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Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
12 January 2012, 10:24, (This post was last modified: 12 January 2012, 10:32 by NorthernRaider.)
Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
This is very interesting, a scheme being brought back to life in Scotland, it also used to be popular in Northern England as my family had a large timber chalet hut hidden in the dunes at Marske.

Scotland moves to revive Hutting
by VEG-HEAD on JANUARY 5, 2012 - 2 Comments in LAND

Proud to be a hutter”, is the slogan of a new campaign called A Thousand Huts which has sprung up to champion and revive hutting as a way of life. Widespread in Scandinavia, its supporters say hutting promotes low-impact, ecological living and rural regeneration, and puts city dwellers back in contact with the countryside.

In 2012, hutters, landowners and environmental activists will launch a new Scottish hutting federation to spearhead a campaign aimed at reforming planning and land rights laws, to give hutters proper status in the planning system and protect them against eviction and exploitation by landlords.

Secretary of the Carbeth Hutters in Stirlingshire, Scotland’s largest hutting colony, Gerry Loose says the attractions are immediate and obvious. A poet, playwright and garden designer, he and his daughter Marie first got their hut 13 years ago as a weekend retreat and an escape from Maryhill, a tough neighbourhood in north Glasgow.

“I was living in a 22-storey high-rise and I had a wee daughter. I didn’t necessarily want her to see this was the only possible way to live in the world,” Loose said. “And just getting the hut meant that there was an avenue of escape; just mooching about, getting away from the city.

“As Marie grew older, she came out here with her chums and I knew she was perfectly safe. Everybody keeps an eye on the kids here. It sounds corny or old fashioned but it’s true. Everyone knows who the children are; they go around building gang huts and the older ones look after all the younger ones.”

Peeping out from a stand of conifers as Loose arrived at Carbeth was a young female red deer; the hutters often see woodpeckers, birds of prey and hosts of woodland birds. Morven Gregor, Loose’s partner and chair of the Carbeth Hutters, said that harvesting the colony’s profusion of wild raspberries for jam-making was a tradition.

The hutters hold dances in the village hall, and impromptu music sessions in the summer. “It’s just a magic, restorative place to be, for all its quirkiness,” Gregor said.

Many take inspiration from Norway, Sweden and Finland, where hutting is central to family life. In Norway alone, there are nearly 430,000 cabins and holiday chalets. Propelled partly by the Wallander detective novels by Swedish novelist Henning Mankell, Scandinavian writers have brought that culture – of remote huts overlooking lakes and beaches or in forest clearings – to British horizons.

In Scotland, the only solid estimate, made in 2000 by the then Scottish executive, suggested there were nearly 650 huts scattered across the country, some in established communities such as Carbeth, which has about 140 huts dotted across 90 acres of woodland, some in smaller colonies near towns such as Peebles, others in more isolated alternative settlements in remote peninsulas such as Assynt in the north-west.

Hundreds are believed to have disappeared in the past few decades, going out of fashion or being pushed out by rising property prices.

In an accidental parallel with the hutting campaign, the Forestry Commission has just launched an initiative to set up legally protected “woodland crofts”, giving foresters and rural people land and a building plot next to their conifer plantations and woodlands across the Highlands and Islands.

Ninian Stuart, the hereditary keeper and steward of Falkland Palace in Fife – a medieval hunting lodge and palace which is now a crown property – and one of the main forces behind the campaign, believes there has been a marked shift in mood.

“If you look back 100 years or even 50 years, there was a strong tradition of hutting in Scotland,” he said. “Over the last 25 years, there has been a serious decline, but the Thousand Huts campaign has shown there’s a real thirst to revive hutting. For me, 2012 looks to be the year when the curve turns upwards again.”

One important model is legislation introduced in the Welsh assembly that promotes low-impact and low-carbon housing, said Maf Smith, former director of the Sustainable Development Commission, and a campaign adviser. The Welsh now treat these cabins and huts as a specific class of dwelling in planning law. “That has been a game-changer in Wales,” Smith said.

In Scotland, campaigners want hutters to have legal rights of occupation and tenure after several notorious cases where communities have been evicted or faced with huge rent increases.

The 140 hutters at Carbeth – a community founded partly by socialists and communists from Glasgow and Clydebank before the second world war – famously began a rent strike 14 years ago after their landlord tried to double and triple rents. After forming a co-operative company, they have struck a deal with the owner to buy their land under Scotland’s community buyout legislation and have until January 2013 to raise £1.75m. They have raised nearly £520,000 so far and are preparing to bid for public grants to help meet the shortfall.

