2 February 2013, 13:02,
prepper operator
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Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
Post 7 NR © 2013
Have you noticed how the police are responding to many violent incidents these days, back in the 60s and 70s when I was young not only would a cop give a yob a good battering but if there was a violent rowdy crowd on the rampage they immediately would face a line of cops who would tear gas them, charge them on horses, batter them with batons and in some occasions if the rioters started throwing missiles and petrol bombs the authorities would retaliate with rubber bullets and even live rounds. Riots and civil unrest were harshly brought under control and damage to property was quickly minimized.
But move forward to the 2100s and look how things have changed, the police are emasculated the politicially correct and Marxist trouble makers have campaigned for decades accusing the police of over reacting to violent gangs of rioters rampaging through communities often trying to kill cops and innocent members of society with rocks, misssiles and petrol bombs.
Apparently it’s now OK for gangs of student activists, communists, anarchists, trade unionists and ethnic gangs to run riot smashing up shops, banks, businesses, homes, offices, burning down buildings of even entire business districts in a wave or orgy of arson and looting. It’s OK for them to rain cobbles down onto police officers heads or try to burn down chain stores like McDonalds or Costa Coffees with the innocent employees inside, BUT it’s no longer OK or acceptable for the police to respond in kind……………………………
Now when a disgruntled section of society decides it’s going to riot for the most spurious of reasons the police are only now allowed to react by asking the rioters to stop, trying to photograph the rioters so they can be identified and arrested at a later date, kettling them (confining them) into one area and waiting until they have tired themselves out, and more alarmingly the police are WITHDRAWING (running away) from direct confrontation and electing to let the rioters loot away to their hearts content only then attempting to identify the looters at a later date using CCTC footage and snitches to find out who stole / burnt/ smashed or killed whatever victim.
This politically correct policing is meant to reduce the risk of violent confrontation, physical harm to officers and rioters and to not further incite the mob !!!!!!! BUT what it actually means is the cops will often abandon the target community to the hands of the rioters until the next day or later.
This leaves the business owners, shop owners, car owners, home owners at the mercy of the mob as the police now often say “ Property can be replaced, lives cannot†( by lives they means police officers lives because they abandon the public in their hour of need as they did in Tottenham in 2012).
In some cases the rioting can go on for a week (London , Birmingham, Manchester, Athens, Madrid 2012) or weeks (Belfast and other Ulster communities) with the police doing little more than filming, squirting water cannons and making the occasional arrest. And during this time the public gets the pleasure of seeing their cars stolen and burnt, shops, factories, stores and offices looted, homes wrecked etc whilst the police appease the ethnic minority leaders, socialists, Marxists etc by taking the gently gently approach.
So where does this leave city or urban and rural preppers directly and indirectly?
Well to begin with it leave our CITY / URBAN colleagues in a greatly more vulnerable position because not only will the police likely not come to their rescue, but should the urban prepper dare protect his treasured possessions and harm a rioter or looter then HE is likely to be the one getting arrested. Also the specialist shops and stores he is more reliant upon than his rural colleagues are more likely to be destroyed by the rioters and looters. (Comment from a gang leader on a London radio station in 2012 “ Yeah when we want new gear we don’t go shoppin man, we go riotin and get the best stuff for nuthinâ€Â)
The failure of the police to police properly in normal times is alarming because it appears to me at least that the cops will surrender ground (and other peoples property) to prevent further offending the minority interest groups (rioting scum in my book). That surrendered ground could be your street, your homes, your jobs, your hidden caches, your supplies. And that is how the cops are reacting NOW
SO ask yourselves what will the police do in the case of large scale civil unrest / rioting/ looting / protesting etc? Imagine if those minority groups living in relative comfort in NORTHERN Europe found themselves in the economic mess SOUTHERN Europe is in with millions going hungry, thousands losing their homes, benefits not being paid, hospitals and chemists not filling prescriptions, entire towns becoming unemployed.
Imagine how the pampered ethnic and minority groups in London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Oslo, Paris, Belfast etc would react if their welfare payments stopped, their healthcare was cut, they had to rely on food banks etc ?
