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If you were Prime Minister...
15 October 2012, 20:53,
If you were Prime Minister...
What would you do, specifically?

This should be interesting Big Grin
15 October 2012, 21:03,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Ride a bikearound and call people plebs
15 October 2012, 21:18,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
i wood ride a mp round and call people plebs
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
15 October 2012, 21:18,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Spend my evenings counting my £30 million personal fortune and then go on TV during the day telling all those idiots who voted for me as I made massive cuts to pensions and wages that we're all in it together!
Respect existence or expect resistance!
15 October 2012, 21:22,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
(15 October 2012, 20:53)HunterNurturer Wrote: What would you do, specifically?

This should be interesting Big Grin

Leave the EU
Scrap the welfare state
Make the NHS treat only the sick and injured and certainly not asylum seekers or health tourists.
Ban trade unions but increase ACAS's powers to compensate.
Allow law abiding home owners who have no convicted criminals residing in their homes to own a gun for home defence.
Legally restrict politicians from raising taxation rates above a set rate.
Get ONE company to run the railways.
Exclude pensioners from paying any council tax
Ban all nuclear power stations
Set a national policy map for siting wind turbines
Charge the last Labour government with war crimes, crimes against humanity and treason
Pass a law requiring ALL new homes to be ultra energy efficient and have gardens big enough to grow food on.
Stop people tarmacing their garden.

15 October 2012, 21:24,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Make massive tax cuts. Slash the public sector. Leave the EU. Reform the welfare state. Privatise the NHS. Prosecute every MP who has screwed the people.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
15 October 2012, 21:24,
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
Doh. NR beat me to it.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
15 October 2012, 21:27, (This post was last modified: 15 October 2012, 21:29 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
oops forgot
Because water is essential to human life I would nationalise the water industry and make domestic water supplies / sewage free all home owners.
Raise the penalty for dog poo dumping and stray cats to a minimum of £5000 per offence, so if you dont clean up your dog muck, or you let your cat roam its £5000 fine and it will be paid all at once even it its out of pensions or benefits
If Scotland democratically chose to leave the union I would require all Scots to leave England and Wales as we would only be restating the pre 1707 laws, Full border control would be applied as with all European countries, and transit tarrifs would be applied to all commercial traffic passing through the UK to Scotland

15 October 2012, 21:31, (This post was last modified: 15 October 2012, 21:37 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
well for 1. i would start a building program NOW for prefabricated 2 bed and 3 bed bungalows with front and rear gardens, all with solar panels , and insulated to the highest spec avaible , you could rent or buy via a gov backed scheme . a warden would live on site for(A) 1 monthly checks int an ext of the dwelling to ensure cleanliness , all occupants would HAVE to(B) grow veg failure to adhere to a or b would result in forfeit of the dwelling. all parking would be beyond the road line to allow kids to play safe any deliveries on a specified day only
plus what everone else said
and before nr kicks off no immigrants
oh and everyone would have to sing shangalang by the baycityrollers every friday
15 October 2012, 21:41, (This post was last modified: 15 October 2012, 21:44 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: If you were Prime Minister...
I dont mind many immigrants as they often have useful skills, but I believe they should not get permenant residency status and once their contract is finished they must leave.

" As we sang Shang- alang as we ran with the gang singing do whap be dooby do wah, SD was all in the nude cept for blue suade shoes and he danced the night away."
I would NOT repeal the ban on fox hunting, but i would make the hunting of Chavs and Shop Stewards legal.

Q whats the difference between a Slinky and a Shop steward?
A Nothing they are both utterly pointless but its fun to push them down a flight of stairs Smile


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