a wooded area outside town that I think most people are not even aware of due to its particular location. This would only be good for a night or two at best though while I assess the situation. I have two other spots one in either direction of where I live that are both approx 8-10 hour walk. One has a small empty open building that would be my best choice, the other has a covered structure that is better hidden but offers less protection from the elements. Neither would do long term... but thats about as good as it gets.
8 October 2012, 16:05,
RE: Wales and Scotland
(8 October 2012, 15:58)Hexyprep Wrote: I have a few locations, but none are really great. The first is a 10 minute walk and is simply a wooded area outside town that I think most people are not even aware of due to its particular location. This would only be good for a night or two at best though while I assess the situation. I have two other spots one in either direction of where I live that are both approx 8-10 hour walk. One has a small empty open building that would be my best choice, the other has a covered structure that is better hidden but offers less protection from the elements. Neither would do long term... but thats about as good as it gets.
With the 8-10 hour walk, that sounds more reasonable than your first option.
SD told me, never assume you're the only person that knows somewhere exists. If you've found it there's no reason someone else can't do the same.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
8 October 2012, 16:35,
RE: Wales and Scotland
(8 October 2012, 15:21)Scythe13 Wrote: Other than living at your BOL, if you were to go to Wales, like so many say they will, what would you do?

Move into one of the old abandoned deep storage complexes the MOD used to have for protecting stuff during a nuclear war. It would have to be close to something like the WHR or Tallin or Festiniog to be of any practical and SUSTAINABLE long term use.

8 October 2012, 17:35,
RE: Wales and Scotland
Good point NR about being perceived as an outsider in Wales or Scotland. The Highlanders still hold a simmering, unspoken resentment towards the English as the best of times. I can only see that worsening during a grid down / cataclysm scenario.

Someone like me might be in a difficult situation (wife and two toddlers) if they have to flee on foot. Babies are ridiculously high maintenance; how mad would it be in a refugee situation? Because fleeing on foot / bugging out is refugee behaviour.

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