I suggest they would go on a rampage that would become the norm every day, every night, weeks and months on end as they targeted particular areas to pillage each week until those areas are finished before moving to the next neighbourhood. And the police WILL react by protecting their rich and powerful political masters, the ruling elite and their own neighbourhoods the rest of society will be abandoned to the mob. Only the most senior government buildings and staff would be protected as dusk fell each evening and the areas where the most influential people lived and played.
I suggest that if the minority groups, anarchists, left wingers and criminal gangs stopped getting their free money, free houses, free medical care etc they will go out and take it from the rest of society in and around the areas they live in.
One point that I noticed and alarmed me greatly in the Europe wide civil unrest over the last few years from the G7 protests to the Anti EU protests to the anti police riots etc was just how many buildings, shops and offices were simply destroyed for the sake of destroying them. They were not looted for the personal gain of the looters and rioters they were simply destroyed, wrecked, trashed and often burnt because they did not belong to the gang members. This is a point I don’t think the prepper community has considered before. Wanton destruction of buildings, vehicles, goods and materials for the sake of destroying them!!!
I think this is likely to see the mass migration of panic stricken sheeple soon followed by the rioters heading out of town much earlier than we originally considered, Instead of months after an economic collapse I think it could be within weeks or even days if that particular community was already fairly impoverished.
So in summary I still believe our urban prepper colleagues are far more vulnerable in the short term than the rural or semi-rural or nomadic preppers, but I also now think that trouble will come a calling much earlier to the rural preppers than I originally believed. I also believe that in a major incident of civil unrest even if the police are in your street they are not likely to put themselves in harms way to protect your property.
Remember how in the UK at least Police have not attended the scene of shootings and prevented medics from attending as well because they did not know if the gun man was still around, instead choosing to wait for over an hour till armed cops arrived by which time the victims had bled to death. This came even after multiple calls from the survivors telling the police the gunman had long since gone from the crime scene, Also remember how the police stood and watched on more than one occasion when someone has fallen into water and has started to drown. Or as shown in the London riots when the mob ran amok the police withdrew for their own safety and in some areas let the rioters continue for three or more nights.
2 February 2013, 13:36,
West Coast, Scottish Highlands
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
First of all we have to work out if it is the fault of the Police,.. I think that the plod on the ground, and more likely the man in charge of them all, would gladly go to the aid of people and property if they were able to.
I think there is two reasons why our Police are the way they are, first,...
..... we have in many ways gone the way of America, in that the governments have allowed this culture of sueing peoples arses off for the slightest thing, the police on the ground are scared of retaliation from their own peers if they as much as look at a yob in the wrong way let alone do as they once did and give the guy a clip around his ear,... thats now against his human rights, the Police are as much filmed as the yobs are, and the slightest push resulting in scraped knees is likely to come back on the pusher and bite him later,.. even possibly leading to job loss
Secondly, progressive governments have simply cut the Police down to its bare bones,.. you cant expect a few bobbys to do much against a large crowd of yobs,.. years ago they could call for back up and would have the numbers to re-stock the line,.. in the past troubles in London they had to call on Police forces from other cities and they still didnt have the numbers to control the crowd
...and of course the actions that the Police now take, is quiet likely to effect a prepper,... you say that they might be mass migration of panic striken sheeple,... but on the same score the `Kettleing` of areas would hold the none rioting sheeple in,.. so a preper might not be able to get out if he/she wanted to,.. if the Police retreated and left an area to the yobs,.. that would also greatly hinder the prepper wanting to get out,... in many ways it could be the Police that becomes one of a city preppers main worries
.... but I dont think the problems of Policing lies with the Police
A major part of survival is invisibility.
2 February 2013, 16:45,
RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
With all due respect HL we are where we are ...if a event took place tomorrow i think it would be exactly as described and maybe even faster breakdown in the inner cities, and as you point out would be harder to get out for all including preppers ...but as said in another post most preppers have a higher awareness ( or should ) and will react with more speed & purpose ..we all need to be more aware of the world around us, and BE READY to move at the drop of a hat.
