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Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
13 February 2013, 18:39,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
There might well be a case for T.As and ex squaddies to volunteer to do the job,... if things were that bad, and the volunteers were not preppers, then it would be a good group of people who could come together, do the work and get food for themselves and their families,... the prospect for them otherwise might be very bad
A major part of survival is invisibility.
13 February 2013, 18:41,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
(13 February 2013, 18:37)Scythe13 Wrote: Harder work, for less pay, damn right I'd hire them over a UK National!!!

course you would, you tight git!Big GrinBig Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 February 2013, 19:01,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
(13 February 2013, 18:33)bigpaul Wrote: i am going to resist getting into an arguement about wage rates, everyone knows the immigrants work for less!

I agree with you for wage rates mate. Cheap labour keeps the average wage down & has a negative effect for everyone else. Good if you're a manager but shite if you're trying to earn a living.
13 February 2013, 19:03,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
(13 February 2013, 19:01)Geordie_Rob Wrote: I agree with you for wage rates mate. Cheap labour keeps the average wage down & has a negative effect for everyone else. Good if you're a manager but shite if you're trying to earn a living.

couldnt agree more. i never earned more than £100 per week my entire working life.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 February 2013, 19:06, (This post was last modified: 13 February 2013, 19:07 by Geordie_Rob.)
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
(13 February 2013, 19:03)bigpaul Wrote:
(13 February 2013, 19:01)Geordie_Rob Wrote: I agree with you for wage rates mate. Cheap labour keeps the average wage down & has a negative effect for everyone else. Good if you're a manager but shite if you're trying to earn a living.

couldnt agree more. i never earned more than £100 per week my entire working life.

Working full time?

(13 February 2013, 19:03)bigpaul Wrote:
(13 February 2013, 19:01)Geordie_Rob Wrote: I agree with you for wage rates mate. Cheap labour keeps the average wage down & has a negative effect for everyone else. Good if you're a manager but shite if you're trying to earn a living.

couldnt agree more. i never earned more than £100 per week my entire working life.

I used to spend that much on a night out each week about 10 years ago
14 February 2013, 07:59,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area

couldnt agree more. i never earned more than £100 per week my entire working life.

You should've got off yr fat arse and worked a bit harder then!!!

Only joking BP Tongue
Respect existence or expect resistance!
14 February 2013, 09:59,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area

couldnt agree more. i never earned more than £100 per week my entire working life.

You should've got off yr fat arse and worked a bit harder then!!!

Only joking BP Tongue

i was a full time office manager for a well known construction company, we are talking 20 years ago, salaries were a bit lower then.Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
15 February 2013, 00:08,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
My first post after lurking for a bit, thought I would sign up to post on this thread

Rural versus towns is all down to the individuals circumstances. I've lived in both cities and the countryside and both have their good and bad points. Cities aren't all like some ghetto full of drug dealers and chavs like they are often described on prepping sites and likewise the countryside isn't some rose tinted version of one man and his dog. There are plenty of chavs and scum in the countryside and plenty of decent people in the cities, neither is perfect.

In the city I have a large group of friends, quite a few in the construction industry, builders, chippies, electricians, all useful to know, some other friends are the local wanabee version of the Sopranos, again useful people to know.

I am well aware of the risks involved in living in the city but on balance for me and my own personal circumstances the upside outweighs the downside. If I had kids I would probably prefer to bring them up outside of a city but I dont so that is not relevant.

Anyone who makes the assumption that I am somehow less of a prepper than them because I dont want to move into the middle of nowhere is someone whos opinion I dont care about or place any value on anyway.

At the end of the day I prep in a way thats right for me, not whats right for someone else.

Now, after having had my say - Nice to meet you all Smile
15 February 2013, 00:20,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
Hi Smiffy,

What a way to make an entrance to the forum! Good on you.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
15 February 2013, 07:53,
RE: Respect for other members - specifically those in a suburban area
(15 February 2013, 00:20)Scythe13 Wrote: Hi Smiffy,

What a way to make an entrance to the forum! Good on you.

It probably reads a bit more bolshie than I intended but typing was never one of my strong points Smile

The subject is one that I feel stongly about. There are risks to every type of location but as long as you are aware of the risks and have plans in place if things go to pot then city prepping is a perfectly viable option.

Others will look at the same evidence as me and come to a different conclusion and that is fine, it doesn't mean either of our opinions are right or wrong. We all just do what we feel is right for our own circumstances and our own families.

Hope that reads a bit less stroppy Smile

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