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Happiness is NOT city shaped
20 November 2012, 16:55,
Happiness is NOT city shaped

20 November 2012, 16:58,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
Nice to see we are in the black again,,... I must admit I enjoy life with a stress free job I enjoy doing
A major part of survival is invisibility.
20 November 2012, 17:43,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
this is so true i live in s london near brixtonia and it is depressing to say the least
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
20 November 2012, 18:28,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
That kind of urban lifestyle, of grinding 9 to 5 and living for the weekend, can only really be lived long-term by people who don't ask questions. "Whats the point of all this?" "Am I truly happy?" "What does the future hold for me and my kids?" etc
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
20 November 2012, 18:54,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
I've never understood some of the middle classes , perhaps its just me but I put spending quality time with my family far higher than earning big money. These loons who leave home before 6AM to commute into London, then dont get home again til 7 PM at night, often after their kids are in bed, I dont get it!!

These career obsessed type who dont have children they have 2.5 fashion accessories who get dumped onto the au pair or farmed out at a school that opens its doors at 6 am and keeps the kids til bedtime or worse sent off the boarding school as soon as they are potty trained, I dont get them either.

I also dont get the point of working 90 hours a week even more massive wages just to fund buying a posh terrace somewhere in Londonabad, Is the BMW or Porsche badge THAT important, Is that W1 Postcode THAT important.

Some of these city trader types make many millions in a year, so why bother working after 2 years, take the money, buy a nice place, chill out, go fishing and hunting, enjoy your family. But greed for greeds sake. I dont get it.

20 November 2012, 18:59,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
i lived in a city for 43 years and i KNEW it was not where i wanted to be.more and more houses are being built with hardly spitting distance between them, no wonder anti social behaviour is on the rise.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 November 2012, 19:54,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
i dont understand them either northernraider example the free newspaper that comes though my dads letterbox theres a house in peckham going for 1.7million pound if you had that sort of money why would you spend it to live in peckham which is a utter shithole
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
20 November 2012, 20:44, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2012, 20:48 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
I look at the children of London and see them walking 4 miles to get to a school only 1 mile away cos they dare not walk through the neighbouring area!, I see kiddies geting minibuses to school that have mesh on the windows, I read of cops being permenantly stationed in schools, I read about 254 kids being stabbed in two years, I read of kids being stabbed to death for wearing a different schools uniform. I read of parents spending thousands moving house just to be near a decent school. I read of London kids going on school trips out of town and seeing their first cows, pigs n sheep and the kids are 16!!!!!!!! years old. I read of kids who never venture out after dark

I've tasted London tap water, I've smelled the air pollution, I've seen the hankerchief sized bits of grass that pass for green space.

Jesus bloody christ children are supposed to be able to run for hundreds of yards without having to clock traffic or some twat with a blade, they are supposed to fall over and get covered in cow shit, not find a druggies used needle sticking out their leg.

If you can afford 1.7 bleeding million for a house then sell up buy a new nice 4 bedroom detached in the shires or dales and live off the rest!!

They may drive Mercs, they may earn Millions, but I've seen my son go to bed each night and get up again the next morning, I've seen him running through the cornfields like kids should, I've watched him grow and flourish. He eats fresh food, breaths clean air, drinks clean water and theres not fences, barriers, metal detectors or cops in his school.
I'm far richer than the richest middle class twit.

20 November 2012, 20:58,
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
all true im afraid a 15 year old got stabed to death at the bottom of the road i live in and its normal these days i hate this bloody city.i walk everywhere because the price of public transport is a joke these days you can get stabed on the transport system just as easy
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
20 November 2012, 21:45, (This post was last modified: 20 November 2012, 21:46 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: Happiness is NOT city shaped
once upon a time i worshiped money ...lived for the stuff..worked like a dog for it....had the cars, the holidays,the booze,the nice house , the stroke......then came (what to fu.k you doing what was it all for) my friend ray put me right.although you need money to live don,t need that don,t need half of the useless shit you buy with it....truth is i come to terms with my ego trip and love affair with with the most powerfull control tool on the planet MONEY and like nr said he watched and enjoyed his kids just doing the everyday is no sub for this not even close ....when you get older me.... you look back alot....when that starts you know your on your way to the finishing post..... i ain,t in no hurry though ..sumat for you young uns to think about
be happy with what you have

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