Hutters at Barry Downs near Carnoustie in Angus were less lucky. A handful of residents in the prewar hutting community have been fighting an eviction order by their landlord, the neighbouring caravan site owner. In south-west Scotland, there are uncorroborated reports that a hutting colony has been bulldozed by the site owner.

Daye Tucker, a rural affair campaigner who is prominent in Scottish Land and Estates, the body for Scotland’s most powerful lairds and landowners, said landowners and farmers were beginning to welcome hutting as way of reviving rural areas, using poor quality land and generating income. “Lots of us understand there’s a dangerous disconnect between urban and rural people,” she said. “We’re at a very early stage. It’s just about dropping a pearl into a pool, and watching the ripples form

There is a small wood tween Northallerton and Thirsk that IIRC has up to 40 "gardening sheds" of the most impecable quality that is used by at least one survivalist who works in York. I believe a similar cluster exists near Richmond N Yorks. there used to be a few on the NE coast in out the way spots, and theres loads up the west coast of Scotland. You can get a good quality T & G shed with walls over 1 inch thick quite easily. inside you add a plastic vapour barrier to the inside walls, then add 50 or 75 mm foil covered foam insulation boards, then panel it in. The same can be done to the ceiling and floor but the floor with need 50x 50 mm framing to support the insulation boards and coated in 15mm marine grade plywood. Easily heated by a wood stove set on a pair or 3x2 paving stones, power by PV or whatever. A second home or even a first home for many, I knew of a guy who lived up on Alston high moor for over 10 years in just such a structure until the council found out.

12 January 2012, 14:42,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
Thats the problem,PLANNING! you will never get planning for this in England, the planning laws are too severe, our friend in Somerset who built a straw bale house(only i bedroom and 1 living area) only got planning permission in the end on human rights basis because she has M.S., and she had years and years of planning meetings to get through and then only cos her solicitor waved his fees because he used it as a test case.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 January 2012, 14:58,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
(12 January 2012, 14:42)bigpaul Wrote: Thats the problem,PLANNING! you will never get planning for this in England, the planning laws are too severe, our friend in Somerset who built a straw bale house(only i bedroom and 1 living area) only got planning permission in the end on human rights basis because she has M.S., and she had years and years of planning meetings to get through and then only cos her solicitor waved his fees because he used it as a test case.

It's fucking ridiculous isn't it.

Even if you own the hand - you can't keep a caravan on it for more than 28 days. I'm looking at buying an acre of land from a friendly farmer, away from the roads and out of view. Get 3 of those 40'*10' shipping containers, put them in a U shape, weld them together and convert into living accommodation. Maybe a fourth one strategically placed to ensure that it just looks like storage containers from all sides. You've got a little courtyard in the middle then, and 1200sq feet of space to play with.
Discreet solar and wind, huge battery bank for power. And a borehole for water.

Trying to find someone willing to sell you an acre of land for a reasonable price (with access rights) is a bit tricky though - plus if it's near them you'll probably have to let them in on your plan...
12 January 2012, 15:01,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
wonder what the planning laws are for a temporary holiday chalet ?

12 January 2012, 15:15,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
(12 January 2012, 15:01)NorthernRaider Wrote: wonder what the planning laws are for a temporary holiday chalet ?

probably still comes under the 28 day rule.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 January 2012, 15:35,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
What away to live.
12 January 2012, 15:37,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
Dunno bout Devon but our planners are slowly getting more tolerant of low impact eco schemes such as timber built hobit houses that are off grid but off grid using proven technologies.

12 January 2012, 15:47,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
(12 January 2012, 15:37)NorthernRaider Wrote: Dunno bout Devon but our planners are slowly getting more tolerant of low impact eco schemes such as timber built hobit houses that are off grid but off grid using proven technologies.

not down here! when anyone does get planning they have to go through the hoops to get it, usually they have to open it up for education which means loads of snotty nosed kids tramping through, last thing you need if your prepping! and even then its only temporary-usually 5 years so you can prove there is a call for it, if not hit the road jack. one councillor -in Teignbridge i think it was, when consulted about one scheme remarked" we can't have people shitting in the woods in the 21st century"
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 January 2012, 19:55,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
A couple of months ago, we had a Programme here in scotland about the hutters. I found it very interesting. People really enjoyed living in the huts and they were insulated, which meant they were very warm in summer and with a small stove in the winter. I am thinking of building a hut and then taking it to pieces and keep it in my workshop. If a survival situation arises, take to the hills and pu it together. It should not take long, a matter of a few hours. Kenneth Eames.
12 January 2012, 20:00,
RE: Hutting ( no not posh cottaging)
why is it when something is allowed in Scotland, its a different rule for England?? i just dont understand it, i thought we were supposed to be a UNITED kingdom? so why one rule for one part and a different rule south of the border? i just dont get it.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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