2 February 2013, 17:02,
Respawn in 9-8-7-6.....
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
I agree with everybody.
Because everybody's right.
N.R. because of the warnings , which we should all be aware of anyway. but good for us to be reminded, just don't count your chickens thinking your safer in the country areas because crime in country areas is exploding with violent confrontation the norm now, so get prepared, don't rest on your country laurels...
HL regarding his thoughts on police numbers etc...That reminds me of something I heard from a u.s. prepper... "dont rely on the police to protect you, because if you do you'll be dead"
Now whilst the u.s. is more dangerous than here or so they say, its not far off in that if you expect to be protected by the police, you'll be in for a shock, we all know police are stretched and are after easy collars for their records,. So be careful.
SS in the regard that we should all be situationaly aware of our surroundings and our local area, local "villains" etc...
watching for unusual behavior from both the police and local nobby's.
And also nationally AND internationally because things that happen in foreign lands have the potential to impact on us and ours rapidly.
Keep your eye an the news from many different sources, sift through, prioritize threats etc..
We're living in a dangerous world and its not going to get all "kum bye ya" anytime soon.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
2 February 2013, 17:02,
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
i heard on the TV yesterday that the entire NATIONAL police force only numbers some 131,000-thats not many to police a population of 62+ Million!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 February 2013, 23:23,
RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
As has been highlighted many times on here ....just look at the london riots ( just there ) the plod got NO CHANCE of control ...how ? can they ...there were police around HERE shipped up for a weeks stint maybe two weeks they were told...just for london..you could get all the forces if you want..army , navy,air force, police,TAs, and still would not control it ..not even with guns. thats of course if we got any left after all the cuts, the odds are stacked against them ....they will be making rifles out of 4"x1" timber with camo paint and shouting BANG ! 2.3 load 2,3 aim 2.3 BANG 2.3
3 February 2013, 10:17,
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
(2 February 2013, 23:23)Straight Shooter Wrote: just for london..you could get all the forces if you want..army , navy,air force, police,TAs, and still would not control it ..not even with guns.
there are 7 MILLION people in Londonistan alone so TPTB would have no chance of controlling that lot-especially if the ethnic areas kick off. never mind the rest of the country.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 February 2013, 11:23,
prepper operator
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
BP the Greater London area has 9.4 million people in it, and it alone uses over 32,000 of the 131 cops, then when you deduct the cops serving Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leicester, Nottingham, Bristol, Sheffield etc and the minor cities that leaves almost none to cover the rural areas, add to that nationwide civil unrest that ALWAYS sees rural cops withdrawn and redeployed in the cities it leave the rural areas totally bereft of cops. Add attrition, exhaustion, sickness, injury, and cops deciding to stay at home to protect their own families I dont think us in the boonies would ever see a plod. As for the 82,000 troops they could not defend the south east on their own never mind the whole country.
3 February 2013, 11:30,
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
(3 February 2013, 11:23)NorthernRaider Wrote: BP the Greater London area has 9.4 million people in it, and it alone uses over 32,000 of the 131 cops, then when you deduct the cops serving Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leicester, Nottingham, Bristol, Sheffield etc and the minor cities that leaves almost none to cover the rural areas, add to that nationwide civil unrest that ALWAYS sees rural cops withdrawn and redeployed in the cities it leave the rural areas totally bereft of cops. Add attrition, exhaustion, sickness, injury, and cops deciding to stay at home to protect their own families I dont think us in the boonies would ever see a plod. As for the 82,000 troops they could not defend the south east on their own never mind the whole country.
well yes, that has been my thinking all along. in the 3 years since we moved here i havent even seen a Plod(apart from them flying through the area in their patrol cars heading back to the station for their tea break :D), ALL (3) of our Police Stations in my area are PART-TIME not manned 24/7, and thats now, after TSHTF we will be left completely unpoliced as they would be needed for the cities and further afield...thats if they even bother to report for duty.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
3 February 2013, 11:34,
prepper operator
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RE: Civilised Policing and the risk it poses to preppers
OUR law enforcement comes in the form of a PCSO called Gavin and his bicycle !!!