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Ten point nine million people
22 November 2012, 15:01,
Ten point nine million people
10.9 million people, that is how many extra people will be living in the UK by 2025 according to the govts Institute of town planning spokeswoman on Sky News.

10.9 million needing houses, schools, hospitals, roads, water and sewage, power, food. The country will end up looking like Hong Kong because the costs of building all the new towns and infrastructure is still rising fast, So people will only be able to afford to live in ever smaller and desnly crowded properties, I can see tenements and souless blocks of flats becoming the in thing again.

The roads cant cope with more transport so the public transport systems will have to be expanded again at astronomical cost.

Naturally all these extra people and extra structures will mean eeven less quality living space and accordingly crime and anti social behaviour will rise.

Ten new gardens towns are needed plus huge expansion of the medium sized towns will also be required.

All those extra mouths, extra cars, extra power users in a nation dominated by burocracy and cost increases, all to be paid for up front by guess who ? YUP the ever decling number of tax payers.

22 November 2012, 17:26,
RE: Ten point nine million people
People living in densely populated cities will have to have special loops implanted into the backs of their legs, to make them stackable and save space Big Grin.

But seriously, this is absolutely terrible. Urban sprawl is going to keep spreading like some horrible concrete mould.
I get so angry when people say things like "How are we going to feed the worlds/ UKs growing population," when most people never consider the fact that we can't. Its almost taboo to mention it.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
22 November 2012, 18:21,
RE: Ten point nine million people
Thankfully my life will just about be over when this comes to be, but my poor children will suffer in this multi cultural, diverse, inclusive, socialist nightmare of orwellian proportions. The only glimmer on the horizon is that hopefully the 10 million will all settle in the south east where misery and dispair flourish.

22 November 2012, 18:29,
RE: Ten point nine million people
(22 November 2012, 18:21)NorthernRaider Wrote: Thankfully my life will just about be over when this comes to be.

how do you work that one out? you wont be much older than i am now & i expect to still be around!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 November 2012, 18:39,
RE: Ten point nine million people
What a thought? The countries close to bursting as it is let alone with 10.9 million more people
22 November 2012, 19:19,
RE: Ten point nine million people
that wont stop TPTB, they've just given a lot of immigrants the right to stay because they havent been able to process them on time.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
23 November 2012, 00:32,
RE: Ten point nine million people
Everyone interested in population growth, no sod that, everyone should be made to watch this video
Please stick with it it is very interesting

If you can't strip it down and re build it, you don't own it

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