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you will lose these things in the next great depression
31 March 2013, 11:10,
you will lose these things in the next great depression
just cos its American dont think it cant happen here:
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
31 March 2013, 12:48,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
When i was a young lad 1959....most people had a big kitchen table..not odd at all ,but some familays put fencing around the legs and kept chickens..because of security...if they left them out they got taken....All gardens had veg...very few flowers, nothing and i mean nothing was ever wasted or thrown out.....even nails were pulled out and hit straight to use 1968 i started my apprenticship wrangles were £5 my wage was £3.6/8 pence before stopages....took me 5 months to look cool man nan was a great cook, she could make a meal from a fly,s arse....very tasty by the way.....the old pantry was always FULL of stuff she would preserve..jams,jellies,pickled onions.chutney,salted pork,cheese, you name it, you must understand that most people did this...the war years and depression times still fresh in the memories of people then....they were used to hard times....they knew how to survive was a every day event for them.....the moral of this is a simple one LEARN the skills that saved those people...the old ways will save us also...forget asda,s they will not be there....and even if they are you will have no money anyway will be out of your means and reach....if you are a country bumkin or a city slicker makes no difference survival is survival it has no bounds.....nan,s baking day was always a tuesday...staight shooter was always at nan,s guess which meal times in those days twas like an never knew what was to eat ....but you were very glad that somthing was on your plate and you polished off what was ever served up....with the words muttered "eat slower" ringing in your ears.....make yourselves busy and learn the old ways...when the shit hits....we will be ready
31 March 2013, 17:13,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
"The Depression" was a bit before my time (even if some of you DO think i'm ancientBig Grin), it was then that my 2 uncles moved off the farm and emmigrated to Canada. the 20s and 30s were bad here too and in Europe, after all that is what gave rise to hitler and the Nazis. i can only imagine what WW2 was like-i wasnt born until a few years after it, but everything was still rationed (even sweets) until 1953. i can only imagine what it would be like if rationing was brought back in, but i dont think a lot of people would stand for it these days, we've got a lot of people who have the attitude "whats in it for me" & "i want it and i want it NOW", how many people have you seen elbowing themselves to the front of a queue in a shop? so i dont think rationing would work.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
31 March 2013, 19:39,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
I can remember all you post about S.S,.. my grandparents lived this way, and my parents to a slightly lesser degree,..and I never once heard a complaint

Going back to the list of things we would lose, I agree with them all except for the last one,.. `Hope`, people always have hope, if not hope for an end to hard times, then hope that tomorrow will be better,..after all hope is what makes people continue and eventually come out the other side
A major part of survival is invisibility.
31 March 2013, 20:05,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
Well HL my grandparents drumed it into me....i don,t know why just me out of all my brothers....maybe i my interest was higher ...but its stuck by me and served me well...i continue to do all the things they taught me...and the help of a great wife...whom can also make a meal from a fly,s arse....i long for those days to come back (as you can tell in my posts ) the best i can do is teach my grandchildren...any anyone else who will listen....just because you may have little money and no material worth does not mean your life is hopeless....and by the way i never heard a complaint either...they just got on with it
31 March 2013, 20:20,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
Welcome to my world! I learned those old fashioned skills when I was a nipper. Still hoard material for making clothes, quilts and whatever; have a very large sewing box (and know how to use it); cook from scratch every day; grow and eat our own food. Do I feel deprived because we don't have holidays, fancy cars or any of the so-called necessities (luxuries!)? Nope.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
31 March 2013, 20:21,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
I was always interested in history, and was fortunate to be able to have some long conversations with my maternal grandfather before he died in the early 1960's about what it was like to raise 3 children in the "Great Depression". The one thing that "Pop" kept hammering on is that "cash is king". Note that he said "cash", not credit or a large bank balance. In fact, he lost a large amount of money when the bank he did business with failed. From then on he kept accounts in several different banks, and when he died, it was found that he had a substantial quantity of cash in a large safe in the basement of the house.
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
1 April 2013, 18:33,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
The Great Depression was far enough before the article writer's time to not have any connection between imagination and history. This twirp's greatest fear is that he will lose his video game time!

First off, they always write about and show pictures of the poor and unemployed and homeless, never mentioning that 80% of the population still had jobs, still had homes and still had money to spend.

Second, This writer has lost touch with reality of todays work load. As a self employed person I was already working 16 hour days and never taking vacations back in the 1980s and 1990s which everyone considers fantastic times! Fery few successful people in any era have worked 8 hour days, had weekends off, taken long holidays and gotten rich!

And the bit about no leisure time!!!! Some of the greatest literature, theatre and music we have came out of the last great depression!

Leisure time is what you do with the moments you have free! Personally, I have traveled more during this recession than before due to the reduced travel rates I have found.

Over here the actual unemployment rate, all people total out of work, is higher than it was in the GD.

The banking industry DID collapse, and the safeguards imposed after the last GD insured our deposits as was intended.

The social safety net we installed in the past 70 years eliminated the hobo, the migrant worker and the displaced homeless of the last GD.

We have just gone through a depression as intense as what happened in the 1930s, but few people realize the GD of the 1930s was not the worst the U.S. economy has suffered. Our nation has gone through at least 5 huge recessions and the one that occurred from 1836-1846 (yes that was eighteen hundreds) was worse than any before or since.

All the previous depressions were soaked up by our frontier. If one failed one could always move west. Bug out overnight with wife and kids, change the name and start over! No SSI number to track you, no credit report, no DNA and no finger print records.

Many of our leading frontier citizens were only one step ahead of the law most of their days

Most people in the U.S. can not imagine going through one of these recession cycles with no bankrupcy laws in force and debtor's prison and the workhouse/poorhouse just around the corner.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
1 April 2013, 21:17,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
Yes MB but there was no food coupons then now ...over here now you can get a Fifty pounds in an emergency ..not they can monitor what you spend it banks are now opening across the uk at the rate of 1 per week.....i had to laugh last year Nobody in gov could understand why the GDP went down But employment was up........cause everybody has to hold down 2 or 3 jobs ....i gave up shouting at the TV cause it made OH give me the look...and made my throat as now debt over GDP is 900 % so i understand....face it we are f.cked
1 April 2013, 22:09,
RE: you will lose these things in the next great depression
Weve had a food bank open in our town for over a year, and until recently the only people using it were those who worked few hours for low wages because their benefit top ups were either poor or non existant and they would have been better off unemployed.
in the last 3 months or so its changed a lot
now its people with good jobs and decent wages having to use it.
Theres definitely something not right when hardworking people with good jobs are having to que for a few tins and a loaf of bread.
sometimes it feals like ive gone insane.

Its certainly Hard Times.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson

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