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Snow (caution)
11 March 2013, 11:53,
Snow (caution)
most of you will have already thought of this, but some wont.

I woke up this morning to a white world. I dont mean your average snowfall, i mean it was so bad i was gonna take a photo, but there was no point as it would have looked like the camera was broken.
cant even see the houses across the street.
Sadly I had no choice and needed to go to the allotment.
taxis do come in usefull sometimes.
okey so on to the point

theres many buildings on the allotments (not mine)
poly tunnels, greenhouses, sheds, chicken huts, and a few i dont recognise.
The first thing I was greeted with was one of next doors chickens.
How do I know it was next doors. easy his chicken shed roof had fell in because he hadnt built an angle on it and the snow had built up and taken his roof in.

looking around I realised his wasnt the only building with a collapsed roof.
allotment owners are apparantly not the best builders in the world.

So word of caution. when building any of your bugouts/ or hidey holes etc. take special care to the roofs. it may not be snowing there now, it may snow there rarely.
the weather is constantly changing, and you just never know when your gonna get snow.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
11 March 2013, 11:56,
RE: Snow (caution)
Pitched roofs are always preferable......
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
11 March 2013, 11:57, (This post was last modified: 11 March 2013, 12:00 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: Snow (caution)
angled seems to be the key, all the ones that have fallen in only had a shallow angle for water flow, they dont seem to have taken into account snow dont run away straight away, it sits on top

even some of the weak crappy plastic roofs have done better at surviving, than some of the others. but they have a steeper angle.

i think the main problem though is allotment holders throw things up quickly as a soltuion, they dont build properly to start with
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
12 March 2013, 13:05,
RE: Snow (caution)
Was having the same chat with my friend. He wants to whack up a shed, no base or anything - just chuck it up. I don't see the point. If you're going to put a shed on the allotment, then do it properly or not at all!
13 March 2013, 10:17,
RE: Snow (caution)
you see a lot of sheds like that on the older allotments, look normal on the outside, when you get inside its got an earth floor!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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