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No really, can YOU do that?
21 February 2013, 21:15,
No really, can YOU do that?
Hi everyone.

This is a post about capabilities, survivabilities, oracticalities, and much more.

It's also written on my phone, so can't easily correct grammer.

Anyway, on with the post.

I had an initial plan of bugging out and staying out for a few month, and then returning to survey the damage caused, weather, collapse, war, EMP, CME or whatever caused the threat to life. Once I'd got a bearing on the situation I was dealing with, the plan was to reintegrate into what I knew or to up Nd off into a woodland urban or whatever site and survive there...crops, water, etc.

I know there are things I can do, like harvest water, crop rotation, vertical integration (limited, but growing knowledge).

There is much more I can't do though, e.g. Plumbing, power generation, etc.

This has made me reconsider my available BO options, and the whole notion of life after TSHTF.

Would it be possible to live the lifestyle you want, where you want, at your current age, health, fitness, injuries, family, etc?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
21 February 2013, 21:25,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
That question depends a lot on if you plan to bug out or stay,.. We plan to stay in,.. so we hope that not a lot will change [relatively] we have planed things alone these lines, we think it will be a lot easier staying where we are, we know our area, are quite remote, and have amenities around us

Bugging out for most people will be a complete change, probably a much more basic way of life, which could lead to a much more stressful way of life for some people depending on those factors you mention,...age, health, fitness in particular

So in our case we think the answer to your question is `yes`
A major part of survival is invisibility.
21 February 2013, 21:35,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
been thinking about this ,and think its going to be very hard for real,just staying out of the way and feeding your seif and family its going to be a hard slog to get buy. dont even get me started on water born bugs. learn as much as you can when you can and hope it enough because guys some of us on here and me included dont get how bad it will get.
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
21 February 2013, 21:52,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
There really are not that many places you can escape to in this country, and if thousands of people are intent on getting away then things could be a mite crowded. I would say we would stay here. We have the facilities to survive, and the long term knowledge (gardening, livestock etc.), so I guess the answer is a hopeful Yes.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
21 February 2013, 22:20,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
Good answers so far.

For Mary and HighL:
Have you tried a week without anything from a shop? So you only eat what you've grown, and that kind of thing? If so, how did it go?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
21 February 2013, 22:27,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
I am not yet into growing my own,..[ although thinking about a Polly tunnel ]..but I often go out for days on end with just my three GSD,... I try and take very little, usual ending up taking more food for the dogs than for for me its not so much eat what I grow, but eat what I catch,...I am still here, so I guess I caught enough, but its not always easy with three dogs in tow,,... do a lot of fishing, although I dislike the sport...
A major part of survival is invisibility.
21 February 2013, 22:50,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
Actually, yes, we have done that. It's a bit easier in the Summer when the garden is at full pelt, but I have things growing in the kitchen garden to eat right now (cabbage (red and green), sprouts, purple sprouting broccoli and leeks), and the chickens are laying well. I would have to rely on my freezer for the meat element in meals, and of course the larder. But.... I'm not geared to doing that, so as far as I am concerned it would just mean ramping things up a bit. Perfectly possible though.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
21 February 2013, 22:57,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
My garden is growing brown slime, green slime and slugs.

21 February 2013, 23:07,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
Thanks for the quick replies Mary and HL.

I agree with Barney that a lot of people see a post SHTF situation will be like something from the movies. The fact of the matter is that we'll spend so much time and effort on food that we'll NEED to survive as a group!
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
21 February 2013, 23:23,
RE: No really, can YOU do that?
(21 February 2013, 21:52)MaryN Wrote: There really are not that many places you can escape to in this country, and if thousands of people are intent on getting away then things could be a mite crowded. I would say we would stay here. We have the facilities to survive, and the long term knowledge (gardening, livestock etc.), so I guess the answer is a hopeful Yes.

Just a thought but thinking about it logically if tshtf I don't really think you'd have to worry about over crowding as most people are per set to stay close to what they see as civilisation.
Even after a major event I can't see people trying to get away from everything they know unless there in immediate danger because they'll still be of the mind set that someone will be coming to help.

Even if some people did decide to leave I think that again it wouldn't matter as they'd have no idea how to survive any sort of situation. I'm just turned 30 and can say with all honesty that most people of my generation and younger have a hard job putting a shelf up or cutting the grass let alone building a shelter or foraging for food.

It's a very pessimistic point of view I know we as a culture have grown too accustomed to having what we want when we want it. I actually think if something big did happen most people would die out of shock and disbelief of the situation.

Just a thought is all Tongue

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