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Wilderness Gathering 2012
6 January 2012, 15:13,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
Saturday, We are easy to find BP looks like Hagrid and I'm wearing a Combat jacket and knife, (oops so is everyone else)

6 January 2012, 15:16,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
(6 January 2012, 15:12)Skean Dhude Wrote: What specific days will you be there. No point us all going at different time, unless we want to avoid you of course, Smile

I'm gonna stump up for the 4 days. The missus has given me the green light, so away we go. AND I've managed to convince her that we'll need a new bell tent rather than hiring one of those Yurts. Obviously a bell tent needs a wood burner. I think it needs a new air-rifle too Tongue
6 January 2012, 15:17,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
I think I'll got for the whole event. I'm new to survivalism and prepping, so want to get as much knowledge as I can into it. You'll recognise me as being the only one wearing jeans and looking like an urban cafe dweller! haha

I don't think a bell tent needs an air rifle. I KNOW it needs at LEAST 1, per tent resident! haha
6 January 2012, 15:17,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
(6 January 2012, 15:13)NorthernRaider Wrote: Saturday, We are easy to find BP looks like Hagrid and I'm wearing a Combat jacket and knife, (oops so is everyone else)

will prob be wearing my combat jacket this year too, i stuck out a bit too much last year in my denim cutoff with all the badges, ditto Saturday.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
6 January 2012, 15:29,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
I'm going to don my burberry cap, tracky bottoms (tucked into my socks, of course) and day-go shellsuit jacket. I should blend right in...
6 January 2012, 15:37,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
(6 January 2012, 15:29)00111001 Wrote: I'm going to don my burberry cap, tracky bottoms (tucked into my socks, of course) and day-go shellsuit jacket. I should blend right in...

Yer would in Teesside, but to posh for ManchesterSmile

6 January 2012, 15:46,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
(6 January 2012, 15:13)NorthernRaider Wrote: Saturday, We are easy to find BP looks like Hagrid and I'm wearing a Combat jacket and knife, (oops so is everyone else)

Er... That is the description of most of the people at these shops. Do you think you could talk BP into wearing a pink rose? That would be unique there. LOL

Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
6 January 2012, 15:54, (This post was last modified: 6 January 2012, 15:55 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
Erm the pink rose wont be a problem but knowing you its WHERE do you want him to put the pink rose !!. SD everyone knows about your Little tank, flying helmet and stick of celery Smile
I suppose BP may wear his Frankenfurter outfit again but its so hard keeping the women away from him !!!!

6 January 2012, 15:56,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
Don't make me wear pink....I'll do it, I tell you! I'll do it!!! But it might get a little dirty haha.

I'll look like any ol' person off the street. I'll stand out like a sore thumb. I'm not much of a survival dresser. Logic says I'm more likely to be in a suit or jeans when TSHTF. So I'll practive all my skills in jeans. There's no way I'm wearing a suit to it!!! WAY too expensive!!!
6 January 2012, 16:16,
RE: Wilderness Gathering 2012
heck, if you cant pick me and the missus out of that crowd there's no way you would find us after TSHTFTongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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