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Worth Fighting For?
15 February 2013, 09:34,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
I think the last mass protest in the UK that actually achieved anything was the Poll Tax riots back in the late eighties, even then they just watered it down slightly and changed the name to the community charge or something like that, nothing really changed.

How many of us have been on a protest recently ? not many I would guess. I expect the most any of us do is sign the odd e-petition now and then.

In one way we are just as guilty as the Jeremy Kyle generation. We may have different reasons for not sticking our heads above the parapet, they cant be arsed and we dont want to draw attention to ourselves, but in the end the result is the same, new laws come in restricting our freedom but no one does anything about it

It may be selfish and the wrong way of looking at things but these days I just look after me and mine and keep my head down, I tried all the protesting and complaining years ago when I was young and enthusiastic and it achieved absolutely sod all. It maybe a selfish attitude but experience has taught me that my opinions and views are irrelevant to the people in charge of the country and i'm deluding myself if i think otherwise

The worrying thing to me is that even the young people who in the past would protest about anything and everything only seem to want to protest about tuition fees these days. If even idealistic students can't be bothered to protest anymore then we really are struggling, a whole nation that can't be arsed to protest must be a governments dream.
15 February 2013, 10:01,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
I wont join in mass protests primarily because i dont support the overall British culture of socialism and the welfare mentality. I cant stand the we should be given and the I am entitled mentality of the bulk of society. I have studied culture and politics since I was 17 and watched the constant stream of lies and betrayals by our ruling elite ( which you soon come to believe as the norm) BUT its the way the heaving masses fall for the lies and bs time after time and keep re-electing the same criminals.

This country has EXACTLY the type of government and society it deserves.

15 February 2013, 13:41,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
I seriously doubt we'll ever have a revolution of any sort here, "they" the sheeple, are all too apathetic to bother and "we" the ones who can see, are to few in number.

Like another poster said as long as coronation street, eastenders and x factors on, they can have take away or the middle classes can walk there dogs in peace and use their cars freely to take chelsey to ballet or trevor goes down the pub to watch the footy with the boys for a pint.

I used to frequent another site, a u.s. one and they were quite derogatory about the brits giving up their right to bear arms.

I used to say as did another poster here "what can one man do fighting against a tidal wave" the answer is nothing but look after himself.

You are now as free as her majestys government want you to be, no more no less.

Do you really think theyd be arsed if all of britain rioted?

No, they'd just retreat to their safe locations and then come out once the sheeple we're starving.

They'd them regain control in an instant in exchange for food and obedience.

Theres no king Arthur to lead a rebellion, no william wallace.

The british, apart from a few brave souls scattered here and there have become a people who have given everything up and will continue to do so, just for a good life of overindulgence and self pleasure.

No thoughts about the real quality of life you have or will pass to their children because they dont care.

they kick the can down the road.

Imagine the sheeple now ....

Some major event in the world happens, no law and order for a year or two no food deliverys no pubs no telly.

What would they give up for it to be restored?

The answer is everything.

As Benjamin Franklin said...They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

The insidious creep of liberties, freedoms etc that are freely given up everyday because the sheeple cannot see past their bleeting noses, or cannot or will not see what the real motive is for these things happening.

Take the war in Iraq, Libya etc all for oil and control of resources..

All the good lads and girls that died thinking they were fighting terrorism etc..

Still more and more wake up and actually now realise they are fighting not for freedom or safety but for governments greed.

How does it feel for them to have limbs ripped off or to see mates vaporized by mortar rounds?

For what?

If your awake you see the big picture or at least some of it.

Awake people are few and far between.

We shouldn't really call them sheeple, we should call them asleeple because thats what they are, asleep in their peace full happy go lucky, pub lunch voting for some government party that'll make a difference when it really wont.

Maybe Nigel Farange is different, maybe not who knows.

Maybe Ukip is the answer, maybe ukip and Nigel is the new king Arthur, maybe not.

Theres one thing for certain and I see it everyday with my own eyes, all people are concerned about is their own lives in their own little bubble.

Like they say we blockaded fuel depots because of the prices, what are we doing now because the price is even higher now than it was then...

Like they said we rioted for poll tax so they changed the name and a few bits, so then it was ok.....

I saw a guy on a program about new york trying to ban assault weapons etc, and a government official said "assault weapons have no place outside a theater of war" to which a guy in the audience replied " so if they belong in a theater of war, what does new york police department need them for?, who's it at war with"?

To which the government official had no reply.

That in itself shows what government thinks of you, ours thinks the same we are americas bitch, it says jump we say how high.

That's why it'll end up banning air guns completely, then they'll be a terrible shooting with bows or crossbows, then they'll be banned....

Anything that could possibly be used against them.

I saw a documentary a few weeks ago, it showed a police armory.

aparently theres only a few officers trained in firearms use.

The had no word of a lie what looked like a barracks armoury.

One row of about thirty glocks...

WTF do they need all those for?

You rebel, you'll face mp5's, glocks, plastic bullets etc...

What will you have?

There will never be a rebellion. civil war or anything in this country, it may be britain but its certainly not great anymore.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
15 February 2013, 15:02,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
i really dont give a damn what the sheeple do, they can all expire in starvation for all i care, to hell with them, they are not worth worrying over, if something happened big time and TPTB retreated into their gated enclaves or underground bunker complex and only came out when the dust had cleared, and proceeded to control (what was left of)the masses with handouts of food, BP would have bugged out long ago, never to be seen again.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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