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Todays Educators
23 November 2012, 20:14,
Todays Educators
I know this isnt strictly prepping related BUT my son phoned me from school the other day to tell me that despite hiding his mobile in a zipped pocket inside his blazer with his blazer inside his bag, while he was in a lesson someone went into it and smashed his phone and dya know what the teachers said?? its his fault for not handing it in to the teacher at the beginning of the lesson!!! Then, just to top it off, he came in tonight and said a lad nicked his tie (clip on at that) off his shirt in school, they threw it between a load of them, wouldnt give him it back and lost it and dya know what the teacher said??? its his fault that its gone, he shouldnt have been wasting teachers time and he has to pay £3.50 for the priviledge of getting a new one!!!!

in all honesty, if it wasnt for the fact that i work full time, i would happily take him out of school and home school him!!! im so mad i could just cry with rage and as he was staying behind to do school work, by the time i got to hear about todays incident, it was too late to do anything about it!!!!!

sorry for the rant but im just so mad that 1 some stupid scrubby little kid couldnt keep his hands to himself and knacked something i work hard to pay for and 2 that the teachers couldnt even stick up for him when it was blatantly not him that should be getting wrong.... stupid school!!!
23 November 2012, 20:35,
RE: Todays Educators
Nothing new there Lass. Most schools refuse to admit that they have a bullying problem because if they did then they'd actually have to deal with it, which doesn't fit well with their mamby pamby liberal ideals. Much easier to blame the victim and sweep it under the carpet. The worlds gone mad
73 de

The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government ~ Thomas Paine
23 November 2012, 21:02,
RE: Todays Educators
I can agree with the teacher over the telephone thing. The school probably has such policies in place so it is not liable for damage to such stuff. When all is said and done, no child needs a mobile phone, much less at school unless they are running a company on the side. I know schools in this area that if you bring a mobile to school, it will be confiscated until end of term. They do it too.

W/R to the tie, their has to be a bit more to it than is there but if I as a parent had been met with such an attitude by a teacher in the same circumstances, my child would no longer be wearing a tie. If you do buy another tie, buy a real one so it cannot be pulled off.

You boy needs to get on the weights and learn to fight also. I was hospitalised a couple of times by gangs of bullies when I was a kid. Got on the weights, hit people back. Gangs quickly realise that out of the seven of them that attack you, one of them will need an operation to put their face back together.

As they are cowards, they wont take the risk.
23 November 2012, 23:13,
RE: Todays Educators
Unfortunately they are right over the phone, however they are not over the tie they have a duty of care and act in loco parentus so they owe you a tie because of their failure to protect your son, I would invoice them for a tie and remind them of their duty of care whilst he is at school

24 November 2012, 12:23,
RE: Todays Educators
i was bullied at school in the late 1950s, teachers wouldnt do anything about it, class teacher tried to make me look stupid cos i was the tallest in the class but what can you do when its 1 against 6 or 7? in the end sorted it out myself, one to one with the ringleader, he was eventually expelled for slashing bus seats...unheard of back then especially for a 9 year old!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 November 2012, 23:27,
RE: Todays Educators
(23 November 2012, 23:13)NorthernRaider Wrote: Unfortunately they are right over the phone, however they are not over the tie they have a duty of care and act in loco parentus so they owe you a tie because of their failure to protect your son, I would invoice them for a tie and remind them of their duty of care whilst he is at school

I second that NR, they have a duty of care to protect him while at school which they obviously failed to do. Might be worth having a chat with a solicitor to see if they can be legally reminded of their duty.

Afraid this happens all too often and was a major factor when we decided to home educate our children 10 years ago. It's not been an easy path, especially financially, but wouldn't change it for the world Smile
25 November 2012, 10:39,
RE: Todays Educators
My sons school is petrified of negative publicity, so threats to home school because of poor supervision could be a good tool to use.

25 November 2012, 17:13,
RE: Todays Educators
I know he should have handed his fone in, but it wasnt a lesson they normally arent close to their bags, he knows that hes supposed to but that still doesnt give anyone the right to go through his stuff. and the whole story about the tie is what i put, kids lie to get themselves out of bother and unfortunatly for my son, hes always been a number 1 target for them so roll on tomorrow morning when i go down to the school!!! theres no way im paying for a new tie!!!
25 November 2012, 17:22,
RE: Todays Educators
I agree MG151 - maybe he should have handed the phone in at the beginning of the lesson but that doesn't give some scroat of a bully the right to go in his bag and smash it - that is straight on criminal damage and taking the tie is theft. You should report it to the police, maybe the school might be more willing to exercise there duty of care in future if you do.
73 de

The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government ~ Thomas Paine
25 November 2012, 17:29,
RE: Todays Educators
im seriously thinking of going down the home schooling regardless, my mam and a couple of my friends dont work so they could probs keep an eye on him and the money i save the local authority they can spend on him to go on some of those cool course nr sends his son on... i wish!!!!

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