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Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
10 December 2012, 17:00,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
I like how this thread has kind of gone off the philosophy principle I was expecting it to go down.

It's urban based, so not really a worry about shelter. It's about getting out of a city, so long term food and water is not what I'm on about.

For the situation I'm questioning and the gear/kit I'm referring to, it's an urban environment, and you need to get out. That's it.

(10 December 2012, 16:18)bigpaul Wrote: at the end of the day, when TSHTF and all the stores and shops are empty its KNOWLEDGE that will help you survive.

True, and a very valid point. But that's not the situation I'm on about. I'm on about getting out of a city.

Same for walking the dogs in the flatlands by where you live. ALL useful gear that you're on about and I'm not knocking that, but for leaving a city, not very relevant.

(10 December 2012, 16:35)Highlander Wrote: Ok,.. if you have forgotten all your gear then most people will be stuffed,... so its down to what you are wearing,..

I always buy boots that have these extra long laces, the ones you can wrap around your ankles a million time,...if need be a snare can be made from the lace and still have enough left to tie your boots with.

Jackets should be the type with liners, the last thing you need to be is cold and wet,...if you do get wet, then remove the lining and dry it while still staying warm in the jacket..... the zip of the lining can also do as a saw if needed,..if treated with care.... water proof jackets with loose inside pockets can be removed and used to collect water

Often good to have your walking boots a size too big, so that you have to wear two pairs of socks,... you can do the same with a pair of socks as you did with the lining of your jacket,...or you can use one pair as gloves

Remember that many light layers of clothing is far better and far warmer than a couple of heavy layers

Again, this is a brilliant post and full of great info. But if you're in a city and want to leave, why would you be setting up a snare?

For philosophy of purpose, to leave a city, a good kit would be a handgun, money/creditcard, and a mobile phone. Anything more is just a luxury. You can buy stuff on the way out, or when on the outskirts of the city.

Look at it as being a challenge of what you think you need.

You're not crossing the arctic, you're not injured, you're not behind enemy lines, or anything like that. You're just leaving a city. You really don't need much at all.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 December 2012, 17:01,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
(10 December 2012, 16:46)Highlander Wrote:
(10 December 2012, 16:38)MikeAlpha3041 Wrote: When building your survival kit remember, its need, not want - there is a difference.....

........Some of the items you should take should be items that are not so much luxury items, but items to lift your spirts,..... your frame of mind is the best survival tool you have

I fully agree with you BUT some folk inherently get "want" mixed up with "need"...... I should have been more concise perhaps.... Sort out your "needed" items first and top up with "wanted" items but always include your "spiritual" items.....

If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.
10 December 2012, 17:48,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
That's exactly what I'm getting at MA3041.

Even though the idea of skills and knowledge are important, sometimes they can be total overkill. Learning nuclear physics is useless if you're only needing to filter water (please note, I'm not saying learning skills is useless, even nuclear physics) but put things into perspective.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 December 2012, 17:56,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
even if trying to get out of the city, knowledge is still the key! know your area, know the ways out of the city and alternate ways out if your primary route is blocked, if travelling by car and all the roads are blocked, know a way out on foot or by water if possible, get a street map and study it, get boots on the ground and really KNOW your area, where you can go, where you may be ambushed, where you can hide or shelter.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 December 2012, 18:29,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
(10 December 2012, 17:56)bigpaul Wrote: even if trying to get out of the city, knowledge is still the key! know your area, know the ways out of the city and alternate ways out if your primary route is blocked, if travelling by car and all the roads are blocked, know a way out on foot or by water if possible, get a street map and study it, get boots on the ground and really KNOW your area, where you can go, where you may be ambushed, where you can hide or shelter.

Overkill again mate.

If I'm in a city I don't know, I'm not going to sit down and study maps for a week so that I know the area off by heart. It's a HUGE over complication. Just get a bearing away from the effected area, and leave. Once you're out of a city, you're in a better situation than you were. Then when you're out, that's when everything else we practice comes into play. But to leave a city, all you NEED is security (a weapon), comms (mobile phone, or payphones), and money (because it's very likely to can buy any other stuff you may need).

I think there is a HUGE over complication of what people need. MA3041 is spot on with talking about what people want or need.

