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Home Security Garden Fence
16 February 2013, 11:16,
Home Security Garden Fence
Home Security Garden Fence

Been struggling for a while to improve the security of my back garden, originally I intended to use natural but vicious thorny plants like Berberis and Blackthorn as a physical barrier but not much will grow near my fencing and I don’t think I have enough time left before TSHTF for the plants to grow and fill the gaps. I also want to hang a couple of PV panels on my south facing bit of fence after TSHTF.

This got me looking for a simple easy to deploy alternative that could delay an intruder getting into my garden and perhaps let me know someone is breaking in.

Then last night I was tidying up my garden and collecting in all the bamboo canes I had used as plant supports last year when it came to me “Pungy Sticks” I could plant sharpened bamboo pungy sticks all around my garden perimeter at different heights, some planted solidly others planted so they could flex and move easily, then using a bit of fishing line or garden wire I could tie them together so that anyone jumping over my 2 meter fence would have a high probability of landing on a bamboo spike and if they got between the fixed spikes they would tangle up in the wired and pulls the flexible spikes over into their legs.

What I like about this is its cheap, easy to do, cost effective and easy to deploy and to remain legal I don’t need to plant the Pungy’s until TSHT actual F, and it leave my garden clear and normal for now.

Vlad the Impailer is one of my heros , I would have loved to let him loose in the TUC annual congress 

16 February 2013, 19:46,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
trie feeding a mix of sugar mollaces disolved in hot water. let it call and apply. trie testing the mix on some thorny bush near by first. should b explosive growth.
he never planned to fail, he just failed to plan. like lambs to the slaughter the wolfs look down from the hill tops. we are those wolfs!!!
16 February 2013, 20:19,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
I saw a guy do something similar to this on a blind spot on his garden, cut tree down "thin one " bout 3 to 4 inches dia drilled holes along the length to except a mix of cain and branches all with sharp points ( and set in multi angles though the length of the log ) and different staggered hieghts, covered with ferns, suppose you could do a few say 1 ft did the job
16 February 2013, 20:27,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
Depending on what you want from that part of the garden,.. Bries are one of the very best barriers, they are virtually impossible to get through once they have grown,..and are up in a year or two,... just go out and pull some up from the roadside and plant then,... maybe add a few nettles for badness
You can always harvest the blackberries too

If that part of the garden is needing to look a little more respectable,.. then why not plant gooseberries bushes,.. a devil to walk through,...and again, another crop to harvest
A major part of survival is invisibility.
17 February 2013, 13:01,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
If you decide to go down the pungy stick route smear some excrement on the ends, getting stuck might deter them but they might come back. However a little poo in the wound is a great infection starter and without treatment could be fatal. If your considering using fishing line between the sticks add some hooks to that for a little extra pokey nastiness Smile
Winter is coming
18 February 2013, 05:39,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
There is the classsic idea of hanging small 'mobiles' in trees and bushes, at about eye level. Not a mobile phone, by the way. Like a kids mobile over a cot....but instead of toys, use razor blades.

Drug cartels around the world vuard their crops with them. A little rust and you add tetnus to it all. Blades are easily added to the tops of fences, just below eyeline and sunk into the tops of the wood. When people grab the top of the fence......sliced!!! Easy go do, cheap, and effective!

If it's for after SHTF, then get barbed wire. It's not illegal to own, only illegal to place it.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
4 May 2013, 22:48,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
Actually the pungy sticks are illegal, at least I was told that. Err on the side of caution.

Just have thorny edible plants like brambles or something. All they need is discouragement. If someone is desperate, little is going to stop them...
Positively Pessimistic
5 May 2013, 09:42,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
You could double up with a muddy ditch, either in front of or behind the hedge. You could then plant giant Hogweed in said ditch. It's what the aristocracy used to keep the peasants out of their gardens. The sap causes you to come out in massive blisters on exposure to sunlight, and continues to do so for several years.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
5 May 2013, 15:51,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
(5 May 2013, 09:42)Tibbs735 Wrote: You could double up with a muddy ditch, either in front of or behind the hedge. You could then plant giant Hogweed in said ditch. It's what the aristocracy used to keep the peasants out of their gardens. The sap causes you to come out in massive blisters on exposure to sunlight, and continues to do so for several years.

just looked on the web ,and shit that stuff looks nasty !!
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
6 May 2013, 11:27,
RE: Home Security Garden Fence
I.d string a couple of lengths of Razor wire/Barbed wire across the gap and grow Brambles through it like a trelliss. prune the Brambles so you get long leaders to thread through wire and close the gap. When the Brambles have covered the area of the gap, prune the Leaders to promote lateral branching to fill out the overall area. If you have time dig a trench and fill with compost and plant brambles in this. When you feed a native plant like a Bramble it grows very strongly and quickly. Until it has grown enough to be a detterent the Razor wire will be an effective barrier. There are a few houses that have barbed wire atop a fence where I live and for it to be legal all you have to do is put a sign up saying it is there ie, Caution razor wire!! just do that NR.

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