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If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
18 February 2013, 15:02,
If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
for not like Gender Neutrals or Transgenders, not that I actually know what they are , nor do I want to , but I'll play safe when I'm down south in August I'll keep kids away from Brighton !! Huh

18 February 2013, 15:09,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
Made me laugh when this was on the news its a unisex toilet but it carnt be called that incase your genderless pre-op tranny ect, at the end of the day mens toilets stink, womens toiletes are messy and theres far to many creepy people that like to film people on the loo, or drug users,this is a open invitation for trouble.
18 February 2013, 15:49,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
I wondered when did hetrosexuals become endangered species darn sarf !!

18 February 2013, 17:05,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
it's financial- now they only have to supply one public toilet instead of two- 50% saving.

The whole LGBTQIA agenda is just a ticky box exercise for council workers to keep them in work.
Sodomi Non Sapiens.
18 February 2013, 18:31,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name

Guessing is Lesbian something !!!

18 February 2013, 18:33,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
lesbian, Gay, bisexual, transexual qia havent got a clue lol
18 February 2013, 18:41, (This post was last modified: 18 February 2013, 18:42 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
I cant keep up any more, when I was young there was men and women, confirmed bachelors and maiden spinsters. Smile

I can just see Labour and Liberal and whatever councils saying OK in the name of diversity and inclusivness we need policies that protect the needs of Black, Asian, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transexual, Disabled, Vegan, vegatarian, muslim, bapitist, envirnmentalist, aithiest, whose language is not British and has eleven wifes!!! So whats the first thing we do ?

Yup put up taxes.

Dammit I forgot the ,alcoholic, under 18 single parent mother of 12 with a tattoo fetish.

18 February 2013, 18:53,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
Well im a 2nd hand vegetarian, cows eat grass and I eat cows.
18 February 2013, 19:07,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
I do not give lip service to gays and lesbians ( no pun intended ) met a few over my life time..they normally start off trying to justify their sick position as NORMAL and i am NOT normal cause i can,t except whe way they are and what they do, well there are loads around here " proof they say that its quite normal behavior" I can,t understand why this illness is on the increase , i think i have an answer to solve the problem though....but i am to much of a gentleman and very very NORMAL to come out and tell you all
18 February 2013, 19:09,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual.
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