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20 January 2012, 15:00,
I've found a course on how to make soap.

I'll take the course (after a few pay days) then I'll give a summary to everyone on how it's done.

Might even show how it's done at an outdoor RV, but you've got to say please. haha.
20 January 2012, 15:27,
RE: Soap
Look forward to it but prioritise remomber. Soap is cheap, stores for a very long time and instructions are available for when you need it. £65 buys a lot of soap.

Just the way I'm thinking for your situation.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 January 2012, 15:28,
RE: Soap
Ooops. Ignore the £65 part. Substitute whatever it costs.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
20 January 2012, 16:51,
RE: Soap
I hear what you're saying.

I plan to have a large group in the Bristol area working together. The soap we have will probably wear out quite quickly. So it would probably be worth knowing.

I'm thinking, something happens and we have to BO, soap is really heavy, so I'd rather not carry it around. Better to make your own on site, than it would be to carry a ton of it with you.
20 January 2012, 17:00,
RE: Soap
I'm not gonna bother with soap post SHTF. I don't want people to be able to smell my perfumed nogging from 5 miles away when I'm trying to hide in some bushes and recce a compound or building.

An eco friendly alternative to soap is the root of the soap-wort plant. Simply boil up the whole plant in about 500ml (17 floz) of water, cool, then strain into a spray bottle. Use it as you would liquid soap.

Soap-wort can be grown from seed in most soils but it is very invasive once established, so beware.
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

20 January 2012, 17:07,
RE: Soap
That's a good bit of information Mr Jones.....or should I say Doctor Livingstone!?!?!? Yeah, your secret it out.

But seriously, that's awesome to know.

I'm still going to learn to make soap, simply because it will stop fungal growth in regions that no man want's any weird growth. Also, I think the soaps would probably be pretty nutral smelling. BO, or POOP would be strong smells and, in my opinion, more likely to alert people of my presence.
20 January 2012, 17:16,
RE: Soap
Before chemical corporations started to make 'soap' people used soap-wort. it does what it says on the tin Scythe. It's soap. No B.O. No Poop smell. simples!

Quicker and cleaner than making chemical soap. in my book it's a bit of a no brainer.

Give me the joys and abundance of nature over the smoke and chemicals of corporations anyday!
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

20 January 2012, 17:20,
RE: Soap
I kind of feel like the odd one out.

I'm a total urbanite. I love city life, even though I'm living in a rural area right now.

I understand the huge dangers with city life though. That's why I've not moved into Bristol itself.
20 January 2012, 17:27,
RE: Soap

2tbsp fresh or 1tbsp of dried Basil leaves
2tbsp fresh or 1tbsp of dried loveage leaves
1 pint of water.

Put all the leaves into the water and bring to the boil, simmer with a lid on for 5 minutes.
meanwhile sterelize a jar and allow to cool.
Take the pan with the leaves and water off the heat and allow to cool with the lid on
Strain the liquid into the jar and throw or compost the leaves.
To apply, dip a flannel into the liquid and dab under your arms or put into a mister and spray under your arms

Perfect deodorant as nature intended (sort of)
There's no Justice, There's Just Us.

20 January 2012, 17:29,
RE: Soap
I'm loving these!!!

Keep em coming!!!

I'm going to be smelling pretty after TSHTF!!!

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