For you BP, you want (in your head, you believe you NEED it, because it's that important to you) to know the area like the back of your hand....thus the map studying and all that. But logically, you just walk away from the affected area.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 December 2012, 18:51,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
Ok so let's look at possible situations here;

you could be trapped/need to breach a door, fence or other obstacle to keep on your escape route
you could be attacked
you could need to barter as an aide to escape/ survival
you may not know your area

first and foremost knowledge will assist every aspect, things such as ;
Hot wiring a car, knowing your area, having useful skills/ trade knowledge, knowing and being proficient in at least 1 form of unarmed combat (and armed)

Being physically fit is paramount, hobbies such as parkour will enable you to scale obstacles with relative ease and speed and give you a significant edge over most pursuers, but general fitness will still give you a much needed edge. Fitness will also aide in self defence, again both armed and unarmed, and finally being fit (especially if it's evident) will make you more attractive to any group you may need to attach yourself to in order to gain an advantage/ facilitate your escape.

tools for urban escape should be simple, sturdy and easily concealed, multiple usages will help immensely such as these examples
[Image: SHO1005BL-3.jpg][Image: SANY9701.JPG][Image: 3154cHe%2B7HL._SL500_AA300_.jpg]

1. Swiss Tech Utilikey
2. Schrade Knives and Tools: Pry Tool Titanium
3. Columbia River Spare Tool

of course a good knife should satisfy your needs in an urban escape scenario, as well as providing a great (if properly utilised) defensive tool, a gun is obviously preferential as a defensive weapon, but chances are you won't have one.

Money is a great barter item, but only in the short term, as an event progresses money will be viewed as more and more useless, a spare knife would be a valuable bartering item.

Finally a map will be very useful, even if you know your area you can set out a good route in advance and simply sitting down and looking at said map will make you think in more depth about your route as well as giving you a chance to plot alternate routes. If in a group such a planning stage will make sure everyone is up to speed and clued in.

So in an urban escape scenario your philosophy should be, keep it simple, use small light and multi functional tools, conceal them securely and be ready to run at a moments notice. A few minutes planning can save you a lot of hassle. being fast, stealthy and ready to go at the drop of a pin should be your top priority.

Last but not least, Improvise! If things don't go to plan your ability to be flexible may very well save your life.
10 December 2012, 19:00,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
if your trying to escape from a strange city you need to KNOW where you are going! this is where the map comes into its own, try not to walk into any BAD might never come out again! personally i dont go into cities....period.Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 December 2012, 19:18,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
(10 December 2012, 19:00)bigpaul Wrote: if your trying to escape from a strange city you need to KNOW where you are going! this is where the map comes into its own, try not to walk into any BAD might never come out again! personally i dont go into cities....period.Big Grin

What maps show bad areas?

I'm totally serious, I get where you're coming from. But if there's an effected area, and all you need to do is get out of there, then you are over complicating my memorising maps, crime rates of different area, and the alike.

Hrusai, I get where you're coming from too (I really do, and what you're saying is fair), but again, over complicating what is really a simple situation. Area A is bad. You need to leave.

In regard to the handy tools, they are cool, but I have a question. Have you ever used any of those tools to leave an area? No. So, in a likely situation, you won't need them to leave Area A either. If I'm shopping in Bristol, I don't see situations where I think, I'd need a prybar to get out of here is A-B and C were to happen.

Using the London bombings as an example. If you wanted to get out of the area, you'd walk or run. You wouldn't hotwire a car, or threaten the guy in the car (car-jacking) or knock some guy off his moped, just to rush to safety. You'd get out using your legs.

Having said all that, you've really thrown me off with the line:
(10 December 2012, 18:51)Hrusai Wrote: you could need to barter as an aide to escape/ survival
I'm just trying to work out the likelihood of that situation occurring.

Bang, a bomb blows up. You're not injured. You need to be safe, need to leave the area, need to contact those you love to make sure they're okay. You really don't need more than that, do you?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
10 December 2012, 19:26,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
1st off, why would you be in a STRANGE city?? a city you know(Bristol for instance)is not a problem, you know which way to go. anyway prevention is better than cure, dont put yourself in that situation in the first place.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 December 2012, 19:48,
RE: Urban Survival Kit...philosophy
Scythe13. I reckon a phone, cash & if possible, a small button compass so you know you are heading in right direction rather than in circles while moving through city streets. No weapon for me. If I came to a situation where I needed a weapon, I would offer my phone & cash in exchange for leaving me be.

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