Poll: What do you think is the highest risk?
Economic collapse
Natural space event, Asteroid/Cosmic rays
Natural Earth event, Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake
Resource shortages
Nuclear attack
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The highest risk
11 September 2011, 11:00,
The highest risk
Over the years the risks have changed and where before we had nuclear war we now have asteroid impact, economic collapse, mother nature or terrorism to worry about.

Personally, I now think that a short term event brought about by economic issues is the highest threat today.

What do you think?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
12 September 2011, 05:50,
RE: The highest risk
I believe we are heading for economic collapse, followed by natural disasters, such as massive storms, vulcanoes, and as Nostradamus said, 'Flames from the Sky'. This could be interperated as sun activity, asteroids or nuclear attack or even as burn out of nuclear reactors. However, I am not a prophet, so its possible it isn't any of these things. I do know I'm unlikely to starve which makes me feel good. Kenneth Eames.
14 September 2011, 09:32,
RE: The highest risk
One risk that is not widely publicised is Polarity Reversal. This the phenomenon where either the magnetic poles reverse or there is a global shift and the geographic poles reverse - not as cranky as you may think - it has happened several times in the past, the last being about 3.5 million years ago.

In the case of the geographic reversal all life on earth is likely to end, with polarity reversal massive disruption can be expected, think of all the equipment our life is built around that uses the magnetic poles in it's functionality.
The experts say the next polarity reversal is statistically overdue and the 2004 category 9 earthquake in Sumatra nearly provoked a total geographic polar end-swap. The main reason seems to be that the earth is massively unbalanced and magma eruptions continue to add to this.

This is a threat that we can do nothing to avert or mitigate so keep the masses quiet by not talking about it seems to the policy.

Advice is what you seek when you know the answer but wish you didn't
14 September 2011, 10:40,
RE: The highest risk
My understanding of pole reversal is that it takes hundreds of years and that while it's happening there are fragmented magnetic poles (rather than none).
The magnetic shield effect will be weakened but will still mostly protect the earth from solar radiation.
All life on Earth is not expected to end.
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
14 September 2011, 12:01,
RE: The highest risk

I'm not an expert on this but think that's true of magnetic polar reversal but not the geographic reversal case where the earth tumbles and swaps poles.
Advice is what you seek when you know the answer but wish you didn't
14 September 2011, 12:38,
RE: The highest risk

There are many things that we cannot mitigate against. No point in worrying about them as there is nothing you can do. As the song goes 'Don't worry.. Be happy.'

We mitigate for what we believe we can survive. A slow magnetic shift is survivable and covered by our EMP plans.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
14 September 2011, 18:38,
RE: The highest risk
Personally I think that eventually resource shortages are going to lead to all of the above!

18 September 2011, 13:21,
RE: The highest risk
One of the biggest threats to our planet is post glacial rebound. Go on Youtube and look at a guy called scott bug, he says uk will have a mag 7 earth quake this year because of massive displaced weight off coast of uk.
18 September 2011, 18:58,
RE: The highest risk

This is one of many natural events that threaten our existence. The UK is not set up for any real eathquake event so it will cause chaos. I will add this to the list.

However, I see more pressing risks and risks much more likely to happen in the near future.

Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
27 September 2011, 13:58,
RE: The highest risk
Just finished work a bit early today,and checked out scott bugs youtube channel, there is a bbc interview with a city trader,who admits that governments carnt fix the economy because they dont own the world goldman sachs does.Thats the first time ive seen that on controlled media, Sadthe guy goes on to say for everyone to be prepared for an economic collapse, please check it out, I think it is very telling indeed.

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