Good news for once, domestic LED lighting experiments are turning out to be very successful. LEDs offer a much whiter, smoother and brighter light than Energy saving bulbs or Incandecent bulbs.
They provide a nice white steady light ideal for rooms and for reading by, no flicker to give headaches or migraines.
And as preppers they have two more benefits (1) they use even LESS energy than ENERGY saving bulbs !!!! Wow that is good news. (2) Logistics wise they benefit us as they have an average working life of over 100,000 hours for the best units, compared with 15,000 hours for energy saving bulbs and only 1000 hours for old filament bulbs.
So if your house was fitted with LED cluster bulbs you can control brightness, flood to spot, intensity, and know they will last for years and you will only need a smaller back up genny if you need one for lighting. Indeed comments are being made in some circles that a house can be far easily lit by LED lighting because the much lower power requirements suggest you can use a smaller PV panel and or micro turbine to charge up your battery??
Here are two photos of one of my LED reading lamp bulbs and one of the energy eating Halogen light bulbs it the LED unit replaced.